I have 83 purified water in my inventory. 203 stimpacks. Countless specialty foods that regen HP. The game needs a hardcore mode badly, even on highest difficulty setting.
It's up to your upgrade cycle. I don't think a 2500k would have too much difficulty with the game, nor will your vid card. I'm on Z97, 4690k, DDR3 2133 and GTX970 and it performs well.
It's a better game than Skyrim overall. I still thought the main quest was pretty bad, though. Coming from some of the worst story writing to something very average is kinda an achievement.
I guess never feeling like my character was my character put a damper on how much I was invested into...
The game will tell you when you're about to piss off another faction. Until then, you can quest with all of them.
Pointless? No. Sometimes you have to pick a side in RPG's.
Well, as is expected from indie game studios, the release date has changed. Luckily, they are pushing it forward a few days earlier. The 18th is the new release.
I was level 49-50. I didn't do every sidequest, especially not the Radiant quest nonsense (there is already enough content here even if they eliminated 80% of radiant quests
Do you like Fallout 1-2. Turn based tactics RPG's? This shit is good. I started Alpha testing a couple years back, now finishing Beta testing... and this is the second coming.
Dev Log
On Steam...
Unless I'm mistaken, your experiences may not be relevant to the fictional experiences of potentially the most powerful Sith, who was right hand to the Emperor of an entire galaxy.
If you're an incredibly powerful space wizard who controls billions of lives and immense responsibility, I'm...
Wow, more than one ending in a Fallout game? Bethesda never ceases to innovate and add features to a series that has always lacked options. What's next? They're going to add the option to play as an EVIL character? Fuck, RPG's will never be the same.
Out of the box -
-crafting was broken and dull
-the ui was (and still is) probably one of the worst, if not the worst video game ui's I've used
-removal of all stats in favor of a heavily gated and points-wasting perk system. This could have been OK had the perk trees been...
They were all questionable. You get meaty DLC like Old World Blues from NV (Obsidian), but I'd say half the Bethesda DLC are ok to meh. Some pretty decent.
Hearthfire was already done with the House quests in Morrowind. I found it interesting, but shoulda been in base game.
Point Lookout...