I've been playing Just Cause 2 alot on it, and even through Windows 10
No issues at all. Pretty comparable to 360. I've seen nothing but issues with Reach. Hope they fix that one soon.
Gears of War hasn't messed up on me yet. I might play it some more later to see if i have same thing.
Nothing too fancy, gets the job done for the most part.
Game Room Mainly for the kids and sleepovers-
Xbox 360, PS3, WiiU
Gotta love Star Wars
Living Room For the Adults
Xbox One, PS4, PS3 (cant really see it)
Wiring is pretty bad, haven't had a chance to fix it
How can i explain Destiny? Hmmm
The view is like a FPS for sure, but it's alot more involved. Its not just run and gun. There are multiple planets with many missions per planet. Multiple types of weapons. Personally I like the way it shoots compared to COD or whatever. You have to upgrade armor...
Ok i figured WD did something with that encryption. How irritating. I've only seen it on the big ones. I love recuva, that was the first thing i tried. Ill look into doing the quick format.
I have about 24 power cords and none of em work.
So i lost a drive last week full of all my Anime. Basically came up said failed SMART and i can't read anything off of it. Backup for that drive was a WD 2TB My Book that i can't seem to find the power cord for.
So I took the drive out and plugged it in directly to the computer. (It's a WD...
One more thing, alot of people start off and don't like it because they are low level and get annoyed. I've spent more time online in this game than pretty much any other game even UT99. You just gotta go in there and be open minded, very defensive, and ready for anything really. Play the heck...
To touch on the upgrades, yes, you have to play to unlock stuff. Especially car stuff. I've been playing for a pretty good while and have unlocked about 95% of the vehicle stuff. It takes time and patience. With heists, you should have no issues playing with him. Ensure you are at least level 12...
I agree with you both. I've been spending alot of time on PS4 and 360 because PC has been down for a while. PC Gamer at heart.
Kinda wanting to play BF Hardline, one of my buddies got it and said it's really good. Nothing really hypes me up anymore, everything kinda seems the same. Maybe it's...
Geforce 6800 AGP. Played alot of UT99 and UT2004. Oh man alot of life wasted on that. Lasted forever, til i got my current card 4870 which i've had since ummm 2009 i think. One day i'll be able to upgrade
I played the 360 then upgraded to ps4. Would love to get the PC version because I've read somewhere (cant remember where) that they've paid alot of attention to the PC version, not just a crappy port. I know the difference between the 360 and ps4 was dramatic for me. Its beautiful. But my gaming...
I have all systems except the Xbox One. My 4 and 10yo play the wii u more than anything. Mainly because its a little easier for the youngest. The fact that she can play on the gamepad while my son is playing ps3 was a big seller for me.
She does need help in some things, but loves it. It plays...
I love the xbox controller over the ps3, but I play ps3 online. So i took my ps3 controller and put the thumbsticks from a 360 controller on it and its a whole lot better :) Took a little bit of effort because the ps3 controller is a pain once it's open, but its well worth the time.
Not bad I guess. For people like me that are always on the go, i love portable games. Myst is pretty easy on a touch screen probably. I lost a lot of my life in that game....figuring puzzles out before the internet
Seems i messed up my links. I like the hyper 212 cuz its quiet and i've used about 4 of them. But we will see.
I can agree with the board cpu change. I'd rather have a faster cpu and pretty basic board.
I'll look into the RAM a bit more
The sata card is PCI Express. Right now I have 2 drives...
So it's time to do some updates. The last few i've got some help for are running beautifully, so i'm here again.
1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc
Home File Server - Streaming between multiple devices, ps3, xbox, ipad, etc.
avi, mp4, mkv (anime)...
I'm still confused by the "core gamers". Doesn't every genre appeal to it's own type of audience? ALot of people don't have the chance to sit and play for hours on end. People like me only get a bit here and there and it seems that it's geared towards that alot too. Simplification if you will.
How retro you going for? i modded a nes pad a while ago into the printer port. But we dont have those anymore.
You can go with above post and get snes - usb controller. Think those were about the best and have multiple buttons.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833122111 - NETGEAR 8 Port Gigabit Business-Class Desktop Switch
I have a few of these in the house and never have issues.
For all my personal builds I stick with ASUS. Never let me down and they run 24/7 with no issues. My A7N8X-e deluxe has been shorted out, dropped, got wet one time somehow, among other things, and is still going strong. At the old job we used primarly MSI, wasn't a huge fan of those, but they...