You might want to check for a schematic at and ask in /GPURepair on Reddit. More than likely someone there will have an idea of what you need.
I've switched between both AMD and NVIDIA pretty frequently and have never noticed any extra lag on the desktop at all. What motherboard are you running?
I use a Wasabi Mango UHD400 myself, FreeSync makes a huge difference even at 60hz just to throw my input out there from experience. I didn't know if I was going to be happy with the lower performance with my new Vega 64 compared to my 1080 ti, but the experience is much smoother with the Vega...
I without a doubt got the most longevity out of a 2600k under liquid, that processor kept me out of the upgrade cycle for years. Great hardware deserves respect, well done article!
Just tried some Prey and no issues, but only played 20 minutes or so. I have noticed that has there's a severe incompatibility with either HWINFO or Afterburner combined with Rivatuner. Really bad hitching at regular intervals with OSD on the latest drivers and usually only after a full reboot...
I'd say it's really good with one big caveat. Your 4k monitor should have Freesync. If it doesn't, you're really better off with a 1080 ti, it's that simple. It will keep you near enough at 60hz Vsync most of the time at 4k. With Vega Liquid even with a little overclock on the HBM and full power...
Checking in. I wasn't planning on buying one of these, but snagged a liquid cooled version. I've had a Freesync monitor for the better part of a couple years that I used to pair with 2 Fury Nanos and I really wanted to see what single GPU would be like. Crossfire sucks. So does SLI. Let's get it...
Wow, a lot people angry with the mining craze. Here's a thought: instead of buying Vega or a 1070 or 1060, buy some AMD stock? What with the split, things just might get interesting.
I really hope AMD can pull something off, but these are some bad signs. Blind tests using freesync and gsync? No streamed unveiling? Ruh-roh. As an owner of a freesync 4k monitor, I was really hoping to be able to switch back to AMD for a single GPU solution, but the 1080 Ti I'm using now will...
??? I'm surprised that you find your 3770k lacking. Are you overclocking it? I'm not seeing much reason to upgrade as far as CPU performance goes. The new mobo features are nice and all, but not so compelling to me that I feel the need to switch out.
I'm using a NUC with dual band wifi and it works very well. Not exactly inexpensive though at around $350. I've read good things about the various Chromebox models on the Kodi/OpenELEC forums.
That's absolutely right, every card I've ever used (T-X, 980, 970, 290x, 6970, 680, etc.) has coil whine to varying degrees when hitting 500-1000 fps on a title screen, it's always been that way. If anyone is returning a card simply because of coil whine on an intro screen they're going to be...
A single 970 is a perfectly fine option for 1080p, you're right not to grab a 980 Ti based on a potential 4k upgrade down the road. A 970 won't be able to max out everything such as Ultra textures or high AA in the most demanding games, but it will be excellent in the majority of cases. The...
I think you're right about that (not near my main PC now) but I was going off these specs which only list 140mm rear:
OP's rad looks kind of like it's 140mm to me, but I could be wrong. I'm using custom w/c in mine so not too well versed in...
EK does have a page for 300/Fury X, but so far it's only populated by 290x, 285 blocks that fit the 300 series due to the rebadge.
Doubt it, I'll bet demand for a block will be low considering Fury X comes with CLC. If EK is coming with a block I'd expect you'll see them around late July, August.