I tried merging partitions within GParted (LiveCD) and wasn't able to find an option to do that. Anyone with experience with GParted know if that's possible?
Anyway, I also use Disk Director because it's the only partitioning program I know of that works from within Vista (x64 for me) (version...
Aren't they exactly the same chip? So an Opteron S939 running at exactly the same speed as an X2 (both with the same amount of cache) should run exactly the same?
It is said Opterons overclock better on average because they're binned differently (marketed for servers).
Yes. I'm running it under Vista x64 right now.
Also, this link should help with Vista program compatibility questions: http://www.iexbeta.com/wiki/index.php/Windows_Vista_Software_Compatibility_List
Even if you get the S-PVA on the 2007WFP (and decide to keep it), it is still better than TN panels, IMO. Also, Vista scales font size pretty well, so choosing bigger text within the OS is an option for you.
BTW, the max/native resolution for the 22" is the same as the 20" ones, so it's not like you get to see more information on the bigger screen (just less sharp).
(I'm using the 2007wfp s-ips right now.)
It blows the Athlon 64 X2 out of the water, and overclocks like mad. Just like the Athlon 64 was superior to the Pentium 4, this is better than the A64 X2.
I had the problem from the lower picture when I was playing a video too, and I assumed it was the video driver. It only changes when I'm playing some videos. I reinstalled the driver for my 7600gt (xtremeg 94.91), and set some video settings. Now it seems to be okay, and hope it's only the...
I haven't read it, but when I called tech support about a different matter and asked that, they said over 5 dead pixels, and they send a replacement. My monitor was for the 2007 though, but I assume it's the same.
No one knows when the S-PVAs are showing up in the US (if it hasn't already). My guess is right now they're shipping the S-IPS monitors in their warehouses before the big wave of S-PVAs come in. The longer you wait, the higher the chance. I'd convince your parents right if I were you.
From my experience with buying from Dell, percent off discounts do not stack with each other. Meaning, the best you can do is the 20% off discount. That's it. The only exception is the DPA.
This means either:
$399 - 15% sale
$399 - 20% coupon
Not both. The 20% replaces the...
The $340 price is the current sale price of 15% the base price off from $400. If you used the 20% coupon, it would replace the 15%, not stack with it, meaning your new price is $320. Last time I checked, you will get free shipping with Dell Home regardless of whether you use the Dell Preferred...
At the default brightness of 50, everything is fine. My friend's 1907wfp was so bright it hurt my eyes, so I know what you're talking about. I did some contrast editing from one of the nVidia utilities and turned it down a little, but even if I never did that, I would never have complained. I...
If you can choose, I'm assuming you're buying it in person like at Costco or something. If you can pick it out yourself, then problems some people face (dead pixels, black light bleeding, etc) when ordering online can be eliminated. There were a lot of complaints banding in earlier revisions...
He got the PVA on the non-wide screen version. I was doing some researching on what people are getting before I bought my monitor, and as far as I can tell, up to this point no one on this forum as gotten a PVA screen for the 2007wfp when ordered in the US yet. Anyone who has seen otherwise...
I wonder if it physically looks exactly like the 2007wfp (minus the ports in the back), because I really like it aesthetically. If the engadget picture is true (instead of using a 2007wfp picture in the meantime), then that's good news.
Here is the Dell link: http://ecomm.dell.com/dellstore/PopUps/popup_discount_details.aspx?itemtype=CFG&s=dhs&l=en&cs=19&c=us&campitem_id=61879
It CLEARLY says the promotion expires November 1st. Please don't go around flaming people who are trying to be helpful just because you had a bad...
Hey buddy, just because you had a bad experience with Dell doesn't mean I lied about it or gave you any right to flame me. I only wrote down the deal that I got myself to help others. There is no reason put out any extra effort to fool anyone on this forum, which has been very helpful for me...
Yeah, that's what I meant. Thanks for checking. I've used LCDs in the past, but didn't really pay attention until now because this is the first one I've owned personally (I've been using a good 21-inch CRT until now, but it's taking too much space).
Thanks again. =)
The flashing, right? I hope that's the case, but it might be the monitor's inability to that diagonal scanline pattern (on the two sides) on mlbtraderumors.com as I'm scrolling. I dunno.
Can you check this website and look at the red gradient on both sides of that page (going down) and see if you see the slight banding: http://forums.cgsociety.org/
I've seen other gradients, and they seem pretty good, but that page sticks out. I just got the monitor, so the revision is A02...
Yeah, people selling coupons get more greedy everyday. Free shipping definitely helps, but the tax is annoying. If you used the Dell Preferred Account, you would have gotten an additional 4% off.
Anyway, congratulations on your purchase.
That's crazy. I pretty much talked with someone on the phone for 15 minutes (going through all the checks), and then they agreed to send me the replacement. On an earlier purchase, I chatted with a rep on their website. She didn't understand English too well as I explained the problem, so I...