The initial release gameplay trailer was amazing. Scripted to hell but it showed fantastic potential. The more recent vids I've seen are .... less visually stunning. You'd expect the first peak to be a bit rough around the edges, then as the months/years go on, more polish is added to the game...
Ah. I looked through the past several posts and couldn't see any info about it so I thought I'd let everybody know.
I'll let it download tonight and hop on tomorrow hopefully.
Do you know if it will work if I turn in my current Super Hornet in for credits, then buy the P-72 w/ LTI? Then upgrade it to a Super Hornet w/ LTI with the remaining leftover credits?
edit - Just did it, price worked out totally even and everything. It just looks weird in my asset listing on...
I played the beta (but do NOT have retail), and from what I'm reading and seeing... almost nothing has changed with the retail release.
Are the sounds and visuals stunning? Absolutely. Is it fun? Sure, it can be. Does the game require any type of skill, integrate any level of complexity, or...
I had fun with the beta, but ultimately its a very empty and hollow game. It has no depth. It was only great because it was Star Wars, and because it was new and shiny.
It is tempting, but I'm going to see how much they improve the game (if at all) in the first few months before I buy in...
Damn, that's a good price. I can't decide if I want to ditch my U3011 and the 16:10 goodness it gives me for that sweet, sweet 144hz. Also, it'd be a big switch from IPS to TN. Maybe I'll wait for that newer model you guys were talking about?
I'd make sure you have the most recent drivers. Then I'd check if the mic gain is too high, it might be feedback causing the issues? I know Ventrillo gives you the option to do a mic check, playing back what you would sound like. Might be useful to see if you can reproduce the effect for...
I just paired a 980Ti with my 3770 (see sig) and I don't feel like its limiting me. At your resolution even a 970 will do you good for a few years. A 980Ti even more so.
For comparison, my 3770k + 980Ti (neither overclocked beyond factory settings) puts out a minimum of 60 FPS on ultra settings...
Gah. And right as I was about to break down and buy a 290x to replace my aging 6970s I get this news. Sigh. Guess I'll wait another month or two. I swear to god the 390x better launch by the end of Q2 and not sometime later this year or I'll go on a murderous rampage.
The U3011 only supports 60hz, but honestly if it's above 30 FPS I could care less. Thankfully I'm not an FPS snob, and can typically forgo AA if I can max the resolution out. My current could only handle Shadow of Mordor at 1920x1200.
There are some really convincing arguments for both sides...
My specs are in my sig. I play a lot of WoW right now but I have a high interest in replaying Shadow of Mordor and Tomb Raider after I upgrade. I plan on playing Alien Isolation, Star Citizen, maybe pick up some Borderlands again.. etc. Monitor runs at 2560x1600.
I've had the itch to upgrade...
Well you encouraged me to launch the game, but it says there are 54 patches to download!?! :eek: Only problem is that it cannot load the meta file? I just forced it to get all the patches again, but I'm afraid to look at my data usage in the morning.
You know, I got super excited about this game roughly this time 2 years ago and dropped $375 on ships, yet I haven't even updated the game in about 6 months.
Can anybody help me get re-excited about this game? Briefly looking over the last page of replies here, it seems there are some different...
The gameplay wasn't anything amazing, but it was written and voiced by the original cast. It was a great dive into the world of the GhostBusters. As a child of the 80s, I had an absolutely fantastic time with it. I will probably have to load it up and play through it again.
I picked up the Metro Redux pack. Its cheap enough to pick up, but I don't mind paying a bit more to support a developer I appreciate. Thx for the heads up.
I can't get over how dated the graphics look on the "next gen" console. I truly understand graphics don't equate in any way to gameplay but the fact they started the clip with that bold statement.... it just makes me cringe.
And even a 2.5 hour SP campaign would be asking for a lot.
I can truly understand why you guys are upset but to play devil's advocate... that does seem like a passive aggressive response/attitude. "I put my name in years ago, but they never picked me! I saw plenty of opportunities to get in, but I didn't based on principal alone... so now I'm going to...
Considering how much money I've sunk into this game... you'd think I'd be more excited to follow it and everything... but I'm really not lol. I think I'm done being excited and want to just play the damned thing. The hanger is running much smoother than it was a few months ago when I last fired...
Are there any updates to the S models other than the pretty new graphics? I have a G500 right now, still working great but I know it'll wear out eventually...
Its been several years since I've had my 5.1 Ultras repair by Henry, but I believe it was just over $100, also including his cooling solution installed (80mm fan & transformer hot glued into place (hey its not pretty but it works, and its all inside the sub enclosure). The return shipment...
I read an article that tested high end monster cables against some metal hangers soldered together and nobody could accurately differentiate between the two.
But at least those cables the OP bought are decently cheap
Taking it in an entirely new direction, but it looks... entertaining. I've recently learned to simply enjoy games, despite any flaws or aspects I don't like. If I still find it enjoyable, I don't feel bad for paying for it.
I watched some gameplay and most of what I've seen are people being dumb and clueless. Despite that, it still looks fun. I'm very tempted to drop a preorder right now... I totally forgot about this game till just now. Gonna have to sleep on it.