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  1. S

    Another price hike for YouTubeTV

    There is one reason. Cable content is crap. Pretty much all the good shows get saved for streaming services to pull in more subs. The only reason I still have cable is sports. I've given up on the various cable channels broadcasting anything I'm interested in.
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    Path of Exile 2

    I'm enjoying it so far as an early access game. It isn't forgiving. For as slow as your character moves if you don't react instantly to what the boss is going to do it is easy to be one shot. Some of the skill cast times are too slow for me. I feel like the boss battles I spend more time...
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    Hasbro owns dnd. They cut a lot of staff over the past year, including the people working with Larian. I don't know how involved they were, but post from Larian people sounded very unhappy about it and sounded like they had a close working relationship with the dnd peoples.
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    Fallout 4

    There is also a path to only destroy the institute and keep the rest of the factions around. If I remember right you can still do that if you haven't pissed them off already and haven't done mass fusion. I almost always take that route because I like having all the factions active.
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    Fallout 4

    The Deliverer is my personal favorite weapon. Not the most powerful but I will use it to stealth clear places until I'm discovered or come up against bosses and tougher legendary enemies.
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    I liked it. It isn't my favorite Bethesda game and it has some flaws, but I don't regret my purchase. If you don't like the Elder Scrolls or Fallout games you probably will not like this. Really looking forward to after the mod tools come out.
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    Grim Dawn Alpha starts tomorrow

    I've got 1k hours in the game and somehow have never actively played when a season was going on. Are they any good?
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    Fallout 4

    "Return to the Commonwealth April 25! We are releasing a free Fallout 4 update for PC players! Experience Fallout 4 on your next-generation PC with widescreen and ultra-widescreen support, as well as fixes to Creation Kit and a variety of quest updates. Players with PC versions of Fallout 4 on...
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    Fallout 4

    Show has brought players back and some new players. Several people at work who hadn't played any of the Fallout games have started playing 4. They keep stopping by my office to talk about it. So now I want to play some Fallout, but I'm going to wait for the patch. Hopefully it doesn't break too...
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    I think it is a good game but it isn't one of my top RPGs. I think it is great how well it has done because it will draw more people to RPGs and maybe other games will get better $upport in the future. It would have been better if it had been set somewhere else in the world and not BG. It...
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    Grim Dawn Alpha starts tomorrow

    I'm still loving it. Reinstalled it a few weeks ago. Was planning on waiting until the new mastery gets here but failed that. It is practically a perfect game for me. The only thing I wish they would change, and it is very minor, I wish quest that gave you items would give you something usable...
  12. S

    New Silverstone FT02

    I like seeing that people are still using this case. I still have mine, at work, under my desk, as a footrest. Good case but damn heavy.
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    I assumed he had more than a little inside help.
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    Crimson Fleet station has a lot of vendors in a close area, with two of them having around 10k. Course you have to be friendly with them. Still isn't enough but without mods it is one of the best places to sell things.
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    Did you go to NG+ yet? Vendor there had a nice version of that rifle.
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    I preordered. I have over 160 hours in Starfield and have stopped playing for now. I enjoyed the game and do not regret the purchase. I am disappointed in how the game turned out. There are so many things that should be better. So while I am annoyed about some parts of the game I had fun with it...
  17. S

    Cities Skylines 2

    I liked the first one as a relaxing casual game. I'll be picking up 2 at some point but it will probably be on a sale and after they have released some DLC.
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    Except for ignoring enemies that is how I play. I've never once used the beds in this game.
  19. S


    These two are my current favs. Got them around level 50. Still use them at 72. Just pick up the Revenant from the UC/Crimson fleet quest at 72. The Avatar I bought the same time as the first two, but don't use it. I didn't know about the charge ability. Going to have to see if I can one shot...
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    Two years after launch Windows 11 adoption is still waaaay behind Windows 10

    I don't know what you have been ordering but the Mac and Windows laptops we have been ordering are pretty much the same in weight.
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    NG+ was definitely a missed opportunity. The randomness of it is stupid. They could have added new dialogues, new ways to complete quest, new quest, new lore, etc. While some of that is there it isn't a lot.
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    I really don't understand this. It sounds like you want a multiplayer game. Why would you buy this game?
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    If you rush it you will miss out on things. Play the game to completion at least once. I think once you start NG+ it will not take long to figure out what is up. Then rush it if you don't like what they are doing.
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    I don't think it is that bad. Sure other devs may take 10 steps forward when Bethesda takes 5 forward then 3 back. But they do make some improvements. I've enjoyed most of the quest this time around. The main one is typical for them but the faction quest were great. Combat is better. It is less...
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    Last time I played it was on a 7 year old system with a 1080. New computer with a 4080, looking forward to this. This has been an excellent year for gaming. I don't remember the last time I had so many games fighting for my time.
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    Skill plays a part but a cargo or research vessel shouldn't really compete with a pirate or warship. Sounds like you need a new ship. There are ships the have better cargo and can fight, just need to find or build them. Also I have not invested in ship skills yet. But I do have people...
  27. S


    I was as well. My ship has about 2k in storage. I keep important things like ship parts, commonly used research items like adhesives, and legendary items I might want to display later. I only loot ammo and interesting or rare items. Everything else just slows you down. You can buy a lot of...
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    That is the same thing that happened with reverse. On paper everything about the Witcher 3 is something I should like. I just can't get into it. Cyberpunk hooked me from the start.
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    The last wave I ran up and tossed a grenade into the bay soon as the landing ramp opened, killed all of them. I was going to jump in and see if I could get into the ship but the gate raised soon as everyone died and I missed it.
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    Are you just going to random places? I've been on a chain of missions for one faction for the last 10 hours or so. I haven't gotten any repeated locations for it.
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    I generally play a game through at least once before modding it. But that looks so much better.
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    I don't think tolerate is the right word. Average gamer does not care about these details. If they did there would be more high end video cards in the steam survey. The people here are not the average gamer.
  33. S


    Two and half hours in and it has been fine for me so far, no noticeable bugs or crashes. Some of the character creation screens felt unwieldy. Other menus haven't had any problems. I always stumble with their controls at the start. I have not dug into any of the settings just running...
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    Grim Dawn Alpha starts tomorrow

    Wow, didn't they say they were done with expansions? I love the support they give to this game.
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    I mostly agree with Carnage. I'm probably a little harsher, just too many things I thought could have been better, and too many times I was disappointed in how something was handled. But overall I like the game and would give it an 8/10. I came away wanting to..replay BG 1/2 and WotR. I don't...
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    My initial reaction was disappointment. But then I think of how vast No Man's Sky was, and how empty it was at the same time. So this might be a good thing, might not.
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    Except it also breaks good streaks. Lot of people have said the game is better with it off.
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    We expect a full how to modding guide from you within 24 hours :)
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    Click directly on the dice to speed that up. I do like the game. The more I play the more annoyed I get with some of the decisions and bugs.
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    Right now I'm thinking the origin warlock for a good play through. I want to do a paladin but I don't really like the 5th edition version. Dragonborn sorcerer is another high on my list. Draconic bloodline will have an effect on how your characters look. Skip to 14 minutes to see that.