It is probably just a relay.
I have an AX850 (Corsair) and a X750 (Seasonic), they are AFAIK based on the same design and made by Seasonic.
Both these power supplies click when the computer turns off, goes into sleep etc. I believe it has to do with powering down as much of the PSU as...
Mine (N66) gets warm (you can comfortably have your hand on top for a couple of minutes, should you want), although not unbearably so. Most of the higher end routers have pretty strong CPUs and obviously wireless chips etc, and they all make heat. I would say that the N66 is no worse than any...
I currently have a n66 running the latest Merlin firmware.
The USB sharing speed (and number of "connections") is quite poor, not good for saving torrents to, for example.
I am however impressed with the WAN speeds, which does nothing to slow down my 100/10 connection, I often get more than...
Optical didn't have enough bandwidth to transmit PCM 5.1 channel sound, hence having Dolby Digital and DTS. It did have enough bandwidth for 2 channel PCM though.
HDMI has the ability to transmit many channels of PCM audio.
If you connect the HDMI to the 680 SLI, you will be able to game...
Just wanted to ask, is this for music only? Or gaming involved too? Generally you get great performance from using a USB DAC for music, and then using an amp after that.
However, if you are gaming, and want positional audio, you want a sound card with hardware DSP (probably), and then an amp...
Just to be clear, the problem appeared when you added more memory to your system?
What BIOS are you running on the machine? I wonder if there are any extra options on the more up to date BIOS.
I would personally let the amp to the decoding, but I cannot comment on whether or not there is a benefit to letting one or the other do the decoding.
Just that the amp is controlling everything else (room customisation, digital to analog conversion etc), so why not decoding also?
For moves IMO a center speaker can do wonders, depending what you watch for movies. I would personally have 2 front speakers and a sub, then add a center, and then the rears (in that order).
Speech comes from the center speaker, and it normally adds a lot to have the speech coming from the...
My 2 reds have 4300 hours and 5400 hours on them, smart data is still fine. They have been kept running maybe 80% of the time, and kept around 30*C in vertical orientation. No problems for me.
I guess you have just been unlucky.
But of course, always have a backup just in case!
I think general practice is to have everything protected with PME (Protected Multiple Earthing), where the rack, cold water system, warm water system, gas etc are all linked to the same earth point as the electrical system. That prevents earthing across phases from multiple phase inputs and for...
You said ZFS, so just thought I would bring up that ZFS really needs a UPS (as do all "servers") and ECC support on the CPU, Motherboard and the RAM.
ECC means that the ZFS scrubbing and data rot detection and repair can work as it should do. If you do go ZFS, ECC is also a recommendation.
It is, but they only have themselves to blame really. Got to step up when the competition gets tough :) They made some excellent memory back in the day! Thinking of the Platinum EB TCCD DDR 200Mhz 2-2-2-X that would happily run at 318Mhz at more relaxed timings that Anand used as a bench platform...
Well Samsung make their PLS panels, probably in their own factory. They might of found a way to make it without cross hatching, that AU, Sharp and LG haven't ;) Or maybe PLS owners are too blind :P (Don't notice cross hatch on my Asus)
Problem is that usually BLB and a few dead pixels are just within specification... I do know it sucks though.
Their RMA department is probably about not losing money, and its sole task is to complete as many per day as possible, so quality comes 2nd. Sad state of affairs, but seems all to...
"Looking better" is not the same thing as being accurate. Although VA is more accurate than TN anyway.
Just because the LCDs in a shop are brighter than plasma, and the colours are more saturated, it doesn't mean that the LCD is displaying more accurate (true to source) colours.
If you are already doing the hard work of pulling cables for the cameras, might as well do for network points as well. My 2 cents anyway, far cheaper to do everything at once, rather than do all the work, and redecorate twice.
Okay, I was just wondering if it was some ground loop issue. Obviously there is a physical connection (unless you use TOSLINK) that is also a potential electrical connection.
It is possible that the computer PSU has a bad earth, or maybe the PSU for the DAC (does this even have an earth...
Just a question, are you using the speakers to play back audio from the PC? I didn't read that part anywhere in these posts.
That would mean you have a physical audio connection between them, regardless of where the PC and speakers get their power from.
Just trying to work out why the...
The R7000 does look like a monster. I am most interested in the wired performance, and the USB3 performance, although reliable wireless of any speed would be a step up from what I have now :P
I would of done the same if it wasn't for the fact that the store (big store like best buy or whatever you have on your side of the pond) didn't want to know, I contacted them the day after I took delivery as it was already past closing time, they wanted to send Panasonic out the set directly to...
You would lose "height" if you went for the 29" one.
I guess it depends entirely on what you do. Having 2 things side by side is easier on the 29, and gaming will be "wider" assuming you can adjust your FOV.
The 27 wins out for overall resolution. A word of warning with the 27 though, this...
You need to make sure that the light source is even (as in the whole of the light source, be it CCFL tubes or LEDs are of roughly the same intensity), and that the distance from the panel to the light source is kept as uniform as possible. I cannot fathom why this is so hard either, you can bin...
It looks like that M Audio speaker is an active speaker, so you would just need a cable from Left or Right (assuming front speakers) from the soundcard, to the input on the speaker.
I personally like to keep my "data" separate from my OS and games, so my OS and games all land on the SSD.
I guess I was in your position (having 3x 256GB SSD), and if I had games that were close to filling 1 of them, or even fill more than 1, the best way to set up might well be single SSD...
Yeah, the lack of USB ports (even USB2) is quite crappy on the Asus to be honest. Good thing that I only use USB3 for external hard drives, and that the cable I have into back of motherboard reaches nicely to desk, and can be hidden behind PC at other times.
I used Synctoy for a bit, to backup to 2 external drives (1 kept here, one offsite), it is actually very slow way of doing it. It checks EVERY file upon asking it to run a sync, so checking my 20000 or so pictures and videos takes it about an hour, and then it copies over the 20 or so extra...
It is fairly easy to understand why vinyl should be better, because you are not having to compress the music into a digital waveform, but how much "better" it sounds I don't know.
A lot of people say vinyl sounds better, I can't personally comment. But if you like it, you like it, nothing we...
I love my PB278, but the Viewsonic is meant to be the better monitor (at the time, the Viewsonic cost 50% more than the Asus, and wasn't in stock here in Sweden), so my decision to get the Asus was a no brainer :)
I also haven't had any issues with my 2x 3TB reds, but sample size is so small...
They came in a a WD sealed box, with foam packing, the drive was inside an antistatic bag inside.
Those pins that were shorted are 5V, 12V and Ground, according to:
Double check that the plug isn't dodgy, or you could (safest if no warranty), cut the plug off and use a domino connector to separate all the wires. Wrap it in PVC tape.
You get a lot of the peripheral vision of Eyefinity/ NV Surround, without having massive bezels and the big performance hit. Of course, it is not as wide, but plenty wide enough for most :)
At mini ITX you have the Q25 Lian Li, and the Fractal 304. Both are compact and hold (I think) 6 drives. About the most compact, if you don't go for a N40L, or N54L Microserver