I got the Asus PB328Q and have been pretty happy with it. Color is great blacks looks awesome. Games play fine, I have trace free set at 60. The only ding I would give it is the pixel pitch. If you look real close the text is not super sharp like it is on a 2560x1440 27 inch monitor, but it is...
Does anyone know if you use the Spyder 5 Pro, do you need to have that utility running on the taskbar all the time or can you disable it from starting when windows starts? This is after you calibrate the monitor of course. I'm just not sure if I disable it if my calibration settings will load...
I got my PB328Q from Fry's. The first one I got had stuck pixels, exchanged it got a 2nd one and that too had stuck pixels. So I went and exchanged it and got a 3rd one. This one had 3 stuck pixels. I was so pissed that I took my finger and flicked all 3 of them really hard, and to my absolute...
I actually think that they both use the same panel. And your right they seem pretty much equal. Yeah it looks like me flicking it hard fixed all 3 of them.
WOW I don't know how this happened, but I was so pissed off that I took my finger and flicked the stuck pixels hard with my finger and they are all fine now How is that even possible??
Well like a dummy, I exchanged the 2nd monitor and got a 3rd one. And..................................of course thus one has 3 stuck pixels. One on the top left corner, one in the middle and one on the bottom right corner, so it looks like tic tick toe 3 in a row :-( I am too tired to exchange...
LOL so I decided to try one more Asus PB328Q monitor. I exchanged the other one and just got home. LOL this one has 6 stuck pixels in the lower right hand corner. The QC on these monitors are terrible. So this has to go back as well. CRAP!
OK so after using the 32 inch for 2 days, I think I prefer the 27 inch more. Even after using the Spyder 5 to calibrate the 32 inch, the 27 inch Asus IPS still just looks better. It's sharper more crisp and clearer. I played BF4 on Friday night, and it just didn't feel as smooth as the 27 inch...
Oh yeah duh :-) getting old here. I also notice with HDMI you can do 75hz but you have to make a custom res with the Nvidia control panel. But with Display port it is already there by default, the 75hz that is...
I don't remember saying that actually. I did see the OMEN at Fry's though. It looked pretty much exactly like the asus, except they were completely sold out of the OMEN. The bezels looked a tad bigger on the OMEN then they did on the asus. I did try using Nvidia's vibrance in the control panel...
I think I fixed it. In the OSD of the Asus monitor there is an option called "Vivid Pixel" which was on by default. I turned that off and what a difference. Now it looks normal. The other thing though is the colors on this monitor. They do not POP like they did on my IPS, they look very dull and...
Actually no it was HDMI I was using. Maybe I should try display port. I do have to return this one though. It had 2 dead or stuck pixels pretty much in the center of the screen. I was planning on returning it to Fry's but maybe I will just exchange it. Could Display port over HDMI make that much...
Well I got the Asus monitor since it was local. And I have to say 1440p on a 32 inch is not very appealing. The icons and text looks really grainy and fuzzy as well. Playing games you will not notice this, but for everything else you will. A 4k 32 inch is perfect, but then you go from a $400...
My local Frys has the Asus in stock. I may take a look at it at lunch. I actually like the look of the Asus better. I also like the fact that the Asus has a built in PSU as opposed to a power brick.
I do have an Nvidia Gtx 1080. I also always use adaptive vsync. Has is the input lag on the Omen is it good? I am leaning towards the Omen based on what people are saying here in the forums. The one thing I do not like on the OMEN though is the bezels. They are pretty thick compared to the Asus.
I am looking for a big monitor. I know the draw backs to large monitors such as PPI etc. But I would still like to get one. I have my eyes set on either the HP Omen 32 inch or the Asus PB328Q. I know both are VA panels. It will mostly be used for web surfing some media and for gaming on Friday...