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  1. Y

    Reasons to go Android

    4g wireless tether and Google Nav seal the deal for me. Plus, I HATE apple...and hate is a strong word (but this is not a reason not to go apple for others, because I'll admit apple products are solid devices).
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    Google + invite button is up

    That was fast! Thanks, very cool of you.
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    Google + invite button is up

    cheekstar00 AT gmail
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    Ghetto A/C window unit duct cooling

    I know it's been done several times before, but I just happened to install a new window A/C unit in my bonus room and it's right beside my computer. It got me thinking and I came up with this.... Uploaded with I haven't done any extensive testing yet or overclocking, but...
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    Anyone know where i can buy a ....

    Use red vinyl dye, easy as pie... Will look OEM.
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    Scariest video game moments...

    Only one game has ever scared me....and that's Penumbra. When you are trying to hide from the alien creature thing and he's running behind you. Shits scary, yo.
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    EVGA GTX460 768MB (recertified) - $99

    Awesome, casual gamer here looking to upgrade my 512mb for one! Newegg has the same recertified ones for $30 more.
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    Evo 3D

    I don't really care for the 3d part of the phone, but the specs are amazing. Worthy upgrade to the OG Evo.
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    When are the Tegra 2 based phones for Sprint coming?

    Sprint fixes phones now for a flat $35 fee+tax!....and yes that INCLUDES the screen.
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    Ever feel like you're never satisfied?

    1 year upgrades for sprint premier customers are awesome...sell your old phone for profit/break even and then get a new phone. Been doing it for a while now. The added $10 "premium" data charge to use my Evo is an added cost, but well worth it since I wireless tether/hotspot often (free after...
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    Evo 3D

    Love my Evo, still going strong since launch day. I could easily live with my Evo for another year, but since I will be a Premier Gold customer after April 1st I will still be eligible for annual upgrades....will be getting this phone on launch day! Sucks for people who become Premier Silver...
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    Deciding on a processor... suggestions!

    I've recently built 3 identical PCs using the X3 450 and Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2. The Gigabyte board is ROCK SOLID. I successfully unlocked the 4th core (no crashes or oddities after 8 hour stress tests) on all of the X3s I bought from Newegg. You have a good chance of being able to unlock...
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    Low budget gaming computer

    You should consider using the Gigabyte GA-MA78LMT-S2 motherboard. It's been getting great reviews and Gigabyte motherboards have always been rock solid performers overall. I've used 3 of these so far and just ordered a 4th one for a budget build. No problems and can be used to unlock...
  14. Y

    I tried the iPhone4, but sorry the EVO and Android is much better

    I love my Evo. I've had it since release day and I'm not in the least bit tired with it. I've been flashing roms and customizing it for months now. Currently running Myn's RLS5. The best part is using wireless tether/sprint hotspot for FREE on 4g to get fast internet on my laptop/desktop...
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    32-Inch LCD HDTV (LG 32-LD-350) = $329 + Free S/H + Free 30 Day Return

    Not a bad deal. I would wait until Black Friday though if you can. There are several TV deals you can get in on without even leaving your home. I bought a 32" 1080p Vizio for $340 shipped from Dell last black friday. Been using it as a monitor since!
  16. Y

    Judge Slaps LimeWire with Permanent Injunction

    I can think of 10 ways at the top of my head to download high quality music. Limewire...lulz.
  17. Y

    Logitech G27 Racing Wheel $209.99 Free Shipping

    I bought a new one during the Best Buy $150 sale earlier this year, but I got fed up with GT5 being delayed (only game i really want to use a wheel with) and ended up selling it for $200. It's a very nice wheel, but make sure you have a near permanent place to install it...because it gets...
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    Does Sprint use the Clear 4G towers?

    Nope, I'm actually a little lower than that white dot in reality. As soon as I get out of my neighborhood, BAM I get coverage.
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    Does Sprint use the Clear 4G towers?

    Yes, they do share. I asked this on XDA forums. Sprint is partnered with Clear and is the major shareholder. They both utilize the same towers. On a side note, I dont get 4g at my house but the surrounding streets behind, in front, and to the sides do. I'm like the center of a donut with no...
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    4G is live in Providence probably going to make the switch to sprint + EVO

    and after you get it...root it, install Fresh rom, and Netarchy kernel- makes the phone smoother, zippier, and improves battery life. The phone will look stock and have all of the features of the stock phone, but the backend is sweeett. Really simple to do.
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    StealthGuards FREE mobile device skins, shipping only

    Mine came in and the install on my EVO went pretty well. Was a little daunting at first and I had to figure out where the side pieces went. I ordered 2 and I used pieces from both. The stupid protectors were melted together, had to slowly peel them away. Made a real big mess and I had to put...
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    WTB: Cheap SATA HDD, 80gb-160gb

    Found a hard drive. Thanks all!
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    WTB: Cheap SATA HDD, 80gb-160gb

    Wanting to buy a cheap SATA HDD for a budget build. Anywhere from 80gb-160gb will work. Must obviously be working fine. Looking to spend $20-30 shipped. Help a [H] brotha out!
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    WTB Cheap LGA775 Mobo

    EVGA has a b-stock sale on some LGA 775 boards. I just bought the nforce 730i, but they have the 750i and 750i FTW for cheap. From $30-45 shipped.
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    Bad Company 2

    Im glad I dont have any of the rubberbanding issues many seem to have. I getoccasional lag, but thats server/player dependent
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    Bad Company 2

    I was just checking my stats after a while and its quite interesting. I've been playing a little more and my skill level has shot up to 575 :) I often shoot helis down with tanks, rack up on points that way. My attacker ratio is 12.13 (194 wins,16 losses) Defender ratio is an abysmal...
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    9dB antenna (RP-SMA) for wireless routers/cards $4.99 + FreeShip @ mwave

    As promised, I said i would post back with my results with the antenna and my WHR-HP-G54 router. The antenna doesnt screw in on the stock router as Thanatos stated, BUT it fits with a very minor modification. If you look on top of the router, there is a bluish/gray trim that is in the...
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    Does it bother you when someone else has 'YOUR' in-game name?

    Dont think I have a problem with that, just look at my username :)
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    HTC EVO flawless?

    It's damn near flawless for me. Have had it since launch day. Gets better everyday.
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    9dB antenna (RP-SMA) for wireless routers/cards $4.99 + FreeShip @ mwave

    Thanks for the heads up, that was kind of in the back of my head after looking at it :( I'll post back my results with it.
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    9dB antenna (RP-SMA) for wireless routers/cards $4.99 + FreeShip @ mwave

    Awesome! Got one for my Buffalo WHR-HP-G54.
  32. Y

    What are your favorite andoird apps and why?

    A Online Radio - Shoutcast radio stations and other DroidFit- App for keeping exercise logs, shows you different workouts, affected muscle groups, w/ animations EasyTie- Shows you how to tie different types of ties, simple to advanced knots- learned some new ones :) Song Storm- Search an...
  33. Y

    HTC EVO dust problems w/pic, WTF HTC!

    Damn that sucks. I've heard of this issue. I have a little light leakage at the bottom near the touch buttons, but no dust issues. I'd return it ASAP and get a different revision.
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    What do you think is the pocketable size limit?

    I think 5" is too large. You are an outlier as a large person with big hands, but if it's a mass consumer device I think the droid X is the limit. Take a look at the Dell Streak (5" screen) held up to the ear- That just looks stupid to me personally. I have an EVO and its as big as I...
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    Friend gave me old system (TI 4400)... what are some good games

    Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Rainbow Six 3, BF1942...pretty sure Chronicles of Riddick looked amazing on that card (for what it is) and ran pretty well. You need more ram though.
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    Medal of Honor PC beta starts June 21 (preorder required)

    This MP beta is whatever...not impressed. At least with other betas, I could see potential for a good game. I wish they'd remake MOHAA or make a very similar game. I know WWII games are overdone, but I'd really like a Medal of Honor game that goes back to the original Medal of Honor storylines...
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    EVO Issue?

    Mine hasnt gotten more than warm on the back cover from watching videos for a while. That's not normal, but what's your signal like and do you have 4g on?