It looks like it uses a single lighthouse 2.0 and inside out tracking as well. This very well could be the best of both worlds as we may get the ease of use of the inside out tracking with the option to upgrade the accuracy and avoid occusion issues by adding in a lighthouse. Need more details...
Hopefully they will allow external trackers to be available as an optional upgrade for the inside out tracking. This applies to both Oculus and anyone else using inside out tracking from the headset for the controllers. As long as the inside out headset tracking requires line of sight to the...
I like a lot about the new design, especially the improved ergonomics and faster, simpler setup. Only big disappointment for me is the lack of a wireless option, if it was an add-on option like the VIVE Pro I'd be in for sure. I'll likely keep waiting and see which hits first, new controllers...
I work for one of the big three cloud services providers doing hardware design. There definately IS a place for ~5GHz in enterprise IT and cloud services. One that is very relevent to me is hardware EDA tools. Depending on what you are doing, run times are measured in hours, sometimes days...
I only found a couple high level descriptions of the tech used on the KingMax Nano Gaming sticks, they have their own ASIC on them and some custom heat spreaders on top of the DRAM chips.
I bet if you peeled them off you'd find standard DRAM chips in fine pitch BGA packages just like what you...
Good points, and I couldn't remember if the V2 lighthouses had the sync array or not. Occulus could fix a lot of the drawbacks with their current system if they did what you suggest and put an ASIC (might be able to get away with a microcontroller or off the shelf SOC) in the cameras, and made...
Power reduction is always a priority, but has tradeoffs. Going from DDR3 to DDR4 you would see lower power usage for a DDR4 DIMM vs. a DDR3 DIMM with the same bus speeds due to the signaling changes, in this case both lower voltage and different termination. In some cases this could be literally...
The boxes are not palmer scanners. They do use lasers, but not the same way LIDAR does. LIDAR sweeps the area with a laser while looking for reflections with sensor(s) on the plane. The VIVE boxes also sweep the area with a laser but don't have any input sensors in them. The sensors to detect...
The answer, as usual, is "it depends" when it comes to heat spreaders and heat sinks. The process node and density of the DRAM, the generation (DDR2/3/4 etc.), bus speed, voltage and ambiant temps all combine to determine this. You might be able to run a 8GB DDR4 stick at 2666 and stock voltage...
Frames are highly variable depending on where you are. I get anywhere from the 30's to over 110 with 21x9 1440p and a 1080Ti, usually around 60 outisde of the big landing zones. Also note vsync seems to cap you to 60 even if you have a 120Hz monitor. Had to tweak the program specific settings to...
I did a couple mining runs in the Yela belt to try space mining in this patch. Had great frames and no lag spikes while mining, just around entering QT. Noticed a couple new ore types and there seems to be more variation between the chunks of rock after fracturing than last time I tried it out...
I've been running mine at 120Hz since I got it, no issues. Seems unlikely to cause problems but would need more data on what turning on the overclock does exactly to know for sure. I really only worry about OCing 20nm or smaller chips (CPU or GPU), as they are significantly more susceptible to...
Great review! Still think it is overpriced, but it's good to be the (performance) king. Complling reasons to get one still are 4K gaming and maybe VR.
Hope to see [H]ard data on VR performance here eventually, maybe with the Vive Pro wireless adaptor review? :)
AMD needs to step up its game...
I've done triple monitor eyefinity/surround with 16:10 monitors, 16:9 single 4K and now a single 21:9 widescreen. The triple monitor setup was nice, but had to fall back to one monitor for a lot of games. Running 4K was good, but hard to maintain 60 FPS even with a 1080Ti. The 21:9 support is a...
You can get blue light filtering glasses (coatings on Rx glasses or Gunnar gaming glasses) and screen shields that seem to be better than trying to play with the color balance of the monitor. The filters can block the lower end of the blue spectrum + UV, and block backlight bleeding as well. I...
This isn't the first security issue from SuperMicro. They've been banned from datacenter deployment where I work for a while now. Pretty good chance this chip could basically replace the BIOS, BMC or other firmware stored on the MB with their own version, likely selectively to avoid detection...
I switched from 32" 4K@60Hz to 35" 21:9 1440p@100Hz g-sync for gaming, much better experience. I'll try for 4K gaming again when there are some good 100+Hz IPS or *VA displays. Wider aspect ratio is kind of neat but not a must for me.
No clue on how to add it to a graph, but I bet this has a LOT to do with what the competition (now just AMD) is doing for prices and how competative they are in the high end. AMD basically didn't even try for highest end cards last generation, at least based on 4K and VR perfomance.
I might...
Waiting for reviews before pulling the trigger on this one, hopfully a [H]ard review. :) Lots of potential problems but also a killer feature for VR. They should make a package with the pro headset, wireless module, 2.0 base stations and controllers too.
If they get the VIVE pro (or a later version) headset to use the camera to do an AR mode then the multi-room stuff is going to be REAL nice. Even without that supporting more than two base stations will allow larger spaces, and realistically more than two can improve the tracking for smaller...
I doubt they will change the current system where you end up with a large % of your ore cargo as filler because it makes scanning an important step in the process, that's how ore works IRL, and the current economics of it is roughly balanced vs. other ways to make money in the game. I'm sure...
One other factor to consider is the Prospector's droppable ore containers aren't working yet. Once they are it will allow teams of players to have the prospector mine and drop off ore containers for your teammates to pick up and sell (or take to get refined once the Orion is in and working) so...
I exploded myself with a rock last night. 10/10 would explode again. Best mining mechanic in a game so far, at least that I've seen. Also learned not to go for the rocks on a hill unless I like going after all the little pieces at the bottom of the hill after each fracture stage.
New Quantum UI...
Interesting but fairly limted application as you need a high yield (90+% from the article) on both wafers and at least the bottom die had to run cool. Betting the lower die could be memory of some sort and the top an SOC. You're still going to have lower thermal performance for the top die vs...
You're supposed to have a hand on the wheel the entire time you have the system engaged. Clearly spelled out in the instructions and the warning you have to go through to activate the system. Seems they may need to ramp up the checking and warnings because people are dumb. Also bet they will...
Seems likely to me they realized they can charge a bunch at first because there are a lot of price insensitive buyers out there: rich enthusiasts and developers that just get the company to pay for it. It can't be the price of the compents since the same screens are used in cheaper HMDs, another...
They're going to release a wireless module for it later this year if they keep to their schedule. No price or release date yet. Current Vive Pro still has wires.
At that price I'm definately waiting at least until their wireless solution comes out and doesn't suck. Hopefully they drop the price some by then.
I think we might get an announcement on new stuff from Occulus in May.
Best PSU reviews around. Seasonic continues to impress, they're my go-to for new builds for a while now. Just a matter of deciding on the capacity and model.
I've had good luck with the Harmony remotes. I've only had one die on me, the Harmony One, but it lasted a bit over 8 years. Note it wan't dead, just the battery was dying and had expanded so much I couldn't get it out without destroying the case. One of the lower end ones that is even older is...
The harmony hub that comes with the elite comes with two IR blasters and I think the hub sends IR as well. So you should be able to put the hub in the cabinet and run one of the IR blasters out to control the TV. I suppose you could put the hub outside and run the blaster(s) in too if you...
Yup, the amount of die area the logic for this uses in tiny and it keeps getting smaller relative to the rest of the logic every generation.
There are some ARM64 based servers now but if you compare them to x86 they're slower both in IPC and clock rate. They're only good for workloads that can...
Do we really though? Keeping x86 doesn't hurt performance, so moving to a new instruction set gets you what again? Is it really overhead for anyone not writing assembly?
Even Intel can't get people to move, remember IA64?
Apparently people still don't realize that the first thing modern x86 chips do is break up the instructions into smaller RISC like instructions to send to the core. This is simple to do and costs basically nothing at this point. The instruction set is not the reason Intel failed to get a share...
Yah, that would be a good read. Wonder if you could do cfm and db with them attached to a radiator, tower cooler and case. Seems like a ton of work though.