I'm trying to deploy Direct Access with Server 2012 to replace my finicky 2008R2/TMG direct access install. I've got a new 2012 VM spun up. It's sitting on the edge and I'm logged in as the domain admin. The role is installed, but the getting started wizard/remote access management console...
This is a network file server - are Z:\ and Y:\ the local paths on the server? Or the drive letters used by clients when mapping to these shares? If the former, I don't understand why they're relevant - just recreate the share Scans in the shared folder and you'll have the same relative...
No, a $ hides it from everyone. Just give users links to their shared folders and set the shared folder permissions so only the assigned user has access. This way, even if Tom guesses Mary's folder name, he won't see get into it.
No, there's no feasible way to crack WPA2-PSK, certainly not for a 9 year old.
If you have physical access to the router, it's trivial to reset it / log in and turn off wireless security.
Why don't you ask your uncle (or nephew if you aren't exactly on speaking terms with your uncle) exactly...
Not sure, but don't get confused with the /console part. If you're using a client 6.1 or higher, /console is ignored - it's the same as mstsc by itself.
It's definitely great. As has been said, IT is mostly hands on experience with systems and real world issues. A CS/CSE background is solid for IT - understanding the theory and fundamentals is of great, albeit indirect, utility. Plus, with a CS degree and practical IT knowledge you can do...
Same thing at my new place. I just punched em down to a double gang keystone plate and used short patch cables to the switch. Oddly enough, in my 10 years as a sysadmin, I've never had to punch down cable. It's dead simple with solid core wiring (which your builder should have used).
The Honewell 6280 z-wave controller seems pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S0Ljk1brlek
That's what I'm planning to get, then expand out with keyless/NFC door locks, cameras, water sensors, etc.
DHCP clients never 'see' the server.
Use netmon to pin down where the problem is. The client is making the discovery; you need to see what offers are made in response, whether the client makes a request and whether the server acknowledges...
lol @ Ye Olde being call an antagonist. Really lol'd at 'come at me bro'.
Seriously though, if you're spending more time updating/repairing/securing your PC than you do using it, you're doing something wrong.
No, they won't see the username or the URL. That's all part of the HTTP header, which is encrypted. If the whole session is over SSL it shouldn't leak visits to other pages/etc, but depending on the implementation on the site's end, they might only secure authentication/cookie exchange, not...
I'm not going to type out a step by step write up, but you need to
1. Define the protocol - 22559 TCP
2. Create a server publishing rule (non-web protocols) and do your mapping from external IP to internal IP there.
www.isaserver.org is a good resource too.
I have the older RP220s and the Wireless ZL controller and don't have an issue at all like that with our Win7 laptops. OS X isn't in the mix at all though.
Is the IP of the nameserver responsible for davis.local (the one from the dns-server line mentioned above)? If so, can you ping that server? It sounds like this traffic isn't making it over the tunnel (although other traffic obviously is, which is means I could be wrong).
Wow, how douchey of you. I'm sure they'd prefer to not be hired by you.
It's fine to think their way is stupid/inefficient. It's not fine to belittle them (especially when it works), and it's not fine act like a condescending know-it-all with a vague reference that you know the 'MS best...
Exactly. As someone in IT with friends in the restaurant business, it's nowhere near the same type of demands. I can ask for a week and a half off without a problem. It's tough for my restaurant friends to get two consecutive days off, let alone a week. Their hours are often ridiculous and...
Why would he do that? Then you can't have the DHCP service dynamically register DNS records for the clients. The clients should do it automatically (2k+), but still. In the TCP/IP properties of one of the affected clients - is 'Register this connection's addresses in DNS' checked? Are all...
Because mail.iceteks.net isn't a subdomain, it's a host, so the DNS server returns the SOA record for iceteks.net. Your mx record for iceteks.net appears fine.
Whoops, indeed (Even though it's been a while, my brain is still used to the old vbul layout). Although a bump after 10 hours, still on the front page (edit: at default forums settings) and still to hit everyone during the work day is excessive, but not deserving the intensity of my original...
Why is it a wrong icon? If you don't have anything plugged into the ethernet port, then it's by definition disconnected. If it really bothers you, hide the icon or disable the interface.
And seriously, don't fucking bump your post after 30 minutes for a ridiculously trivial issue. You'd...
Yeah, unless your e-mail is FAILING an SPF check (which won't happen if you don't have a SPF record), SPF won't cause you spam classification issues. It's not a bad idea to have a record,but it probably won't fix the underlying issue.
Just came across this with a coworker - Verizon support installed it as part of their suite during a troubleshooting session. Of course they neglected to store the admin credentials, so the user couldn't browse the web on any non-administrator account because they couldn't configure the...
If you can't get away with a C level title, make yourself the director of technology or something. Granted, you don't manage anyone, but you do everything and are vitally important.
I use it. We have legacy BE licenses for the VMs themselves (agent/exchange/sql) and back up that way on a daily basis. On the weekends I use the VMware Virtual Management Assistant to dump all non application vmdks to an NFS store, then I include that NFS store as part of my full weekly...
Does anyone have an IronPort web security device? I need some help testing some javascript in our primary web app that IronPorts are blocking and don't have access to one.
We use a HP Wireless Controller module in our 5400zl switch. The APs are PoE Procurve 220s and 230s. Once the initial config was done, I just plug them in and the controller automatically adopts them. We have multiple SSIDs that dump into different VLANs - it all works pretty well.