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  1. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    How does it not make sense? The table is too big, maybe if I had 3 screens. What am gonna do is cut it down and put two huge house plants next to either side of the desk so when i play far cry or crsis i'll feel like i'm really in a jungle
  2. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Coz then it'll just looks shit cause of all the wasted space, it'll look miles better when it's cut down and it'll be cosier, plus I don't like owning stuff that I need two people to carry.
  3. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Got a 4K monitor, gonna cut the desk down as it's only me who uses the computer now.
  4. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Fuck that 30hz, and more real estate? You mean bigger pixels, increased PPI and lower resolution. Ewww. *edit, just noticed it's 3840x2160, holy shit i eat my words, shame about the 30hz still.
  5. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    The only problem with one big screen is lack of FOV.
  6. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Nice, clean. I love the big fitting block desk but I don't know how I feel about plants on top of speakers, I tried that myself but always doesn't look right.
  7. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    That is just too much, I think there is actually a limit and you crossed it. Could of built your own desk too instead of cheaping out on the ikeas and bodging them together. Soon we will have monitors that big and outspread.
  8. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    That pig is awesome I want one, did you just get extremely lucky on craiglist? How much does it cost to feed him every week?
  9. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Hahahaha omg I want a pig as a pet, I'm a vegan so he needn't worry about me eating his pork chop ass.
  10. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Very nice choice of keyboard and monitor but the speakers are ugly as hell in my opinion, I prefer a cleaner looking speaker, Monitor Audio RX1 for example. Your keyboard and monitor are nice clean minimal with sharp edges, like they are cut out of stone, those speakers you chose look like cheap...
  11. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I was fixated on PLP for nearly a year and when I finally got it the experience was awesome but I sold it in the end for 120hz because gaming on 60hz is way too slow for me and I got the Asus 144hz and you'd have to kill me for it.
  12. B

    Which monitor for gaming?!

    Asus VG278HE come on it's simple, I sold U3011 for that monitor, it's worth it, so good for games no blur easy to shoot.
  13. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Man you need to upgrade lol
  14. B

    What monitor am I looking for here?

    I would buy that but the stand...
  15. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Two very good speakers ;) U3011 my friend is buying it at the end of the month then I'll pick up the Asus VG278HE though I HATE the glossy bezel and ugly stand, probs gonna debezel it and sling the stand in the bin.
  16. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I was considering it but the ppi is too different and one thing that bugged me about PLP is I have to have my speakers way too far apart. Back to single monitor with speakers either side and it sounds awesome again.
  17. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I've just sold my PLP getting a 27" 120hz monitor instead, PLP was sweet but 60hz can blow me.
  18. B

    PLP and Gaming

    Check your task manager displayfusion 4.3 is giving me 100% cpu spikes on core 1 which causes lag when dragging windows around the desktop, didn't happen is 4.1. You will want a desk larger than 3feet long and 75cm depth, try here
  19. B

    for the square ratio monitor lovers.

  20. B

    3x 120Hz Eyefinity Portrait Setup

    Wow that's amazing good to know someone else did this, I gotta try it, is it okay for watching movies on? Hey Vega are you still using this monitor setup?
  21. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    But it's only £1566.93 per month. It's slightly worse according to tftcentral the reviewer said it was small but there. I'm selling the U3011 to my friend for £600 and waiting for a good 27" 120hz, doesn't have to be 1440p. U3011 is way overpriced for what it is anyways.
  22. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T? Put your money away...
  23. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    I understand but I can feel the difference very easily and this U3011 is not good for online gaming, yeah great for single player but not fast online games. Not possible unless you got over 10k free
  24. B

    U3011 and Xbox 360 Image Quality Issue

    Set the monitor to aspect, best you can do. The native resolution is 2560x1600 so 720p is twice below the monitors resolution, if I set my desktop as that it looks horrid from computer viewing distances.
  25. B

    Which is better? a proper monitor or a HD TV?

    Face it plugging a computer into a TV looks like crap, even 27" at 1080p, everything gets blown up and fuzzy.
  26. B

    Which is better? a proper monitor or a HD TV?

    TV for watching TV and monitor for computer use.
  27. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    Have you tried it? Which is the best 120hz for gaming?
  28. B

    Samsung Syncmaster S27B550 Thread

    Sorry dude I haven't even heard of it until now and I can't find any useful information on it :S How much did you get it for?
  29. B

    S27A950D or Dell U2713HM

    I'm going from U3011 to this or the BenQ for 120hz.
  30. B

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I love the look of that room the plant really sets it of.
  31. B

    Samsung Syncmaster S27B550 Thread

    Just looks like a TV, nothing special about it by the looks of it.
  32. B

    3x 120Hz Eyefinity Portrait Setup

    Selling my PLP setup for this, are you still using it Vega? Also how do they compare to the BenQ xl2420t in terms of input lag and responsiveness?
  33. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    Yes because TN is faster. 120" screen holy **** I'll hate the BenQ for movies but meh.
  34. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    Okay I'm gonna do it, can't believe it as I dreamed about PLP for over a year and finally only just got it. Should have change for a GTX680 too which is cool. What do you watch movies on? TV?
  35. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    Don't you miss the side screens though? I have foobar on one and steam on the other, so good. Don't you miss 16:10? Why did you sell your PLP, for 120hz or downsizing?
  36. B

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Anyone know a good CRT that does 120hz and is cheap? NEed it for csgo
  37. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    Not around here we only have places like curries and richersounds. Do you think it's worth it with your S23A750D?
  38. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    Nice post but I don't want the best all-round gaming monitor I want the fastest regardless of colour. I wouldn't drop from U3011 to get a little faster but the BenQ seems perfect for Counter Strike and Quake, very precision driven games. I remember going to a fast TN panel before and people say...
  39. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    I don't want to go Korean as they are IPS and overclocking them to 120hz defeats the purpose as you need fast TN pixels and low input lag to make 120hz smooth. I think one 7970 is fine for 120hz. I've looked at the others but I want the BenQ as it's the fastest monitor and as good as it gets...
  40. B

    Am I crazy going from U3011 to XL2420T?

    So you chose best of both worlds, do you just use the 120hz for gaming or is the U3011 become obsolete for you?