Search results

  1. G

    We need you... in BF3... and BC2.

    Applied! (Guppy1509)
  2. G

    1090? 1100? 1055?

    I'm thinking the same thing. I have an X3 440 and was waiting on BD. Now I'm thinking the 1090T is the best option. I just really want an unlocked multiplier and 6 cores.
  3. G

    Bitcoin Discussion Thread Part 2

    Wow I was not expecting to find the block at all! lol I was mining on Slush`s Pool for a while and just came back to Simplecoin last night to help find the block...
  4. G

    Bitcoin Discussion Thread Part 2

    Well I just bailed out of Solidcoin... Made a whopping 0.17 BTC!!! lol
  5. G

    Apple Loses Another Unreleased iPhone

    Microwave ovens act as a Faraday cage, just don't turn it on with the phone inside!
  6. G

    The Totally Awesome Directron Drawing!

    AMD has great performance for a low price.
  7. G

    Bitcoin Discussion Thread Part 2

    ~ 245 MHash added to the pool...
  8. G

    Bitcoin Discussion Thread

    Really thinking about getting that 6950 I was eventually going to get. Tempted to get it now and maybe its mining can help pay it off. Split between the MSI R6950 Twin Frozr III and the ASUS EAH6950 DCII 3 slot card.
  9. G

    bitcoin [H] MH/s estimate thread...

    ~200 Mh/s on a 5770 (3 slot asus 6950 on the way! :D )
  10. G

    Bitcoin Discussion Thread

    I would also be interested in participating. Just a 5770 but it'll have to do.
  11. G

    XFX Radeon HD 6990 Drawing!

    I like XFX for their excellent warranty and the 6990 for its raw power, and it would be a nice upgrade from my 5770 lol
  12. G

    Corsair Gaming Audio Series™ SP2500 High-power 2.1 PC Speaker System Drawing

    When I hear Corsair I think quality and reliability.
  13. G

    Corsair Vengeance™ 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 Memory Kit Drawing

    Corsair = Quality, Reliability, and Performance
  14. G

    AT&T to Buy T-Mobile

    Yah, I wouldn't recommend any country look to our Canadian Telecom market for ideas. Maybe on what not to do. lol