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  1. J

    RTX 5090 - $2000 - 2 Slot Design - available on Jan. 30 - 12VHPWR still

    I think that's what the TI model will be IMO, a 24GB card with maybe a bump in cores since the gap between the 80 and 90 models is so big.
  2. J

    RTX 5090 - $2000 - 2 Slot Design - available on Jan. 30 - 12VHPWR still

    I'm still rocking my 3080ti, depending upon reviews the 5080 seems like a decent upgrade for me...maybe wait on the ti models unless the 5090's are easy to get...LOL
  3. J

    Games Nexus - Do Not Buy NZXT | Predatory, Evil Rental Computer Scam Investigated

    Tech Jesus has a rather large pair of man boobs. Anywho, back to the point…who rents a pc and thinks it’s a good idea? Shady company doing shady things for sure. I appreciate gn calling them out, kinda seems like that’s all they do these days but if it helps clean up crappy companies then I’m...
  4. J

    Roblox offering Parental controls

    I hate this game with a passion, it has taken over my 11 year old...all she ever wants to do and unfortunately the only place she really socializes with friends. We limit via apple parental controls, I've had the talk with her about weirdos and whatnot. I go in once a week and randomly check...
  5. J

    Off the Grid

    noticed all the streamers pushing this game so I decided to check it out. What a giant mess of a game. Runs like absolute crap on my rig with a 3080ti. I’m talking less than 30fps and very chunky. After messing with the settings and moving everything to low I tried to get a full game in…I can...
  6. J

    Off the grid

    I noticed all the streamers pushing this game so I decided to check it out. What a giant mess of a game. Runs like absolute crap on my rig with a 3080ti. I’m talking less than 30fps and very chunky. After messing with the settings and moving everything to low I tried to get a full game in…I...
  7. J

    Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

    Yea I’d agree with that
  8. J

    Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

    It’s not bad, reminds me of older games like halo and such. Single player is ok. Multiplayer has some real balance issues…feels really clunky…one of the classes with the hammer is stupidly OP. I don’t know if it’s worth the money I paid for the game but it’s ok…
  9. J

    Delta Force: Hawk Ops

    Its way ahead of where bf2042 was when it released. I like it enough that I'll give it a chance when the release the full game. Its gonna be hard for them to shake the mobile game feel but it does ok at most of what it does. Good filler between the next bf game IMO. I won't play COD/Warzone...
  10. J

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

    Looks like every single cod game ever…
  11. J

    Delta Force: Hawk Ops

    I do like the extraction mode as well, it’s not too hard for a casual like myself.
  12. J

    Delta Force: Hawk Ops

    Bots are annoying, vehicles are garbage compared to any bf game. The movement feels like a mobile game…. Kinda clunky. Needs a bit of polish, getting odd bugs all of a sudden.
  13. J

    MicroSoft Flight Simulator 2024 to have only 50 gb install size due to cloud streaming of assets

    Everything will move to a subscription based model, SaaS. When they deem that the subscriptions no longer meet the needs to cover the costs of hosting/supporting then they will decom the service....simple as that. You will no longer be buying the will be buying the subscription...
  14. J

    Delta Force: Hawk Ops

    I need friends...hard playing with randoms. I've started just going in with a knife since I lose everything I get
  15. J

    Delta Force: Hawk Ops

    Yea not bad, my first extraction shooter I’ve ever played.
  16. J

    Record-Breaking $75 Million Ransom Paid To Dark Angels Gang

    I'm just here to say that I hate zscaler
  17. J

    Global Microsoft outage hits due to CrowdStrike Update Definitions

    Im with you and I guess im old school too, vendors suck and they should be treated as such until they prove they are not a typical vendor.
  18. J

    Global Microsoft outage hits due to CrowdStrike Update Definitions

    When worlds collide…poor merc team…at least crowdstrike is paying them
  19. J

    Global Microsoft outage hits due to CrowdStrike Update Definitions

    Understood, I know I wouldn’t have any software on my systems/environment in which I can’t test updates or signature files. It’s literally introducing significant third party risk into your environment.
  20. J

    Global Microsoft outage hits due to CrowdStrike Update Definitions

    Now you know why we don't have crowdstrike in house, I'd bet after this incident you might see that feature available. Incredibly short sighted to think auto updates from any vendor are always ok. Back we I ran our tippingpoint gear it was a min two day test of any new sigs before we pushed it...
  21. J

    Global Microsoft outage hits due to CrowdStrike Update Definitions

    Yea am aware, i've been in IT for 20 years. We here have a strict update testing regime even for zero days for the software that can crush your prod systems such as security software that sits at the kernel level. Everything and I do mean everything goes though test before it's deployed unless...
  22. J

    Global Microsoft outage hits due to CrowdStrike Update Definitions

    I mean, the really crazy part to me is who allowed this update to roll out in a large org without running it through a test deployment group first? Seems like a lot of companies.... Most of this started because crowdstrike does crappy QA...but never trust a vendor...test any and every update...
  23. J

    Global Microsoft outage hits due to CrowdStrike Update Definitions

    Same here, not really affecting any of my systems outside of one of our journaling vendors being down. Everyone wants to be in the cloud until the cloud goes down because its just someone else's computer
  24. J


    I bought this game months ago but then immediately got a refund because I couldn't log in when they didn't have the server capacity. Sucks to have to create yet another account but this is the world, everyone wants your data so they can sell it.
  25. J

    Logitech G915 Best Buy $142

    Frick BestBuy and that dumb policy. Brought in a old Gateway/AP and the idiots told me that didn't count as a PC accessory.
  26. J

    Tribes 3: Rivals

    Need a renegades mod
  27. J

    Battlefield 2042

    Poor coding honestly, very cpu limited.
  28. J

    Battlefield 2042

    They introduced a bug thats some kind of issues with streaming textures. So now I'll spawn in a vehicle and the textures wont load for it and its just a person floating in mid air. My fav part is when other players textures don't load in and I get killed by an invisible person. The really fun...
  29. J

    Battlefield 2042

    You don’t remember firestorm? Let’s also not forget, bf2042 was mostly built during Covid and was pushed though even though it wasn’t close to done at launch. Me personally, I hate BR games and bf is about the only fps I play anymore.
  30. J

    Battlefield 2042

    My biggest gripe at the moment is the bugs I am running into after season 6. Black screen after the end of a match, have to close out and reopen if you want to play again. Players are randomly invisible, along with tanks, guns, and any other textures that decide not to load.
  31. J

    Battlefield 2042

    Bra...those times are LONG gone. Too much money left on the table if you don't incorporate that into your games.
  32. J

    Battlefield 2042

    Fun map, metro/locker vibes.
  33. J

    Edge Secure, Microsoft Edge browser built in VPN?

    Cause they want your data...thats why
  34. J

    Apple iPhone 15 Live Event "Wonderlust"

    Do people really still use the lightning/USB port to transfer anything to/from a phone?
  35. J

    Linus Media Group YouTube Channels Hacked

    I ignored this chump on youtuber a long long time ago. I think I did that for Jay2cents as well....I miss the old days when Kyle did all the cool stuff. Tech Jesus is ok...but he goes far too deep sometimes and I can only see him sweep his hair behind his ears three or four times before I...
  36. J

    Battlefield 2042

    I think they wanted the air vehicles to not be as dominate as they were in BF4 in a great pilots hands....but they took it too far. Most of the air vehicles feel like easily shredded paper. The planes feel the worst, little birds are probably the best. I used to love jumping in the gunner...
  37. J

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2022)

    Yea I havent played this game in a few months. Not really a warzone/dmz fan since I have no one to play DMZ with. Went back and started playing BF2042 and I like it better, but its still no BF3/4.
  38. J

    What game made you a PC Gamer?

    Tribes, Tribes 2, Doom, Wolfenstine, Return to Zork, UT, Falcon 3.0
  39. J

    It's official: Unreal is dead

    yea, instagib used to be my jam back in the day. Sad to see it go, I've never been good at or a fan of the BR games.