Nice. Many memories of birthdays at the local pizza joint pumping quarters into an MK cabinet. Good times.
Almost had a King of Fighters 2001 cabinet a few years ago but some other dude offered the seller more while I was out of town.
The hp envy 15 is actually the laptop I've been looking at. Only wish it came with a little higher res screen and the options of getting better ram and a SSD as I don't like having to void warranties straight out of the box if I don't have to. Also waiting for the new Lenovo Thinkpad series to...
I've been in the market for a new multimedia/light gaming laptop and this chip caught my eye. After looking around though, I haven't been able to find a laptop with this chip that isn't gimped. So, any one know of a laptop that DOESN'T run it at only 15w and available in the US?
Though not technically an rpg, I gotta recommend the STALKER series. More of a free-roaming shooter, but very immersive. $20 on steam right now. Or if you prefer free, you can find STALKER: Lost Alpha on moddb. Full re-make of the first game and totally free.
I was going to wait until tax-return time to get one, but if this price cut happens I'll be getting one sooner. Most of my friends already have or are planning on getting a ps4, leaving me the only one with an xbox one.
I got my digital copy shortly after release and I feel it's a great addition to my game library. I have yet to play through all the included games yet (having too much fun with banjo kazooie, conkers, and perfect dark). Still working on unlocking a lot of the extra behind-the-scenes stuff as...
Your gear is a little spread out right now. Run some normal rifts in the highest torment you can manage and spend those shards on your remaining Rolands pieces. Then craft a Piro Marella as was mentioned earlier. Focus and Restraint rings will also further boost your damage output. With my...
This is affecting streaming services on the XBone as well. Just tried hulu, netflix, crunchyroll, funimation, youtube, and twitch. All of them say "can't connect due to network issues". I guess I'll watch a dvd or something on my tablet before bed instead.
Still waiting for the overkill loot rng to be toned down a bit, but these are welcome changes overall. With the addition of higher torment levels, I hopefully won't have to push GR's for drops anymore.
I wonder how long it'll take for another hotel to have this same feature except in reverse. Imagine having to pay a separate fee to have this "cage" turned off so you can use your devices lol.
I have been wanting to upgrade my ol' hd6950 1gb model for a while and this would be a stellar upgrade. Crossing all cross-able appendages and hoping to save some bucks!!
concrete-core chokes and hardened MOSFETs
XBone for me. Been out of the console crowd for quite a while since my last new console purchase was either a PS2 or 1st gen Xbox (can't remember). I'm liking it so far, but I'm not really a big fan of not being able to do much with it if the XBlive gets shut down again.
I've used one as my everyday phone for over a year now. GREAT phone for the money, and especially at this price. Really dig the windows OS on these as well. Only downsides are the lack of accessories at retailers and the lack of a flash for the camera. Other than that I've been really happy...
I now how you feel dude. I had to move home 2 years ago to take care of family, which just happen to live in the middle of nowhere. I went almost 16 months without internet. Fiber optic cable was just installed this last summer here and it's wonderful :D
I got one and they are just OK. Controllers are definitely junk, but the controller ports do allow the use of the original controllers for all 3 systems. I originally got mine for $45, but the genesis/megadrive slot went out after a few months of light use. The NES and SNES ports still work...
Waiting for the 970 review/test myself. Going by the prices and a few other benchmarks around the web, I'm glad I skipped last generation. 1440p may be in my budget now.....
I played the HELL out of that when I was a kid. I loved fishing (and still do) in the summer, but hated ice-fishing. So the only way I got to enjoy the "lake" in the winter was fishing games. Had a few for the genesis, but trophy bass 2 for pc was my favorite. Think I still got the install...
Have never sold any of mine. I don't play them as often as I used to, but I know I'd regret it if I let any go. All the consoles I own have been christmas or birthday gifts from friends and family, so they are somewhat sentimental. I just wish I had the room in the den to set them all up like...
I got a couple questions.
1.) Do you think it's worth the current price of $140?
2.) Is the top of the unit as flimsy as I've heard?
3.) Does it really hold the carts as tightly as I've heard?
4.) Can I have it? :D