MySpace pages being hard to read and sometimes just plain annoying was a big part of why it lost to Facebook. Probably even bigger was the fact that it didn't have feeds; there was no central place to see what your friends were doing (that I ever saw), it required you go to each person's page...
So we collect them, immobilizing and storing most while using just what we need. When one wears out, we unbox another one to put in its place. Obviously this shouldn't be done where the zombies can bust out of their crates and flood the complex. Proper precautions can be taken.
If free software projects want to be competitive with Microsoft, they need to pay attention to the "bashing" they get and take the criticisms to heart.
Here's an example: In Excel, I can CTRL+click multiple unconnected cells and modify their properties or paste a value into them at the same...
With MySpace you could just throw on an ugly template and then spam it up with pictures and nonsense. GeoCities' use of HTML meant you actually had to LEARN something to butcher it.
No, Windows survives because it is heavily used in business. You can't even switch most offices from MS Office to OpenOffice without workers screaming bloody murder...and I don't blame them, as good as it is OOo isn't nearly as easy to use or efficient as MSO. This is after personally two years...
MySpace was the Geocities of the last decade. It made it easier for people to make atrocious-looking sites that no one else wanted to look at. Facebook did it right by taking the design choices away from the user, preventing page after page of glitter text, eye-searing backgrounds, and annoying...
Lasers are always a bad idea. One malfunction and you've burned a hole in your house and zombies are streaming in. NEVER leave yourself open to the stupidity of others or the imperfections of technology. That's the quickest way to death by zombie (well, second quickest, after lack of cardio)...
Interesting idea. Seeing as the zombies seem to have an infinite energy source, you could task them with turning turbines... all it would take is a human for them to pursue and the generator is turned indefinitely. Once you establish what it is they pursue--sight, smell, sound, whatever--you can...
I'd have some modifications to make so that it didn't look like a prison to passersby, but it's surprisingly not horrible.
If you really want it zombie-proof, you'll need a few things:
A garden on the roof
solar cells that can power everything you need to be comfortable
a deep well for...
Just in case your USB key wasn't likely enough to be stolen (and I've seen them stolen before), they've made it look like a consumer electronics product someone might REALLY want to steal.
Information like this being automatically stored on your phone should make it that much more alarming that police are (or want to be) able to pull all the data off your phone without probably cause. It goes from knowing not just who you've called and what you've looked at, but where you've been.
It's already on your phone. They can just hit you with a warrant and pull the data off your phone without having to go toe-to-toe with Google's legal army.
It *will not* turn on with just that plugged in. I've tried it. What, did you think I was just making stuff up?
Some phones are designed in such a way that they can't operate directly from the charger. It would make sense: chargers don't always deliver reliable voltages. That's fine when...
Unless it can match my phone's battery contacts and provide it with the right kind of power, it won't work. The Droid pulls its power from the battery. It can take 2-3 minutes before I can even turn it on if it's been sitting drained for more than a week.
The police can't arrest him in most places unless there is a standing trespass warning, and a letter from the company doesn't amount to that. They'll just tell him to leave and don't come back, and maybe issue that warning themselves so that it's on file so he can be arrested the NEXT time.
Tthey could care less if he ever sets foot in a store. They know it's not an enforceable ban and likely expect he'll be back.
What it does, though--assuming they sent the letter in such a way that they can prove it was delivered--is give them the ability to put that letter before a judge...
Only perceived. It's not a tangible value. The content you are buying hasn't changed a bit since it was new, what has changed is demand.
When you buy a used game, you get infinite play time (if you take care of it), the same as you get from a brand new retail box game. When you buy a used...
When I sell a used car, computer, or article of clothing, I've probably replaced it with another. There is also a diminished value of those used items as they have a shorter lifespan than when they were new. None of that is true when I sell a used game.
Think of it that way: now used games...
What I find most alarming about this idea is that alongside these headlines, others are talking about how smartphones are going to be the new wallet, storing credit card numbers and financial data so you can simply swipe your phone to pay for things. There will be some major liability issues...
Ever heard of wardriving? Google collected information that was being broadcast and accessible from the road. Cops can park on the road and watch what you do all day long and not violate any rights.
A car is ultimately something that is consumed. The more it's driven, the more likely it is to fail and need to be replaced. Ford doesn't profit from you buying a used car, but odds are that at the top of the used car chain, someone bought a new one.
You don't consume a game. Assuming you...
if I were in charge of one of these companies, i think i would have to try at least once to release an online-only FPS that charged $2-3 a month. Team Fortress 2 is doing really well with microtransactions, so there's precedent for making such an attempt.
Individual officers, yet. Departments, not so much. For the most part, cops are decent guys trying to do the right thing. 1 out of 10 of them might be power-tripping abusers, but even those guys mostly know better than to try to sell stolen trade secrets to a company's competitors. I'm not in...
Cops would be fully aware of how illegal it would be to sell trade secrets. Your scenario just isn't realistic.
However, any kind of confidential information they extract then becomes at risk of being compromised if they do not handle it properly. Doctors with patient data, businessmen with...
I don't text. It takes my eyes off the road and isn't safe.
I talk while I drive all the time. I hold my phone in such a way that it doesn't obstruct my view, I continue to watch my mirrors and check my blind spots just as I would without the phone against my ear (gasp! no hands-free...
Makes me glad I lost the cover off my Droid. I could pop the battery out in my pocket before handing over the phone. Good luck getting data off it then.
The only time there is just cause in searching the contents of a driver's phone is when you are accusing them of using it where it wasn't legal.
This would work within the original story *if* the events in the trailer were happening alongside the beginning of World War 3. The creation of apes with human-level intelligence right at the same time as a nuclear war would leave human survivors competing with these new apes without the...
You know what would be better? If GooTube would use their awesome powers of awesomeness to publicly put pressure on the big media companies to lighten up about people using their content in freely-distributed videos.
I'm not saying they should be okay with you posting the last five minutes of...
What would you have THQ do? Come up with "busy work" for them? Cobble together a game premise for them to work on? I'd just as soon they not be cranking out games just to keep their people occupied.
I know two they need to make: Titan Quest 2 and Company of Heroes 2.
Who owns the rights to Homeworld? I know Relic made it and they're under the THQ umbrella....Homeworld 3 would be awesome. (I'm thinking Sierra had it, meaning it won't happen)
What about those people who can't type quietly? I've had to sit through lectures with someone furiously pounding away at their laptop, presumably taking notes. talk about a distraction...