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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    I agree. Last nVidia chipset board I buy :(
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    Cheap board to hold over till Nehalem?

    You'll likely be waiting a while for Nehalem unless you have a big wad of cash ready. IIRC, the first Nehalems will be more expensive than the Extreme Edition Quads.
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    Yes, but depending on when you want to build, you may want to wait for the P45 boards. If you want SLI, however, then a nVidia chipset is the only way...
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    For DualCore yes, for Quads - its much more flaky, for whatever reason.
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    Good point. I really should take a multi-meter to it under load to be sure, but the bios reads 4.91v. TY :)
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    There is a pencil mod to reduce the vdroop (which probably voids your warrantee), but no setting that I'm aware of.
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    Ok, not rock solid at 3.15G. I have the latest bios and drivers, but suddenly I got a ton of drive corruption the only way to get back running was to restore from a two day old backup :eek: It wasn't a cpu temp problem, so I don't know what happened. Now I'm running at 3.0GHz. The Vdroop on...
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    Yeah, I've got it up and running now. I'm using 60x25mm fan and running it at 50%. More than enough cooling for now. Much less noisy than those cheap 60x10mm fans OEMs use. BTW, so far I really like this board. Solid as a rock at 3.15GHz first boot (as opposed to the nightmarish problems...
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    Asus Maximus II Formula P45 Pics!!!

    Holy smokes!! 16 phase vrm :eek: Noice!
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW @ [H]

    Is the NB fan speed speed adjustable within the sub-menu? I'm asking because I may mount a higher CFM 60mm fan on it before installing it in my case, but if I can't drop the RPMs via the bios, it will be loader than hell (not that I've been there). TY!
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    EVGA 750i northbridge fan LOUD

    For a decent priced board, you'd think EVGA would spring for a better fan :rolleyes: Well, I'll see for myself in the next couple of days.
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    Study Recommends Releasing Trailers Over Demos

    Yeah, it's like s*cky movies where they don't give a special screening for movie critics - because they'll say it s*kcs and then it's game over.
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    MSI P7N SLI Platinum @ [H]

    Maybe I have a bad board. I have decided to RMA it because it's just become the worst time suck on any board I've owned. The NB (MCP) cooler has about 40cfm blowing past it, if that's not enough then something is wrong. What P35 board gave you all the problems with your quad?
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    EVGA 750i SLI FTW

    We just need a review on [H] to see if this board can really do what we've seen at the EVGA forums. the EVGA 750 FTW would go nicely with my EVGA 9600GT :D
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    MSI P7N SLI Platinum @ [H]

    The P7N Platinum is a nice board so long as you're not looking for good Quad OCing. I found the same problems as Morry trying to overclock a G0 Q6600 - very annoying and disappointing. I've even tried the 1.11 beta and P02 performance BIOSes. It just doesn't seem to be a good card for quads...
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    Future motherboards that will support 500+fsb?

    We won't know till they are out (in a month or two) but the P45's could be good. They are built on a smaller process than the P35s and will run cooler - which could be a plus. On top of that, I imagine Intel targeted that chipset directly for 45nm CPUs.
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    Please help with Q6600 build (got cpu , need mobo and ram)

    The drag with many Gigabyte boards is the huge copper HS on the back on of the board, if you have a bolt on CPU HSF, you're stuck. Otherwise they seem to be very good boards.
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    MSI P7N Sli+Q66 Alive and Kicking

    Well, it's looking like 3.15GHz is stable. Seems like my particular mobo is very FSB limited, but I can't be 100% sure since I can't knock down the multi.
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    MSI P7N Sli+Q66 Alive and Kicking

    I hope they fix the multiplier problem, then I can drop my mem speed and tighten up the timings allot. I'd rather run at 400Mhz, 800Mhz Cas4 DDR2 than 356Mhz and 1036 Cas 5 DDR2 - then I'd be synced up better.
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    MSI P7N Sli+Q66 Alive and Kicking

    Yeah, seems to be the trick. I'm at 1.55v for VTT and running my NB (MCP) at about the same. So 3.2GHz is looking like it might be stable (need more stress testing). vCore is ~ 1.27v (under load) and maxes out at about 48 degrees for my hottest core. I was hoping to be one of the lucky ones...
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    MSI P7N Sli+Q66 Alive and Kicking

    What kind of Vtt and Vnb are you guys using? I'm having a heck of a time getting this G0 over 3.0GHz :(
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    p35 -> p45, what to expect?

    The p45 is manufactured on a smaller process, so it may run cooler as well.
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    MSI P7N Sli+Q66 Alive and Kicking

    Hmm, didn't seem to work with P02 and a Q6600, I dropped it to 8 but it still came up 9x :( Maybe I'm missing something (I am turning speedstep off). I'm playing with the 1.11 version ATM.
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    MSI P7N Sli+Q66 Alive and Kicking

    Cool, downloading now. Does P02 allow one to change the multiplier? Neither of MSI's official BIOSes do (well, the numbers change, but the hardware doesn't). Ty!
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    MSI P7N Sli+Q66 Alive and Kicking

    P02? MSI's website shows v1.0 & v1.1 (for P7N Plat SLI).
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    Anyone get Q6600 at Newegg recently? What stepping? OEM - SLACR - G0 :)
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    Q9650 and Q9400 Bumped to Q3?

    Nah, Intel's having problems, but doesn't want to talk about it (they'd rather have people talking about AMD's problems. They have a low-k 45nm process that is working well. Their high-k 45nm process is (was?) having serious yield problems - so they were cranking out thousands, but they...
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    CoreT 2 Quad Processor Q6600 or Intel® Boxed Core 2 Duo Processor E8400?

    Bummer dude :( Closest store to me is about 50 miles away - didn't have time this week to get there. Great deal if they are G0s!
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    45nm Deneb samples out to partners

    It's not just a die shrink. Amongst other things, the L3 cache is tripled (on Phenom, no sure what AMD is doing with Deneb).
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    Anyone get Q6600 at Newegg recently? What stepping?

    OEM or Retail? I read in another thread that the OEMs where G0 but the retails where still hit or miss.
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    To wait for the Q9450 or to not wait for the Q9450
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    Intel Penryn Quad Cores

    Intel doesn't, but we might - since this chipset might get us to higher FSBs w/Quads (and probably at a lower cost than the X48).
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    Intel Penryn Quad Cores

    And over at AT they are saying the P45 has been delayed till late Q2 (May/June) :( This suXors, both delayed Quads and even more delayed boards that will likely work best with the new Quads.
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    To wait for the Q9450 or to not wait for the Q9450

    Supreme Commander, when Core Maximizer running, will use up to 4 cores, IIRC, with pretty even usage per core. SC eats cpu cycles and memory like a starving dog (for large games at least).
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    Intel Penryn Quad Cores

    Thanks for the response Markyip1 - point taken. A few things: A. I did say 'on air'. B. I did imply you'd need a very good motherboard simply by saying you'd need an FSB of 450+ with a Quad. C. Good point on WC, I did not take that into consideration (since the last time I ran on water...
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    Intel Penryn Quad Cores

    Actually, the Q9450 will likely have about the same headroom as the Q6600 (~1.0-1.2GHz on air), you'll just need a board able to hit 450MHz+ FSB speeds with Quads to take advantage of that headroom.
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    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Please feed the noob, so someday I can grow up to be a 'limp gawd' :cool: In any case, nice to be back at the [H] forums after a long absence!