Yup, that's why I specifically mentioned the diminishing returns thing and included a SAN comment the post you quoted because that's a business thing-y. Personally, I'd rather see a tech bill for one hour of reimage than six hours of research to find a solution that avoids reimage. And a good...
I kinda covered that already in this other post:
But yeah, the short version is I agree that we dunno enough about the who and how of the survey to just be all like, "Well yes, that's totally right!"
There's really nothing wrong with being lazy when it comes to a computer. It's just some silly gadget that's supposed to save people time so taking whatever shortcuts work for the individual at the keyboard really gets to the heart of why computers even exist in the first place. Like, for me...
LOL, I guess not. It's just displaying image files isn't it so that really doesn't take much computer power. Though I have read the occasional post from guys here who point out they need a lot of storage space for their "work" folder.
A sample size of ~1,000 is pretty reasonable for a nation-wide survey. Like with a knee jerk from my college statistics courses (which I'm already starting to brain dump) that's probably like a 95% confidence interval. That's usually the target percentage for most surveys. As long as the...
When I'm playing a game, I'll play one that works well with the hardware that I have available. I'm not really seeking any particular sort of graphics quality since I don't think graphics really are what makes a game interesting. There's a lot more that matters waaay before what something...
Nope, VR is not worth upgrading. I'd MUCH rather just the latest super cool running Bay/Cherry Trail CPUs with their integrated graphics than ever touch anything that needs even a low end dedicated graphics card. It's so much nicer to have something that doesn't require a cooling fan or air...
I took Microsoft's advice on that whole giving up Windows 7 thing over this past week without really knowing the marketing chief was gonna give it. My Win7 desktop was donated and my Win7 netbook I was hanging onto for work from home VPN stuff decided to stop working. If it were an animated...
Yup, this is the kinda stuff that happens in a dramatic, crazy-cakes movie world. Put the remote down and think a little and it'll be obvious how not realistic it is off a television show though. :)
Well, if it weren't for people like evilsofa, I might consider it a good idea, but the world we live in has evilsofas in it and because of that, it's a terrible idea! I dunno what they're thinking!
A car is an appliance and getting emo about it like you are when someone points out facts is like getting emo about a curling iron or a microwave. But besides that, the price bracket they're in is like for middle class people to go take out a loan from a bank drive around and working class bums...
I know its upsetting. You should totally show your anger by being upset with other people who get unreasonably emotional about meaningless computer junk over here:
It's cool because computers have a lot of empathy for how you feel and they know you're here to...
Whatever. It's another fire that smart people will acknowledge is happening regularly and elmo monk lovers will pretend isn't a big deal and nothing is wrong because they get all spoogy and happy over their favorite "visionary" guy. Of course, they won't notice that the stupid car has HOLES in...
Ah, there's the bandwagon argument we all love. "Everyone else collects data so it's okay and there's nothing to worry about. If you're the slightest bit concerned, here's my kool aid and tin foil insult which proves I'm right and you're wrong."
Oh and 13 years old! So there! No children...
I'm at about 80% Linux computing time at the moment. I still have Windows 7 installed as the native OS on a netbook for work stuff since they require some weird combination of browser and OS that only Windows 7 and Vista can provide. I can't VM (or won't anyhow) Windows because my main PC is...
Not really. The talking I've had never got emotional over that stuff. It was just idle chatter between friends who are hanging out.
I did notice that you sort of deleted the part of my post where I called into question your nice round number of 20 people you personally know who don't care...
I don't have a Win10 box to check in on anything now, but I don't doubt that there's a lot of information leaving the machine. It'll come back to haunt Microsoft later as that stuff comes to light or if the information/collection mechanisms are used maliciously. Not that I think it'll change...
Your Google-fu is lame (intentionally?). I typed in "Windows 10 MarkMonitor" and hit enter. Here's a thing-y:
and this one sorta confirms it from a MS engineer on their forum...
Actually, I totally hang out with non-technical people who expressed various amounts of concern about Windows 10 mostly relating to privacy and to a slightly lesser extent, the upgrade stuff we're talking about. Maybe they talk to me about it because I'm the computer person and it's just...
I just used that term to make it less verbally cumbersome to understand who was discriminating against who. It's just conversational word choice that saves me the trouble of having to type more stuff to explain the situation in an otherwise short post. Like, it's the awesomeness of brevity...
I'm thinking you're resorting to insults because I'm totally right and you have like no ability to come up with a good, meaningful argument otherwise so the next best thing to do when you feel like your worldview is being threatened is to lash out by assigning some kind of imaginary categorical...
Weeeeeeeell, I guess it's okay this time. I mean, I'd randomly accuse someone of being CreepyUncleGoogle too if it was funny (and it was) so yeah, I'm okay with it. No need to apologize. :)
I know this is basic stuff and you guys who are emotionally invested in one side or the other super-hard want to argue, but it does seem sort of like not offering a choice of "no thanks" when the user is presented with the options of installing now or installing tonight. Yes, there's an x...
How could you say something like that? :eek: I'd never f-bomb and get all angry-face like that. I'm so upset you'd put me into such a grumpy-pants category! Hmph!
We'd have to talk about cats, of course. After all the Internet basically IS just a place for people to share cat-related information...and where computer literate cats go to plot to take over the world.
If you're talking about that one site from which the recycled airplane pic is from, yeah I totally agree that it's heavily biased against Windows and brings up quite a few arguments that aren't relevant, are outdated, or are just outright wrong and is worded in a way that makes it pretty clear...
Yes, you can split enough hairs or even too many. Split ends suck which is why shorter hair is much betterer because it's stupid to expect ends to not split when that part of your hair has been on your head for like many years. Anyway...
The trouble with finding mature, reasonable people...
While I don't think people should be unfairly "helped" into a position just because of their genetics, I also think people shouldn't suffer for the same reason. The stuff that motivated all the things people perceive as reverse discrimination against white guys happened because there had to be...
That site doesn't list SDP or TDP so you hafta go someplace else like ark to find out. :(
As for dual core stuff, there's no competition so why bother? And anyway, even though I like the idea of more cores, I don't wanna see them at the expense of long battery life.
They're in a first-person perspective and you run around shooting stuff. *shrug* I guess there's a storyline too, but that doesn't really change it much as far as I care anywho. It's just splitting hairs to call it something else.
That's probably true, but I didn't think most people who...
Yeah, it sounds that way. Someone even mentioned it in the thread earlier, but people are still like, freaking out.
On a their-consumer-site-is-shutting-down-and-I-went-looking-for-cheap-stuff-note, I totally checked out their 50% off deals last night and was very not at all impressed by the...