Yeah, I should report you to the authorities for stealing! :D (That's an insane price!)
I got a call yesterday from Dell customer service to confirm my shipping address (and ask whether it was a business or residence) and when I asked what they could tell me about the ship date, they paused...
You can get it for less in Canada... see my note above. However, we don't get the benefits of the coupons the Americans have. :(
But lets be honest... even at $799, it's a freakin steal!
As for HDMI 2.0... that's totally unnecessary. DP1.2 is what you need, and what most GPUs output these...
I started out by chatting with Dell customer support off the website and then I said I wanted a better corporate discount, they took my number and I got a call back from an account rep who did up a quote.
I just placed an order for a pair of the P2715Q for my Mac Pro... no 20% off coupon in Canada, but I was able to negotiate a price of $699 CAD (or the same as the USD price).
ETA is Dec. 8th on my order.
Have you seen anything speculating on the Dell 27" panel origins? From what I've read the BenQ and Asus will be using an AUO panel while the Dell may be using an LG, but I'm not sure how anyone can know that with certainty at this point. However specs on the Dell 27" have it with a brightness...
I'm curious... Are you guys interested in the 27 or the 24? Why? What resolutions will you likely run these at? I'm assuming native is out of the question at this pixel density.
I have this board and I'm pleased with the relative ease with which the HDMI video/audio output just worked.
However, I'm having a real problem adding a RAID array to this board. I set it up with a single drive to boot the OS and now want to add a RAID 0 array for video storage on the black...
The way it reads is that the CPU will overclock one or two cores for single threaded apps when it can shutdown one or two cores in order to keep the TDP within spec. So, yes, it will "turbo" itself up under certain circumstances.
What the other guy was pointing out is that Intel will have...
You may have a point.. but we don't know how sophisticated the limit will be on this Turbo Mode. It may simply be that it will allow a default x9 multi to switch up to x12 on one core if the others are in LFM mode. For example, you may have your rig overclocked to say 400x9 (3.6GHz) and then...
Intel has been making memory controllers as long as CPU's... the fact that it's now on the same piece of silicon as the CPU shouldn't adversely affect it's fact, quite the opposite. Now you don't need to contend with GTL biasing between entities... it should be a lot easier to...
Hi, I've launched a new blog site that is a collection of news, information, and articles related to Nehalem...
Ultimately it will also link to reviews, overclocking results and tips, etc. when that kind of information starts becomming available.
I'll be updating...
I suggest people use the English forums on the Aquacomputer site...
This way we can have a thread per topic instead of trying to put all topics into one thread.
Just a thought.
ps. Shoggy, I have a thread over there that could...
I'm compiling some overclocking results and tips, tricks, known issues with this board on my blog...
Are there any owners of this board here? I'd like to compare quad-core overclocking results.
Finally got some time this weekend to post the results of my Areca 1210 array testing.
The objective of my analysis was not to determine if RAID0 is better than JBOD or anything else for that matter, it was really just to determine if the Areca performed as expected and to compare it to...
Camster, In my opinion, you really need to define "benefit" with respect to calibration. A properly calibrated display is much dimmer and the colors more muted than a typical display as it comes from the factory. I like my displays bright, vibrant, and saturated... which is not unusual... a...
No... I'm sure it's not (hence the "LOL")... it would be rediculous if it was, but I find it rediculous that there are 3+ Rev's out there... something is haywire down there in Mexico! To much Cerveza for the gringo in charge of product stickers I say! :D (too bad there's no emoticon with a...
This whole rev A00, A02, A03 thing has me baffled. How is it that a monitor that's only been out a few months globally and a few weeks in NA has 4 revisions already? :confused:
Also, it seems the only difinitive difference between these revs is the buzzing...
A00 = Silent
A01 = MIA
I ran a simple experiment on my dual pump system, comparing delta-temperatures (air to CPU) at idle and load in four different configurations:
Quiet (pumps and fans both undervolted to ~ 7V)
More Air Flow (pumps undervolted but fans running at full speed)
More Water Flow (fans undervolted...
I installed the Vista 101.70 beta drivers from nVidia last night and noticed all the scaling options were available again! This is good news for nVidia/Vista owners with 30" screens. I didn't have time to test it out but I will soon, unless someone beats me to it.
I notice all the scaling options (including 1:1) was enabled in my latest 101.70 nVidia Vista drivers... Will have to try it out soon.
Happy Hopping... Scaling is the process of adjusting the resolution of the source to the resolution of the display. Scaling can either occur at the source...
A couple of comments... (I have a Dell 3007WFP-HC)
The 30" screens do NOT have scalers in them. Scaling worked fine via the nVidia control panel in XP but they don't yet have that fucntionality working in Vista. Once they do, the lack of a scaler in the monitor will be irrelevant...
Just to clarify, dual-link DVI just uses a thicker DVI cable with more conductors (wires) and more pins in the connector... It still connects to a single DVI port on your graphics card. Of course, your graphics card's DVI ports need to have the added pins, etc. for dual-link which I believe all...
I've written a short article with some links to helpful reference material here for anyone experiencing a similar problem...
I'm currently having a similar problem and I'm glad I came across this thread.
I have an Areca RAID card with a RAID0 array for my system and I also have a 500GB SATA drive connected to the Mobo for data.
After I installed Vista on the RAID0 array, I couldn't boot without a bootable CD/DVD...
I purchased the Dell 20" 1600x1200 and run it in portrait mode to go with my 30". This monitor makes a perfect complement to the 30" because it has very similar dot-pitch, the same stand and bezel and the lottery seems to have disappeared and they are shipping IPS panels in the 2007FP so it...
Everything I have (except the XP driver) says HC... the box, the label on the back of the monitor, the clear plastic covering the LCD for shipping, the CD, the manual, even the tab for brightness control in the display control panel says HC... etc.
Why doesn't my driver say HC?
What driver...