Ok, hopefully a quick question here. I have done some searching here and on other forums, but most are directed to the Intel mb's. The AMD based boards may be the same, but I am just trying to be sure.
I have a SSD drive that I intend to use for the OS and a few programs. The two WD 500GB...
The HDD, Seagate, on my sons computer just bit the dust. Seagate replaced the HDD and now after reloading the software I have a question. I have installed WMP11 and we are not able to hear any sound when playing a DVD. I have heard or read somewhere about needing a codec or something like...
chrome, did your L246WP come with the ForteManager or did you download it? If downloaded, which version?
My EZ video is also grayed out. I am guessing it is how I have my monitor hooked up. It is set to its nave resolution and is connected to a nVidia 7800GS OC using the DVI/HDMI cable.
I am just curious if anyone is using forte' manager with their 24" and if so, what version are you using? How does it seem to work for you?
I do not see any mention of it on lg's website in association with this monitor, so was just curious.
I stand corrected. I thought I saw those fancy new stickers on the computer monitors in the store, but I must be thinking about something else.
On another note, I currently own a lg L246W and have no issues with it blanking out or not waking up. I am running it from a nVidia...
I think you will find that Costco has somewhat modified it's policy on electronic returns. You now have 90 days to make a return, which is still very good.
I purchased the lg L246W several weeks ago and so far am very happy. For me it is just a pc monitor used for surfing, photo editing and some gaming.
I originally purchased a Dell 2007wfp and was lucky enough to get a IPS panel, but wanted something a little bigger.
As I said, so far, very...
Just thought I would put in my 2 cents worth. I have had the lg l246w sitting on my desk for several weeks now. It is connected to a BFG 7800GSOC video card using the DVI/HDMI cable that comes with the panel. I have only used it as a pc monitor. Knock on wood, I have had no issues with...
I have been trying out a lg L246W for about a week now. Now I am pretty new at this LCD thing, but so far I have been very happy with it.
I have been somewhat surprised that I have not seen much discussion on this model here.
Backlight bleed seems to be pretty good and no pixal issues, stuck...
"I'm leaning towards the LG as well mainly because of the HDMI and DVI inputs"
There is no DVI input on the LG panel you have listed. The HDMI input takes it's place.
I am just wondering if anyone has purchased this model yet and if so, what do you think of it?
I have read the review here posted about 3, 24" monitors. It appears as thought the Dell and the BenQ monitors use a S-PVA panel while the LG uses a P-MVA panel.
I must confess that even after...
I have read the review you referenced with great interest. He has done a pretty good job of testing the 3 monitors. If I had that much money wrapped up in monitors at one time, I would be sleeping in the back yard in the snow!!
I quess the other thing that I have questions about is the whole...
I certainly agree that I should keep the 2007WFP over any of the currently available 22" panels. The viewing angles are terrible.
The extra real estate on the 24" is very nice. I am just not sure it is the best choice for photo editing, although it seem pretty good.
I know there are most...
About a week ago I purchased a Dell 2007WFP. It has arrived and is a S-IPS panel REV. 04. It is a great panel and has no dead pixels or any other issues that I can see. It was purchased mostly for photo editing, surfing and a few games.
My only issue with it is that I was using a 22" panel...
Travbomb, I do not want to hijack the thread here, but wanted to ask a quick question. I see your posts at dpreview and here and gather you either work for or know someone who works for NEC. I was looking at the NEC MultiSync LCD2070WNX-BK, but it appears to be a TN panel. Is this true? If...
Do any of you know how to access the service menu on the samsungs?
I just used the search function here. Maybe there is not a service menu on the sammy's?
I don't know about this. After going to Dell's own website and doing some reading on their forums, I am doing only one thing. :rolleyes: and shaking my head. What the hell are they doing with this "lottery" they are creating. They indicate they cannot tell you which version you are paying...
Well I think I have narrowed my choices down to the Samsung 226BW and the Dell 2007WFP. I have read a lot about the TN panels and their +/-'s. I do play some games, but that is not something I do frequently. But if I do, I would like it to look good.
I have also read about the Dell and am...
I keep reading about these flat panels and quit frankly I am very confused. I have been planning on getting one of the new Samsung 226BW panels and still might do so. But I read about how these TN panels are not very good.
I will be playing some PC games, but I want it more for video and DSLR...
Parish, my bad. I misunderstood what you were referring to. You mean it cannot be rotated to a portrait orientation vs landscape. Got ya.
I asked about the white because I am looking for something to do digital photo work with. And I have read that TN based screens are not the best type of...
Parish, thank-you for taking the time to give us your thoughts on your new screen.
I am wondering if you could look at something for me. If you have a pretty much all white, or light colored screen up, is there any hint of discoloration, kind of light brown along the right vertical edge of the...
Here you go.
One easy way I have used to get a black screen is to right click to get to video properties. Select screensaver and choose black screen, or "blank" I think it says. Now just choose "Preview". This gives a black screen. Do NOT choose "Apply" or this will change your screen saver.