Thinking about upgrading from my older SLI setup to a new single AMD card. I have my gaming computer hooked up to my 65" 3d plasma now, and would like easier 3d support. It's my understanding that amd cards work better for 3d on standard 3d tv's since they don't use 3d vision, is this still...
Id rather spend the $50 extra on the AOC at amazon. I simply wont buy a monitor from anyone else at this point. The panel lottery is such a really problem for all of these and amazon makes it so easy to return them.
If you have a good VP2770 keep it. They are basically the same monitor. The difference is the AOC seems to have more consistent build quality, and I think the buttons are better than the touch controls on the VP. It's also cheaper. So if you don't have anything yet there's absolutely no...
I literally just tried both of those monitors along side an apple thunderbolt for my Mac mini. Price was not a factor for me and the AOC was still the best and it's the one I'm keeping. I did have to replace the first one for a dead pixel but the second one seems perfect.
I got my second AOC in. It actually has a little more IPS glow than the first one did, but I cant find any dead pixels on this one. Glow doesn't bother me so im quite happy with it. I have tried ALLOT of 27" 1440p monitors and the AOC is the best of them all. It's the only 27" I have used...
Yep, honestly it doesn't matter what you get. The panel lottery is basically something you have to play no matter what monitor you choose. Quality control sucks on monitors these days. Thats why I only buy from amazon, I don't even look at other retailers, they make it so easy to return I...
Just got my AOC setup. It's basically the same display as the vp2770, except with allot less bleed and was much happier with the oob color. The only problem is there is a big fat dead pixel right in the center of the screen. It's far to noticeable to ignore so ill probably exchange it...
Manufacturer date 02/15/2014. I was watching a trailer on youtube and it was right there clear as day right below the picture in the bottom letterbox. It's always visible whenever that part of the screen is showing black. It isn't that noticeable with the room lights on, so it's possible I...
Yea. I think I could deal with some light bleed, I'm not using this for watching movies or gaming. But the light spot is just bizarre. Here I took a picture of the pixels with my macro lens, I mean seriously what the crap is that?
Sit rep on the VP2770: It's falling apart.
The good news is, I finally got the color calibrated to where I'm pretty happy with it, not too warm not to cold. The bad news is, its developing pretty bad light leak in the lower left corner, not glow, bleed. And a nasty white spot about 1/4"...
I don't mean different monitors, I know they have different panels. I mean the same monitor having extreme panel variations. I bet you could buy three dells and every screen would look different.
I don't totally hate warm screens, I just prefer cooler. And when I setup the Viewsonic to...
I've always preferred color temp a little on the cool side for normal desktop use. Believe it or not I have a Dell U2412M also on my windows computer. It was pretty cool temp wise OOB and way less yellow than the Viewsonic. I think all this proves is just how much extreme variation there is...
Im actually going to revise my previous post a little. The color on my Viewsonic are not good at all. When I first opened it it was really yellow and I just figured I could adjust that out but after days of messing with the color setting I can't seem to get it right. Im wondering if mines...
Only had it a little over a month and decided to move to a Apple Time Capsule instead. Works great, basically new. No box or manuals, but comes with power cable and cat 5 cable. Asking $140 shipped.
It depends, the macbook pro is really nice. I have a 13" and can't recommend them highly enough, IF you don't intend to game and you plan on using OS X. That kind of dpi is quite useless in windows.
Amazon, I order most of my stuff from them. I'm a prime member so I get free two day shipping and they come to my house and pick it up if there's any defects and I have to return it. I went through a ton of different monitors last year and they never gave me any problem with the returns.
I just opened up a new VP2770 to use with my Mac Mini, and it's just freaking awesome. And this is coming from someone who tried just about every 27" available over the last couple years, save for the Koreans. This screen is finally the screen i've been looking for for the past two years.
I can't in good conscience recommend ANY TN panel at this point. Once you have lived with any IPS for a while TN's just look so miserable. The high refresh rate is nice but the benefits in going to a IPS far outstrip the refresh benefits IMO.
Unless you really want 3D, which since you're...
Hi all, this should be an interesting FS thread I think :D
What I have here is an Xbox 360 that was given to me by a friend as broken that I repaired. Have had it for a few months but I hardly ever use it. The story on it is that it red ringed over a year ago, and my friends cousin, *ahem*...
If you've ever worked a retail/food establishment that used a commercial pos system those keyboards are 99% of the time going to have cherry blacks. Standard dome keyboards wouldn't last a month in retail. That's how I knew I didn't like the blacks, and any bestbuy will have the razer...