Chase PaymentTech
Website Payments Pro.
Payflow Pro - although it appears they are beginning to phase this out as it used to be a verisign app.
I'm wanting to overclock my B3 Q6600 at home. I made a thread about this previously, and to some people, my CPU seems to be running warm at stock. I have an arctic freezer 7 pro, and my idle temps run at about 47C, 62C or so at load. Granted, I put in new thermal paste over the weekend, so...
sounds like the problem I had. What I did the 1st time around is buy some new thermal compound since the stock stuff didn't apply too well. Temps went down from there.
I have an older Chieftec Dragon case, so compared to today's cases, the airflow isn't all that good. The office in which the PC sits also happens to be the warmest room in the house come afternoon, as the sun directly hits the room through a single-paned window (ugh, i know).
I have 5 case...
UPDATE - I reapplied the heatsink with some new thermal compound. I set the multiplier back to 9x, and idle is now about 40c. Load is about 72c max. I like what I am seeing, but I'm still going to get a new heatsink this weekend when I get a chance to mess around. Thanks, guys
Okay guys, it looks like the multiplier in BIOS was only set to 6x. I set it to 9x, and the temps were not running good at all. It's running 44c now in idle, but when I ran Prime95, the temps went above 80C.
I was going to look in getting a new heatsink anyhows, hopefully I can run better...
For some reason the core speed will never go above 1600 MHz.
This is a shot I took when running Prime95. Could anyone tell me what gives? Running stock cooler.
EDIT: mobo is Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L
I have the xbox360 version - this thing is great. One button to turn on three devices.
Yes, the Scientific Atlanta boxes and motorola boxes (TWC, Comcast) do work with this remote.
the autocomplete=off flag is irrelevant based on the OP's question.
The user needs to go into browser settings (in IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, look for any Autocomplete stuff) and turn it off.
iansilv - Just because you wants autocomplete off, it also doesn't mean that...
When I first started off in web design, it used to be Dreamweaver.
As I started doing some programming, then I moved to Homesite. It was pretty old, but it had support for ASP, Javascript and cold fusion. Now I use Visual Studio 05 exclusively.
I am going to assume that the 2405FPW is not running at native resolution. Doesn't the monitor resample (maybe more like reconvert) the image displayed?
I'd consider redoing the banner. The Arrow logo needs to be sharper, and the images make the banner too busy. I'd also get rid of the "Since 1930" subbanner, and incorporate that into the main banner.
As for the nav on the left, I'd put at least alt tags on those images to improve search...
As a current web developer, 2 screens are very benefical to me. It effectively increases productitivity by 50% in my case.
I use one screen for coding, Photoshop, and Flash, and use the other for Outlook, website testing, running databases (Access, SQL Server), and server access.
One of two things: (provided the mitsubishi can take 720p, which it should)
If the xbox 360 is set to 1080i, then the 360 upconverts the game into 1080i, which in turn gets upconverted again into 1080p by the mitsubishi.
If the xbox 360 is set to 720p, then the game outputs at 720p, only...
I have a 5200 here at work, supports the 1920x1200 res. Yours should, too.
Personally to me, the games on the original Xbox in 480p look like crap. 720p is better (for the games that do support it). Get the 2405 for the workspace, not for you to play Xbox games on.
Here's a dynamic solution:
<% dim str
str = "See-Tom-Run"
' Returns first character position of the first dash
mod1 = InStr(str,"-")
'mod2 eliminates all characters (including the first dash) before the dash
mod2 = right(str,(len(str)-mod1))
'mod3 figures out the string position...
First, check for the file, and follow appropriate logic thereafter - then you write to the file
dim attachfile ''''the path of the attachment file
attachfile = "C:\MyFiles\mystuff\myfile.ext"
IF NOT fs.FileExists(attachfile)
'''write to file logic
You can't use the request object.
Use the FileSystemObject in order to write the file to a directory, then recall that file name using the code above.
There are different ways to do this. (I am assuming that all questions will be on one page?)
1.) Use Javascript and the onClick event to write the answer to a temporary table.
2.) Throw the answers into session with the onClick event...
I've been a part of a particular game community for a long time; so I've received numerous benefits from it.
1.) By throwing game tournaments (and being the director) - I've learned to mulittask better, become a leader in making the decisions, and learn the process in making an event...
16:10 (1920*1200 on a 2405FPW)
1. Better field of view - you see more going on
2. Games like WoW - they offer more real estate for mods and stuff
3. More attuned to natural human perception.
I was a WoW player, once. I even got a 2405fpw for that reason alone. But I found out that WoW took up my time; TOO much of it. So I quit.
I wasn't going to pick up a 360, but I bought into the hype, and luckily, I was able to score one before Christmas. Glad I bought it. I have three...
Hard to say. I currently develop in both ColdFusion and ASP, and we're going to take the move to ASP (and .NET) because ColdFusion can't handle a large amount of websites like we do here and would choke several times a day (yes, with optimized code).
With Adobe's acquisition of Macromedia...
An alternative:
download the object ASPExec (it's free) from the link provided
use the example for reference