I ran the Heaven benchmark and Prime95 (these were originally used to test this case and can serve as a baseline reference) simultaneously for a half hour at 2560 x 1440 resolution.
CPU: Maximum: 76 C . . . Average: 59 C
GPU: Maximum: 59 C . . . Average: 50 C
Ambient temperature: 21.7 C
Thank you very much. You are spot on--I started thinking about the build in the late summer or early autumn of 2019, and acquiring parts then as well. The connectors and associated motherboard headers that you reference are for fans and the pump. They are Noctua extension cables which have...
While we have some extra time, thought I’d share some photographs of my recently completed M1 build. The hallmark feature is a top-mounted radiator. This build is a dual radiator build, and thus, it also has a second radiator located in the bottom of the case. This build is a continuing...
Load (running Prime 95 and Heaven simultaneously), see Post 65, Post 64 and Post 63. I'll try to run a gaming session for more typical load results. I should be able to provide idle results too. IF I'm really motivated, I might detach the bottom radiator and test temperatures with only the...
An example of a full length GPU used in tandem with a full ATX 140mm power supply and dual radiators can be viewed here: NCASE M1: a crowdfunded Mini-ITX case (updates in first post)']Post 11361[/URL] and NCASE M1: a crowdfunded Mini-ITX case (updates in first post)']Post 11884[/URL].
Good looking build. The silver fittings and black tubing look sharp. Your use of quick disconnect fittings is something that I've been contemplating. What's been your experience?
Good to see that this thread is no longer on a temporary server. I imagine that the size of the thread was a contributing factor to the demise (or ?) of the prior server. ;)
Pricing information for the liquid cooling components in the subject computer (21278) follows. As you can see, liquid cooling components can add signicant cost to the total price of a system.
Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
As you surmise, the sound in the video from the pump and fan is as loud as it will ever be. It is the worst case scenario. In gaming usage, which is far less taxing on the computer than simultaneously running Heaven and Prime95, I expect lower temperatures and correspondingly lower fan rpms...
I'm not sure how to "objectively" describe sound. So, if you care to listen, this is a video (shot with an iPhone SE) of the fan and pump noise from the subject computer 21278. At the time, it was simultaneously running the Heaven benchmark at 1440 x 900 resolution and Prime95 for the purpose...
More leak testing results:
I again ran the Heaven benchmark and Prime95 simultaneously for an hour at 1440 x 900 resolution. After the hour, I reset HWInfo and continued to run Heaven and Prime95 for another half hour. I refrained from using the computer during the half hour, except to...
Yes, I'll provide information about component costs--in some form or another. There is little doubt in my mind that liquid cooling increases the cost of the build. And, liquid cooling increases the weight of the computer. This build is amusingly heavy.
Yes, I'll share temperature and...
This dual radiator build, where one of the radiators is located in the bottom of the case, is a continuing evolution of earlier iterations: 14851
Design objectives or considerations:
Liquid cooling
Pump inside the case
Reservoir inside the case
Dual radiators
Full length GPU
Minimal case...
For my dual 240mm radiator build, I used a 27mm radiator in the bottom of the case, under the GPU. See Posts 14851 and 14852. Specifically, I used the Darkside LP240 Extra Slim radiator (27.5mm thick). As an alternative, the Magicool G2 Slim 240mm radiator (27mm thick) is available.
Powerful but small (mini-ITX small) GPU card, the AMD Radeon R9 Nano: http://www.anandtech.com/show/9564/amd-announces-radeon-r9-nano-shipping-september-10th
Conclusion of the following review of the Silverstone SX600-G SFX power supply: Keep it cool: http://www.anandtech.com/show/9549/the-silverstone-sx600g-sfx-psu-review .
Conclusion of the following review of the Silverstone SX600-G: Keep it cool: http://www.anandtech.com/show/9549/the-silverstone-sx600g-sfx-psu-review .
I tested the cooling performance of this computer, Posts 14851, 14852, by running the following test for a half hour: Prime95 Version 28.5 Version 2 with Heaven Benchmark 4.0 (Resolution: 1920 x 1200).
Ambient Temperature: Approximately 20.556°C
Test results, as measured by HWiNFO64...
I tested the cooling performance of this computer, Post 63, by running the following test for a half hour: Prime95 Version 28.5 Version 2 with Heaven Benchmark 4.0 (Resolution: 1920 x 1200).
Ambient Temperature: Approximately 20.556°C
Test results, as measured by HWiNFO64, were:
I used the Darkside LP240 Extra Slim radiator (27.5mm thick) in my recent dual 240 radiator build. See posts 14851 and 14852.
As an alternative, the Magicool G2 Slim 240mm radiator (27mm thick) is available for sale in the United States . It may be available for sale in Europe as well.
Component information for Post 63.
Case: M1 NCase, Version 2 (Thank you again Necere and Wahaha360) https://www.ncases.com/
Power Supply: Silverstone SX600-G http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=524&area=en (I removed the stamped fan grill. Yes, the fan chirps like a bird...
At the request of WiSK: 14854
This dual radiator build, where one of the radiators is located in the bottom of the case, is a continuing evolution of earlier iterations: 11884.
You may notice that this build is a derivation of one of Necere's earlier conceptions: 1635.
Side View...
Component information for post 14851:
Case: M1 NCase, Version 2 (Thank you again Necere and Wahaha360) https://www.ncases.com/
Power Supply: Silverstone SX600-G http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=524&area=en (I removed the stamped fan grill. Yes, the fan chirps like a...
This dual radiator build, where one of the radiators is located in the bottom of the case, is a continuing evolution of earlier iterations: 11884.
You may notice that this build is a derivation of one of Necere's earlier conceptions: 1635.
Side View
Bottom Radiator...
The NCase M1 is tiny, but is able to support an internal radiator(s) and a longer video card. All other mini-ITX cases that I can find, which support longer video cards, are larger. To illustrate, see the following non-exhaustive list of mini-ITX cases: