I totally agree. On some boards I have to try several distros before Linux installs properly. I realize the variety of video cards, HDD/SSD, and CPU combinations are difficult to plan for, but if they can do it for Win8, it would be nice if they did it for Linux. I would certainly buy a board...
Last time I paid for cable was in probably 2004. Never had enough money to pay for the luxury when I was young and I've gone so long without it, I just don't care for it.
I work in an industry that has relations with with video production and journalism. I was surprised during a meeting...
Don't forget the cost of combat pay, separation pay, special duty pays, and, of course, litigation costs including sexual harassment lawsuits. IMO, this only makes sense and it will be highly cost effective as long as we wish to participate in wars.
I don't understand the reason why the metro has to be forced down the throats of users. MS must think that we'll all get confused if we use the traditional desktop interface on a PC and the metro interface on tablets/phones. Why not allow users the option of a Win7 type interface (full start...
Wow, a new OS that is much like the old one, wonder why it takes so long to introduce it? Maybe they need to add more backdoors to spy on grandma typing an email.a
Price the single greatest predictor of customer demand. Get enough people to try a Chromebook and Windows will be and "Office" product only, IMO.
CowBoom has a 11.6 inch Chromebook for $120 today.
Thrill of the hunt? Limit it to 20 and people will clamor to get one. I had to get rid of an old mattress once. Found out that leaving it outside for free didn't entice people to take it, so I put a $20 price tag on it- it was "stolen" in less than an hour. Make it seem like it's a "steal,"...
Same here. Most of the people I work with (we all get work laptops) want a Mac and you can see the difference in frustration- PC folks who didn't know enough to request a Mac are pulling their hair out, meanwhile Mac folks don't know what the fuss is all about.
If a family member or friend...
Ahhh, why aren't they doing this? That is a great idea! Why spend $300,000+ on tablets when at least one person on any table will have a smart phone or tablet?
Very true, but if the employees at your company are anything like the ones I work with, they need to lose files to learn the importance of backing it up. With Google Docs it saves on it's own, constantly. But even backing up using Dropbox requires and internet connection, so we are back to...
Fair enough, you can't use Google Docs offline, but "most" people work on a paper, report, ect in a wifi area. Students on campus have access to wifi everywhere- heck even the quads have wifi access. In the office, most businesses have wifi.
I've used OpenOffice and LibraOffice for quite a...
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS still gets updates and works really well on older hardware. I won't put Win7 on a machine with less than 2GB of RAM. I just put Ubuntu (using Unity) for a older couple's virus ridden Win7 laptop. I don't like Unity, but the big buttons on the left are perfect for less savvy...
Nope, I had one and got rid of it. No apps and crashes constantly. I never could get Evernote to run without crashing in 30 seconds.
Maybe the Pro version is better with support of x86 applications, but the RT does not support desktop applications like chrome. It's funny because there was a...
Not as much as if they were using a Windows OS (anyone else catch the Ubuntu computer controlling the drones?). If they were using Win8, there would have been far more crashes. :D
So if it's created through decay (alpha particle) of radioactive material, can't we make more using our vast supply of radioactive waste? Seems simple enough; one alpha particle, add a splash (two) electrons, done- helium. :D
If I see another person texting while driving, I run up to their car, steal their phone and make long distance calls on it!
The likelihood of you ever being hurt by a stunt rider is so small, meanwhile your chance of being hit by a driver on a phone/device is so much higher. I'd be happy to...
Ever since texting became popular, I hated the idea that others were texting while I was driving nearby. How dare they answer a text about whether they can attend Ms. Blah's birthday party at the risk of my life! Meanwhile, if I got a text, I would have to check if it was an emergency or if I...
Did you see the size of this building? Are those air conditioning units?
With such a symbol of might, you'd never think that we are days away from default...
I'm with you. Most of the stuff on TV is garbage anyway.
Why anyone pays for cable is beyond me. You'll spend 33% of your time watching commercials; you should be the one getting paid, not the cable company.
Complaining about what caused us to bump into the debt ceiling is akin to spouses arguing about whose fault it is that the electricity has been turned off since they couldn't pay the bill. Our problem isn't about any particular program (although I'm not a fan of ObamaCare), this is about a...
As a former RT owner and frequent flyer, I just hope the pilots don't crash nearly as often as the apps do on the Surface. About the only thing that would work reliably was netflix, but even that was with screen distortions. I'm not flying Delta if I can help it.
Ballmer may have had to trust the "geeks" for the technical aspects of Win8, but he certainly influenced the false notions that the OS was selling like "hot cakes." We all are aware of the standard operating procedures of MS: put out product, lie about sales, lie some more, keep lies going...
It would be interesting if Brazil made it's own set of protocols to prevent NSA spying. Heck, they could make improvements that make the net safer (encryption everywhere) and faster.
Remember when making long-distance phone calls was expensive? When even a call to another US state was...
Intel agencies are plentiful. As stated the CIA, but don't forget DIA, FBI, and the DOD. I would suspect the DOJ and State Department also assist in these efforts.
Privacy is necessary in some of the most important things we do. When you vote you have the right to privacy, but not anonymity (the old ladies at the desk mark your name off). Our votes are tabulated to give us anonymity. Want to see if that rash is just a rash? Wouldn't you like some...
Nice argument CreepyUncleGoogle! Those who have the most creepy stuff to hide will likely be the first to call for more privacy. This is an very old argument but you certainly make it sound original and even inspiring. For the most part you may be right; the chatter we read in forums and in...
Generally, any secret surveillance program loses its potential to be effective when the target knows about the surveillance. Imagine a police stakeout on a crackhouse if all the dealers knew the police were watching. So who's the target?