Search results

  1. T

    Upgrade CPU or GPU? (2500k@4.0/GTX 780)

    CPU now, GPU soon*. I had a 2500K OCed to 4.7 GHz and upgraded it last year. Then I upgraded my GTX 970 a couple months later after the Super cards were released. I wouldn't do it any differently. Your 2500K will bottleneck any new video card you pair it with. There's no point in spending $500...
  2. T

    RTX 3xxx performance speculation

    Not me!
  3. T

    RTX 3xxx performance speculation

    To run more instructions in a given amount of time. It's a great way to "brute force" improved performance.
  4. T

    RTX 3xxx performance speculation

    That will make GPUs cheaper, but it wouldn't help increase clock speeds.
  5. T

    RTX 3xxx performance speculation

    I think we're beginning to reach the limits of what GPUs built on silicon are capable of just as we have been with CPUs post Sandy Bridge.
  6. T

    RTX 3xxx performance speculation

    I foresee a ~40-50% performance gain when utilizing RT and DLSS over the 20x0 non-Super cards as they'll be better tailored for those now more mature technologies. But without these features enabled the gain in overall performance will only be another ~30-35% for each card tier. I also predict...
  7. T

    Rift CV1 3rd Sensor Issues

    This card.
  8. T

    "Intel in jeopardy" from insiders. Much much worse than what they tell.

    Do people really think Intel's lagging CPU division is going to tank the entire company in just a few years? Really...?
  9. T

    Virtual JBOD, is it possible?

    Is nobody else using the Drive Pool utility built in to Windows 10? I've been using it since 10's release on my server and never had any issues.
  10. T

    Oculus will now require Facebook login for social features and ad targeting

    And you happily use Google's services, yes? And Amazon?
  11. T

    Oculus will now require Facebook login for social features and ad targeting

    "Whataboutism"? Whataboutism! It's ok if you can't think of a response beyond that. I know it can be difficult for some people to be introspective and think critically.
  12. T

    Oculus will now require Facebook login for social features and ad targeting

    So you're using "whataboutism" to avoid responding to an argument. Clever!
  13. T

    Oculus will now require Facebook login for social features and ad targeting

    Your response doesn't make sense either way.
  14. T

    Oculus will now require Facebook login for social features and ad targeting

    Are you proud of being a hypocrite? You aren't really "taking a stand" if you only do so when it's convenient. For Christ's sake Google practically invented this shit and I bet I know what your default search engine is and maybe even the browser you're using to read this post.
  15. T

    Oculus will now require Facebook login for social features and ad targeting

    Ok. So why aren't we making the same demands with Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc? If tracking user data for targeting ads is bad then this problem goes way, wayyyy beyond Facebook.
  16. T

    Oculus will now require Facebook login for social features and ad targeting

    People are so up in arms about this, but I fail to see why this is such a big deal when ad tracking has been a thing for over a decade and nearly every company with an online presence is either buying, selling, and collecting their own information. As it stands there isn't anything Facebook is...
  17. T

    VR Backpacks & Laptop Back-strapping

    I was sent one of these a few years ago to mess around with at work. Would work well with a Rift S, Vive, Index or Vive Pro.
  18. T

    AAA VR titles are starting to deliver...

    There are a lot of good articles out there about how to get your "VR legs" and not get motion sick when using artificial locomotion in VR. But the short version is: Don't push yourself - take a 15 minute break the moment you begin to feel uncomfortable or you will risk feeling sick for hours...
  19. T

    AAA VR titles are starting to deliver...

    Asgard's Wrath is awesome. I've heard mixed things about Stormland but I've yet to try it myself. Boneworks looks great but I'm not getting excited about it until it's released.
  20. T

    The state of VR - Lost it's steam?

    I have about 30 hours into it already and I'm still making my way through the main campaign. I haven't been in a few optional dungeons yet either. Officially there's over 40 hours of content. Asgards Wrath
  21. T

    The state of VR - Lost it's steam?

    It's worth every penny. They could have sold it for more.
  22. T

    The state of VR - Lost it's steam?

    Have you tried Asgard's Wrath yet?
  23. T

    Nvidia / Jensen trying to kill off the AMD FreeSync Branding? The F-ing #%$@ Suckers!

    Nvidia supports FreeSync, AMD doesn't support Gsync.
  24. T

    Nvidia / Jensen trying to kill off the AMD FreeSync Branding? The F-ing #%$@ Suckers!

    That isn't how it works. The GPU and driver needs support for GSync/Freesync. Not the other way around.
  25. T

    WTB: Intel i7 8700K/8086K/9700K with MoBo

    Have you seen this thread yet?
  26. T

    Nvidia / Jensen trying to kill off the AMD FreeSync Branding? The F-ing #%$@ Suckers!

    Who cares if they know the difference or not? If anyone has a reason to care, it would be Nvidia since it makes real, hardware backed Gsync look less valuable. Those who *do* care are probably looking at Freesync 2 and Gsync 2, both of which cost more due to the more ridged standard, or in the...
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    Nvidia / Jensen trying to kill off the AMD FreeSync Branding? The F-ing #%$@ Suckers!

    RE OP: So what? Does AMD need to defend it?
  28. T

    Atari VCS architect quits the project; claims he hasn't been paid for six months

    The C64 was an 8-bit computer and was extremely popular in the 80s. This was the first home computer for millions.
  29. T

    Oculus Quest Virtual Link (PC Mode)

    It looks like this Link software will work with any good USB-C cable, and there will be a fiber optic cable later this year. It'll be interesting to see what the trade offs are. The Quest uses 72hz screens. Would they be bumped up when connected to a PC? What about added latency?
  30. T

    Upgrade Path Opinions

    I've bought a few Windows 10 pro keys from Never had an issue with them. Looks like they're selling keys for $7 today.
  31. T

    Upgrade Path Opinions

    No. Nothing you would be able to see, anyway.
  32. T

    Upgrade Path Opinions

    If you need the extra speed PCIe 4.0 offers then yeah, AMD's x570 chipset is your only option right now. However only you will know if you will actually be able to utilize that speed. It will be another 8-10 years before GPUs and other components surpass PCIe 3.0.
  33. T

    Upgrade Path Opinions

    The waterblock on your 2700k will likely work with a modern Intel system as the mount holes haven't changed. I just did the same thing coming from a 2500K/GTX 970. I upgraded the mobo/CPU/RAM to a 9700K, and bought a RTX 2800 Super a few weeks later.
  34. T

    How does 2 rifts on 1 account work?

    I don't know as I only have a CV1. But I'm sure someone on would have tried this.
  35. T

    The state of VR - Lost it's steam?

    I don't remember. I *think* I heard this in Carmack's OC5 speech but i'm unsure.
  36. T

    The state of VR - Lost it's steam?

    GearVR units were given away with new Note and Galaxy phones for a while after release. A lot of people put the headset on a few times to show their friends and never touched them again.