Yeah, not looking good. People seem really harsh on the AG coating. I was planning to buy two of these, makes me worry a bit.
What do people here think of the AG coating? Is it really bad compared to other IPS monitors?
I'm interested in more comparison of the Samsung UD970 and the LG 31MU97. I'm planning on purchasing two 4K monitors, and am looking at both. I'd love to save $1200 by going with the LG, but I have two concerns. Photos would be fantastic, if possible.
Since I'll have two displays, the bezel...
Just because having two gives you more screen space. You can have Firefox open while you are using Photoshop on the other. You can watch a video in full screen and still IM with people on the other. Stuff like that; it would be impossible for me to live with only one now.
I use it for web...
Interesting. So they would likely just replace it with a crappy, used, LG 246WP? I don't want one with new issues... I want a perfect one with no issues. :rolleyes:
Having two screens is completely vital for me. I am sure most other people around here would agree with that. I'm actually sick...
I don't think switching them would really help.
That is a neat trick, never knew about the service menu. I checked the menus for both, and the left one (brighter one) has a timer of 5780 hours, while the right (dimmer) one has 5880. So, the right one does have a few hours on the left, but not...
I would say they have both been used the same amount. Although, only one difference comes to mind. The Windows Vista/7 logon screen does not support multiple monitors, and therefore only shows a black screen on the right side. Any chance that having a solid-black screen displayed for extended...
That really sucks. I can see them being kind enough to replace both, but I bet it will be one of their new ugly TN paneled things. Why have monitors gotten worse over the years? :o
Hey guys,
I've currently got a setup with two 24 inch LG L246WP monitors. They were bought (November 2007) and manufactured (April 2007) at the same time. They have been great, although over the past year or so I have noticed a gradually increasing issue with one of them.
As you can...
While toolless is a really nice little feature, it is very short lived. Unless you swap components a lot, it really would not be much a time-saver. It is more susceptible to breaking and is often no more "simple" than just doing a screw or two.
I would not base my case-buying decision on it...
i actually just bought a $2 cable from amazon. Same DVI to HDMI. We will see if that fixes the issue.
That is interesting. I have put up with that issue forever... and I have noticed it is only the one monitor. I figured it was the video card. If this cables fixes it, I will cry a bit. :p
Hehe, ya, I use my Casio Z1200 digital camera; just a nice little pocket cam, but it does have full manual exposure controls unlike most portable cameras.
I just put it on my gorillapod and set it for an 8 second exposure; simple as that. The key to nice pics like that is low ISO, NO flash...
Haha, the table is literally a door from my basement put on an old desk legs. Lame, I know; but it works.
Awesome! I too would like to thank you guys for this find. I bet we are all just getting our new 1.5TB drives from Newegg's black friday deal, so I bet this will get a good number of hits.
To make it even easier, hit this link for the download of the drivers you need:
Actually, I happen to have the exact same issue. I current have an onboard Realtek card that seems to do it just fine. I want to upgrade to a quality sound card but none will do speakers and headphones at the same time. One loophole it seems to be is doing the speakers over a digital signal and...
Haha, I love it how the tiny keyboard makes the screen look so mammoth. 28 is pretty big, but that keyboard makes it look like a 37 inch or something. Hehe. :p
If you care about audio quality, splitters are usually a very bad thing. They lower the signal strength for one, lower the volume, and often even makes it mono. They are a big no-no for me, but that would do what you want. :o
Can get them from monoprice for real cheap.
Well, by "outrock", I was under the impression that you meant the bass. I am certainly not under the impression that the Z-5500s are better in sound quality than any bookshelves, just that the bass can hit harder without a doubt. For someone that listens to a lot of Hiphop and techno, they are...
Well, is a dual-sound card setup possibly even worth looking into? If I had two, and got them working well together, maybe all would be well.
Sounds like it'd be a lot more complicated than it'd be worth, but maybe one for recording the input audio and another for all the output?
Hey guys. I'm in the market for a new soundcard. Here is what I am needing:
- 5.1 output to my speakers. (Could be digital or analog as long as the following apply)
- Stereo output to my headphone amp. (At the same time as the speakers)
- An analog input for my Wii (3.5mm or RCA is great)...
I have two LG L246WPs and I think you could accidentally confuse them with a space heater. Sometimes when I touch the top of the back vent thingy, they are almost too hot to touch. My brightness is almost all the way up. Oh well, they are amazing in the winter. I could live with my room being 85...
Awesome, I hope you enjoy them when they arrive. Don't be shocked by the HUGE 60+ pound box on your doorstep. Don't break your back getting it in the house. ;)
Sounds like the Logitech Z-5500s meet your bill. Great sound for gaming, I think they have great sound for music. They have a remote. Can be had now days for about $200 shipped. Many people will tell you that they suck, but mostly everyone that has them love em.; depends on how picky you are I...
:eek: I don't think I want something like that. Obviously what I'm trying to do isn't rocket science; my onboard audio on my cheap motherboard does it just fine.
I posted this at Head-fi too to get their input too. Thanks for your input guys.
Hey, I am in search of a high quality new sound card, and am having trouble finding one that meets my specific needs. Here's what I need:
- Surround output to my speakers (either analog or digital, my speakers have both) (Would prefer onboard Dolby so I can amp one of my speakers more than...