No options anywhere indicated or marked in Magician or the flashing utility. No text fields to type anything. If there's a way to access an option, it is hidden and undocumented.
Hey all.
TLDR: How the hell do you FORCE a firmware flash on a Sammy 950 Pro M.2 drive?
Full version:
I recently attempted a firmware update on my 512 GB Samsung 950 Pro NVMe M.2 SSD using Samsung Magician, and after the required reboot for the flash, I can't boot into windows. Windows...
Hey all.
Been surprised how hard it is to find the combination of features I want at a reasonable price point.
Must haves:
- large screen (bigger is better) with good image quality for video playback / reading
- microSD card support for forthcoming 1TB+ cards
- standard headphone jack
- good...
Hey all.
Hoping someone with more computer science book learnin' can explain why my Rift keeps taking a dump on me. I'm doing room scale HMD + sensors, so 1 HDMI and 4 USB ports total (at least 3 USB 3.0 ports, ideally). Currently running into the issue on my Gigabyte Pheonix SLI x99 with my...
Informative video. Thanks for the share.
It also reminded me of a sad fact... that so much news and more traditional media outlets do such a poor job of informing (or sometimes just outright misinform) the public, that we need people like this guy (and satirists along the lines of John Oliver's...
If you plan on exclusively gaming at 1080p and not using your PC for pretty much anything else ever, get an intel chip. If you have gobs and gobs of money and are doing heavy multi-threaded loads which would benefit from a 2%-5% performance gain for twice the cost of an AMD solution, go with...
Hey all.
I'm thinking of finding a new team since the one I've been in for the last decade or so is an organization I really have nothing to do with (a university that's not my alma mater). Kinda looking for a new team to maybe talk nerdy with now and again and maybe participate in some of the...
Hey everyone.
I have two older systems hanging around. My GF is pressuring me to get rid of one of them (and I could use the money). The kept system will mostly be used for BOINCing, as a media server, and for infrequent gaming by the GF. Maybe the occasional web browsing and light office use...
I only want bluetooth for mouse and external speakers for music listening :p
I just like being able to do everything.
Thus far, the Gigabyte has been solid. I was doing inventory of systems I've been running... it looks like 3 of my 4 boards are gigabyte now (and one asus). Of the three older...
I've done this manually in the past, but was thinking about finding an easier way to change the boot screen on my Gigabyte Z170N-Gaming 5 mITX motherboard.
Gigabyte makes this program called "-at sign-Bios" which has a "Face wizard" that's supposed to do just that (change the boot graphic)...
I've had good experiences with the last Gigabyte board I bought for my i7-6700k, and it has fewer reviews of toasted CPUs, so I think I'll give them another go. Good feature set on the pheonix, and I don't plan on any aggressive overclocking for the workstation, so I feel it's a relatively safe...
Short version:
I could use suggestions on a solid x99 board that's not terribly expensive (around $300 ideally, with $400 being near the top of my price ceiling) for my i7-6850k.
Thus far, I've boiled it down to the following three motherboards (unless I discover some new one I overlooked)...
I've historically liked Asus as well. Based on the litany of bad reviews for the same problems on Newegg and Amazon, I'm really wondering if I need to avoid them for the time being. In general, I've noticed a dearth of very well received 2011-v3 motherboards on major web stores, with CPU...
Hey everyone. So, the thread title is pretty self-explanatory. I'm looking to do a new-build with black everything and blue accents. I'd love to find a very quiet heatsink that happens to be black that I could either put on a blue LED fan or that comes with a blue LED fan. A good heatsink is...
Hey all.
So, I'm looking to do a build around my i7-6850k and I've encountered a surprising number of bad reviews / complaints about Asus x99 motherboards toasting their CPUs and/or needing multiple RMAs.
I was considering going with an ASUS board, despite the X99-A having some recurring...
Hey all. I'm trying to attach some additional HDDs to my computer (non-RAID), but the ASM1061 SATA slots seem non-functional. The user manual says there should be a option in onboard devices to toggle the ASM1061 Storage Controller on or off, but no such option exists in the BIOS. Am I...
I'm trying to clear up some clutter / could use some money for some unexpected expenses, so I'm trying to sell off some of my older parts.
I have two matching EVGA Geforce 280 GTX cards (model 01G-P3-1282-RX) I'm currently using in SLI for my backup rig. They are a bit on the loud side...
I managed to get my Asus 1080 in recently and some unexpected expenses have come up, so I'm looking to sell my barely used ASUS STRIX-GTX1070-O8G-GAMING GPU. This is the triple fan version at the highest factory overclocked frequency. All accessories unopened, in original packaging, like new...
well... I'm a dummy. On removing the card for RMA, I noticed something a bit off. In the Node 202, there are two PCI-E risers for the GPU. One riser coming out of the mobo, then a riser at 90 degrees in which the GPU plugs in. With three points of possible failure versus the normal one, I...
Tried DDU. No dice. Going to the last resort of clean windows install. if that doesn't fix it, I'm thinking I'll have to RMA it. Only other thing I can think of is a vBIOS update, but I don't know how to do that and have had difficulty finding a good reference for how to do that.
So, my new STRIX is doing something immensely frustrating. After restarting my computer after setting the card to 100% fan spin in the ASUS Tweak 2 utility, I've been unable to have my card's fans spin at anything other than 0% or 100%. Clean reinstallation of the drivers (or different versions)...
I'd like to keep the 1070 OC STRIX (formally labeled the ASUS ROG STRIX-GTX1070-08G-GAMING by the manufacturer), but some unexpected expenses have come up, so I can't really justify keeping the 1070 around for my seldom used backup rig.
I'm asking $500 + shipping costs for the Asus GeForce 1070...
This post is a rant.
I watched the 1080 announcement live. I was excited to hear about the newest gen having some optimizations for VR and was looking forward to throwing down some money for a 1080 once it became available with a quieter fancy after-market stock cooler... which was...
Only problem with this whole conversation is that after-market cooler based 1080s are STILL almost impossible to find, around a month and a half out. Retailers I've contacted suggest EARLIEST availability will likely be at least one month down the road. Paper launches piss me off.
Well, that sucks. I've been checking new egg three plus times a day for a month and never saw the 1080 xtreme actually available. Didn't get any notifications either. Boo hiss.
Sadly, you still can't find Geforce 1080 GTX cards with an after market fan almost anywhere in the US, over a month after "launch." I'm pretty pissed about this. I look two to three times a day for the Asus 1080 STRIX or Gigabyte 1080 Xtreme... Not a one to be found anywhere near the MSRP for...
So... I'm trying to figure out what the best option would be for my to address my aging 4TB storage drive and if I should add more storage to my new system.
What I have now:
I've (mostly) built a new i7 6700k Z170 based system (darn paper launch of the 1080 T-T). Until I have my new...
Thanks for the graph, Tsumi, but that still didn't answer the question...
Does using a Samsung Pro 950 M.2 (in PCI-E 4x mode) reduce the max lanes between the CPU and GPU to less than 16? Will "shared" or "flex" lanes negatively impact the GPU if a M.2 device is used? I'd also be using at least...
I have no idea if the M.2 slot is connected directly to the CPU or through a chipset / controller on this motherboard. Does anyone know?
According to intel ARK, Z170 is listed as supporting 20 lanes, though the 6700k is listed as only supporting 16 lanes.
So... my i7-6700k is in the mail already. However, it occurred to me that the 6700k only has 16x PCI-express lanes.
I plan on slapping the i7-6700k in a Gigabyte GA-Z170N-Gaming 5.
If I put a Samsung 950 Pro SSD (which uses 4x PCI-express lanes), does that mean I'll knock the 6700k down to 12...
The 950 Pro is a 2600mm. Too long for the MSI from pics I've seen (It bonks into the CPU backplate).
Thanks for the additional thoughts. Will try to update further when I get some time.