So i can keep 120hz desktop and Nvidia driver will automatically boost refresh rate to 144hz when i launch a game? Is it only games supported by geforce experience or all games?
Yeah resolution was fine, it was rather strange. It almost looked like resolution was off so thats the first thing i checked. Ill see if it happens again. hasnt happened since.
Had a weird issue last night, everything got rather fuzzy on the screen. Suspected a video card/driver issue so i reinstalled drivers, reseated GPUs etc but nothing would fix it. Plugged in another monitor and it was fine... when i plugged in the Acer again it was of course fixed (duh, power...
Hurrdurr i bought a single monitor that was bad they're all bad never buy samsung etc etc
Sorry to be hard on you but we're all very aware here on hard forum how crappy monitors of all brands can be. There are probably guys on here, who, if they had the same attitude as you, would have...
There was a controversy with the new Dell XPS13, an otherwise lovely laptop that has auto dimming built into the firmware. Makes it hard to calibrate etc.
Holy sheisse, even in desktop mode 120hz is awesome. It's been 20 years since i've had over 60 hz lol. So far so good, pixels look good. 1100 contrast ratio at 75% brightness, not bad at all for IPS. Got from newegg.
I have the Samsung, i went through 3 BenQs with loud ticking noises (i guess from the PSU). The BenQ build quality otherwise is better and the bezels are thinner IIRC. This is my 2nd samsung, as the first one had a defective stand (made a horrible crunching noise) and the bezel was loose and...
Ordered on monday from ShopBLT. No ETA yet but supposedly within 15 business days. It will kind of suck going back to 27 inch from 32, but I'm really sick of the issues of the 32" panels. Plus with 2 gtx980s i should get a higher refresh rate monitor to take advantage.
Yeah, i got a warning from them, very vague and odd email. They just wrote that i had a number of returns lately and blablabla. Definitely don't think ill buy another screen from them, rather not get banned.
Sounds like you want a glossy display then. The BenQ has a good semi gloss coat but its still doesnt look as nice as a glossy monitor, as long as your lighting conditions allow it.
I would go for the IPS. I have the 32" Samsung and kind of regret it. The blacks aren't great and this panel (gone through 4 of them) has problems with vertical lines showing down the picture. The image washes out off center. At least you don't have to deal with backlight bleed. The PWM is a non...
I dont think ive ever really seen an LCD with inky blacks. Just CRT, Plasma and OLED. I've stopped expecting it because i get disappointed if i hope for it.
I have the 51" version of this TV (insane deal @ $900 around christmas time at best buy)and my colors were all fairly accurate, stock out of the box. I didnt like the look of warm2 though and used warm 1. After calibration, on Warm2 i was able to get rid of the slightly yellow cast to whites...
Yes as posted above it can be fairly accurate. The exynos is garbage though. Returned mine as it was so slow even rooted and with custom roms. Display was gorgeous.
Thats because every monitor is different and using someone else's profile is a pretty worthless endeavor. Also brightness will depend on your ambient lighting. It will make you feel better though that with a calibrator you hardly have to touch any RGB settings on this monitor out of the box, at...
Actually last few days i get random loss of video signal (for a split second). Has been happening on display port 1.1 and DVI too. Im sending this back for an exchange. Really getting sick of the QC on higher end monitors. The last one made a horrible crunching noise from the stand. This'll be...
on my S32D850T, setting the display port to 1.2 will cause it to flicker and the picture will become distorted, and it the video signal will cycle on and off. This is on my GTX 980. In this case am i missing out of anything by not using it?
Exactly, seeing reflections ruins the perception of black, at least for me.
Anywho, didn't mean to start a big argument, it is good of manufacturers to offer choices. In a perfect world you could just check a box matte, semi glossy or glossy when you ordered your screen.
Sure, but for me semi glossy is the way to go.
I have a Korean Glossy IPS and compared to my semi glossy monitors, the blacks don't look nearly as... black as the semi glossy. I believe good ole NCX has done quite a few comparison shots of this, and his pics don't lie.
edit: sorry if i thread...
Strange problem. So i've been through 2 BenQ 32" and 2 Samsung 32" and none of them had a problem like that. I ended up sending the first Samsung back just recently because the stand started making horrible noises when adjusting it or touching it at all (or even my desk). I think the plastic...
Thats a nice display. I had issues with mine making noises during transitions to different colors etc though. The contrast is much nicer than the IPS displays which makes it great for gaming especially with darker games.
The colors aren't off too much from the factory. With an i1 display pro I just had to set it to gamma 2, turn the green down a bit and the red down a notch and that's about it. Color didn't change much after calibration. Don't even touch the contrast setting.
Did you change the gamma to setting 2? For some reason BenQ's default is way off and you lose contrast in the lower shades, at least on my 2 units you did.
Commiserate, lets hear your samsung story.
FWIW i've had good experiences with their TVs too (onsite repair). Its just when you ship your product back to their terrible repair centers if where you run into issues.
Yeah it wil vary on each unit. First BenQ had very light banding which was only noticeable at certain times. 2nd one was pretty bad and i could even see them during gaming. The samsung is not noticeable except in MS paint.
The blacks if anything look a bit better than the BenQ and less washed out as I move my head away from the center. But then again the contrast on the last BenQ wasn't as good as the Samsung or the first BenQ. And the banding on this one is less than the first two BenQs.
I guess i can see...
Ive only ever dealt with Samsung, which was annoying but they made me whole.... eventually.
Basically i had a S27b970d (such a garbage display) that would flat out not calibrate to 2.2
After i would calibrate it it would be something like 2.5. I did it with the internal calibration system...
Yep, sorry should have reiterated.
I really miss the BenQ as it had a thinner bezel and much sleeker design. But the Samsung doesnt have the issue with the popping/tapping sound.