I bought one to try it out... i think my friend has one and it gets a shitload of hair.
Thread makes me chuckle, since it reminds me of all the people in 2006...2007... 2008.. 2009.. that always said "Im waiting for OLED ITS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER"
canon had their OLED tv at tradeshows so i guess they were given false hope, but still, kuro plasmas have blacks that disappear into...
depending on how much you like co op and the mp (which isnt much to my liking since it gives you really shitty guns on super wide open maps for no reason...)
It is for this specific drive, but theres samsung and hitachi 2tb for way cheaper that have been popping up... they probably arent as fast as wd black but theyre probably really really close and it would be difficult to notice the difference.
ive seen this keyboard and typed on it... if i didnt have a perfectly good imac keyboard that i paid $50 then i would have this thing. it was sweet.
I dont get it, why do people want this? Speakers should not require you to sit perfectly still in the exact same spot to sound their best. If you want speakers that dont interact with the room then get waveguide speakers, which arent really "laser beam" sound either.
470 is halfway between the 5850 and 5870... dont give it more credit than its due.
470 pros:
-slightly better than 5850, warrants the price difference over deals at tiger direct
-great SLI scale so later down the road you can pick one up for cheap probably
-takes up a fucking shitload of...
This is a deal of the day which im pretty sure means it only lasts for 24 hours
from googling the part number other forums stumbled upon this earlier, so its been out since yesterday or even earlier, so yeah it was snatched up before this morning for sure
yeah i know theyre still good but trim support is big, but pretty sure raid negates trim anyways so... yeah. i basically just want to rip them out and sell them. one big thing im worried about is if this is a refurbished one and it has the black screen of death (where screen goes blank and...
Pretty ridiculous price.. depending on how you view it spending $27 for a great game
God of war 3 for $37 with $10 future game credit
You can then turn around the $10 and spend it on this...
Uncharted 2 for $42 with $10 game credit
In my hunt for deals on a FT02B i found that amazon basically beats everyone else simply by offering free shipping. Also theres free shipping on EVERY silverstone case, this along with rebates means some damn good deals
RV-02B for $140 after rebate!!!
RV-01 for $170 after rebate
FT01B for...
Super super hard game, but pretty rewarding. harkens back to the old days of more hardcore style games
Uhh the viewing angle monitor matters a lot on monitors smaller than the NEC. I used my friends 21" samsung TN panel and in modern warfare 2 i had to look straight at it or all of the enemies would just disappear into the shadows if i was leaning back even a bit. Was it playable still? Yes, but...
lol fucking retarded.. ati has no reason to release it. they still have 4890s out the wazoo to sell for $200.
this graphics card market is one of the worst one in years
is dell smoking crack. a whole computer comes with the 27" apple and thats only $600 more. on top of that their own 30" is around the $1000 mark i mean really!?
hopefully we see coupons bringing this down to the $750~ level. should be a REAL contender at that price point.
the problem is when use your own companies forum to promote CHARITY raffles and then keep the money for yourself and deliver almost none of the money to the person who was supposed to get it youre basically the lowest form of thief out there.
mark has gathered $100,000 in raffle money over the...