All the games in their list don't interest me at all. Its like they are all old games. The Dirt 3 I got 2 years ago, free with my 7950 video card, I think the game was released in 2011.
I would expect a $400+ card to have a new game with it.
I disagree with this totally. I currently have both an Essence stx and a sound blaster z. The stx has just as good of directional sound and even sounds slightly better in games using Dolby Headphone. Explosions are also just as loud on both. Although I don't play BF3.
Both cards are good...
I currently have the STX and the ZX. Positional audio is just as good on the STX despite what some claim here. Or at least it is when using Dolby headphone and 7.1 virtual speaker on the STX. I do not use regular speakers.
I'm not defending newegg or anything (they have become a crappy company), but just wanted to mention that some of (or all?) of the newer type Intel motherboards come with angled pins that makes them look like they are bent.
Not saying yours wasn't, but just mentioning it in case you didn't...
That "Start is Back" one will actually require a fee once he finishes it. According to the forum on his website.
Are these something that Microsoft has the ability to disable? Then you would be out your money.
I did a google search and read other people with the same error for different brands of ssd drives.
This one it says it was solved.
This is probably a stupid question, but If you choose the downloaded upgrade to Windows 8, do you keep using the same key that you have for Windows 7, or do they email you a new key?
Why is it that the TSW fans always go to the GW2 threads to troll? They obviously feel threatened by Guild Wars 2.
I have played GW2 in the stress tests the past month, and love the game. It's everything I want in an mmorpg. Everquest 1 was my first mmorpg.
From the Anandtech review I read, even though it looks like an Nvidia biased review. The 680 didn't beat the 7970 in about half the benchmarks... even though Anandtech declared them the "winner".
It also didn't beat the 7950 in heat or power consumption as claimed by Anandtech.
And for all the trolls here who think Nvidia has no bugs:
I could find tons of other links with people who have problems with their drivers.
He is probably one of those shills Nvidia hired to trash AMD.
All the posts on these forums, its complete nonsense. Nvidia drivers are NOT any better. In fact I have had very few if any problems with AMD drivers over the years.
I agree with everything you said in the conclusion comments section of the review. I returned this player 3 months ago for the very reasons you mention.
Pivos is good at making their promises, yet nothing ever appears. Its the worst user interface of any media player. Using "custom"...
Funny, I've never once had this problem on the past 3 generations of their cards.
I'm really starting to think there are a lot of fake posters here.
Perhaps its your mouse drivers fault.
If this is true, to me it sounds like they will inflate their benchmarks, but it will only be due to games written specifically for a hardware feature built into Nvidia cards. Which Nvidia has a history of forcing on them.
Which means their cards aren't really as fast as they claim. It...
I never had any problems with AMD drivers. But I also don't use more than one card. It's not needed and just costs more electricity and doubles the noise.
For anyone who ordered that more expensive Sapphire 7950. Newegg lowered the price by $20, within the past hour. Plus most of the cards have free shipping now.
I agree.
According to a review on this website, he says the retail price coming in for the 7950 is $399. (in his final comments section)
I could also care less for the stupid...
I can see all the Nvidia fanboys posting here. Funny, I've never had any ATI driver problems with all the ATI cards I have owned. Although I've never had crossfire and never will, its not needed.
Your also a fool if you think Nvidia drivers are better. Which there seems to be plenty of here.
I assume XFX must have decided to stop giving a lifetime warranty on their cards? Newegg shows them only being 2 years now, yet they are charging a premium price for the XFX cards compared to the other brands. Plus the XFX comes with far fewer accessories... why would anyone even buy their...
AMD doesn't have any more problems than Nvidia does. I actually prefer ATI cards and have had no problems whatsoever with their drivers. I don't use crossfire though.
I'm disappointed with the price they are asking. The only one I will even consider now is the 7950, but that also depends on the price.
Funny how they keep the 7950 price a secret. I'm not sure yet, but may even skip this series of card due to the price. My 6950 is still plenty fast enough.
From what I read, they are attention whores. They love reading the news about themselves (from chat logs that were posted).
They hide behind their computers, not revealing themselves, yet they have no problem posting the personal information of everyone else in life, and I'm talking normal...
They always act like they are getting some kind of payback... when the truth is they are the very ones who start it every time. They hack a Government website and steal everything, and they actually expect the FBI to do nothing about it. Just complete idiots.
Then they try to get sympathy...
And like always, the Nvidia fanboys have to post their worthless comments in an ATI/AMD forum.
They are living in a fantasy world if they think Nvidia drivers are any better than AMD drivers.
I've seen a couple reviews showing the memory on the cards.
Here is a page with the 6950 memory chips displayed (the last photo on the page):
Here is a page with the 6970 memory chips displayed...
I should add that I dislike Nvidia because I hate companies/people that try to control the market. Nvidia has proven that many times. Their latest is when they forced XFX to stop selling their cards (all because of the fact that XFX wanted to sell ATI cards also). And Nvidia forcing game...
I think I'll do that too, if I decide to keep my card. I read a review where they had the 6950 overclocked to 6970 speed using the afterburner software. Thats all I want to be able to do is reach the 6970 speed, I don't care to go higher.
Although I'm not sure I agree with some who say the...