For those of you that have this monitor have you noticed any banding? I had 2 bl3200pt and i could see vertical banding on both. I asume its the same panel but maybe since this one can go to 75hz it has different internals? I know my benq skipped frames at anything over 60. If it wasnt for the...
I posted this in another thread as well:
Hey guys,so I got a benq bl3200pt. No dead or stuck pixels but it seems that there is some slight banding on a grey screen. Or for instance when im playing a flight sim and in a clear sky i can see it slightly while turning. My question is should I try...
Hey guys,so I got a benq bl3200pt. No dead or stuck pixels but it seems that there is some slight banding on a grey screen. Or for instance when im playing a flight sim and in a clear sky i can see it slightly while turning. My question is should I try and get another one or should i just be...
Yeah and heres what I dont understand.
JF states that he is a server guy. Well thats fine and dandy so WHY is he commenting on the client side of things? On Enthusiets forms to boot? I could see if he was posting on walmarts computer forurms trying to inform the cpu unware but hes not...
Hey man I agree with you 100%! Heres the thing, Why on earth would AMD actually admit to a mistake or maybe even be wrong?? They NEVER will it just makes them look bad ( even if what where saying has truth) thats the fact with any company. Where just ants to them...Its becoming very clear that...
I acutally have never owned an intel processor... And yes I was and hopfully will still be a AMD fan but eventually enough is enough... You can go on with your excuses and try to defend a company, but the fact of the matter is that I have never seen an AMD commercial... never.... That speaks...
Yeah, where I work (local hospital) there is only intel...some of my colleges have never even heard of AMD. Again, all they know is Intel.....because.... of advertising.
Well either way AMD doesn't do much of either from what iv seen.
Also, you would think that a company would need both business techniques to be competitive?? while Amd might have somewhat decent marketing, consumers wont know about it if they are not advertising it???
wikipedia states the...
A+A+A+A+ You nailed it on the head!!! Of course AMD will never come in here and admit to what you just said. Why would they? Instead they will just continue with the same old story how advertising dosnt matter, while continuing to talk about how the "processor unaware" are the majority of...
So even if some stuff is photoshopped that means its all fake?? Maybe they wanted to get other suff in the pic that otherwise wouldnt work???I dont know but some of you guys maybe to quick to gudge. Who knows this could all be true or not....I call plausible
Kyle and Brent,
I have been reading you articles for many years and honestly believe you are the best pc hardware site out there!. I finally decided to have a say!
while you work into the wee hours of the night may I recommend a song to keep the fires burning...