from what it looks like, prices ARE going down, little by little... I bought a seagate barracuda lp 2tb last week for 69.99, i'm just keeping my eyes open for similar deals and checking them out when I receive them.
I regret not buying more 2tb's in June 2011 when they were $59.99 out the door at my local Micro Center. I picked up two in hopes that for Black Friday I'd be able to snag them at $49.99. BOY was I wrong. I'm lucky to find one at $119.99 right now.
... guess I just have to wait til prices go...
I was locked into my previous speed of 20/5 since 2004, I was paying $39.99... I just recently upgraded to 50/20 and am paying $94.99, I needed the extra speed but call them up and have them upgrade you to the other plan... might as well get the most speeds for your money.
oh ok... I decided I'm just going to buy all the drives I need and set up the raid array at once instead of trying to expand it overtime... I have 20 bays free so I was going to do TWO (2) RAID6 Arrays with 10 x 2tb in each.
im looking into flexraid, thanks for the recommendations guys... I was also thinking instead of redoing this and taking days of downtime maybe i should just upgrade the processor to a q6600 or something to solve my encoding/transcoding issues
I've never had a problem with installing drivers from Windows Update. If you're worried about it, it's going to involve some manual labor, go into the products support page and manually download the drivers, load it onto a USB Flash Drive and install the drivers after you install Windows.
Do it for a flat rate of $100, that's like $10/hr if you take 10 hours... make sure she has that data backed up on a USB Flash Drive or something external so she doesn't go through another data loss.
I tried NOD32 and the firewall software they have makes it impossible to do normal tasks, I gave it to a friend. I wasn't able to see any network shares or anything, it was horrible!
although, it looks like a good product which does what it needs to do (protect you against viruses), it just...
speed isn't an issue (yet), my Verizon FiOS connection is 50mbps down, 20mbps up.
I havent had any problems with the speed of the home network (currently 100mbps, need to upgrade to gigabit switch in the next couple of months as well).
I thought about enabling WHS redudancy but it's going to...
I am on WHS v1, I am scared to lose a drive and lose data for the time I've spent organizing all my Video Rips/Data. I have file duplication setup for the most important files (as well as backed up on an external drive) but I want to have a little bit more protection.
I want to do a software...
wow very good news, luckily I've never RMA'd anything, *KNOCK ON WOOD* but how does this process go, should I keep my receipts/boxes from the Corsair CX430 I just bought last week?
wondering if this cable will work for it?
it's 19" long, i'd have to measure and see if this will be long enough for my setup.
my little old core2duo can play n64, nes, snes very well, not sure about psx or ps2 though, i'm guessing the i3 can handle it...
the only thing you might have some problems with is if you try Wii emulator (dolphin), that depends mostly on the GPU.
either way it looks amazing, right now i only have 6 drives, i can fit 10 drives in my antec 300, i'm going to build the chopped case that houses 15 drives, for the future (hard drives are expensive, about $70 for each 2tb drive, multiplied by 15, i'm looking at a little over $1000)
i decided...
this is exactly the same thing i was going to do, i have 2 x antec 300's and i was going to chop one up like you did to house 3 rows of 5 hard'd sit below my other antec 300 server.
it looks amazing!