Cause people like this get paid to wear them, and since people do what people do...(sadly)
I wouldn't be surprised if entities like credit agencies pay for higher level access than the average Joe user. So "private" or "restricted" means for the people that you want to see it and the people that pay to see it.
"Inspector-General of Police, Khalid Abu Bakar, unfortunately, saw the topic from a more literal perspective, deeming love and sex between human and robots...
Vista Ultimate (non sp1 first thing that went in after install), i7-920, 12GB RAM, 7200rpm 1tb seagate drive. Had an identical machine with a 150GB raptor that ran a little better. Supported it on other configs, but that was my personal machines.
Last Vista Machine I supported was about 6...
If by working perfectly fine meaning unable to play games and taking 15 minutes to boot...:rolleyes: You could alleviate this a bit by disabling, a couple somethings, I forget now.
Then there's the infamous, hey Vista locked up and you had to force it off, now it's gonna take 30 minutes to...
I pulled the trigger on a gaming laptop that doesn't have anything important on it just to familiarize myself with it. I think I ticked "off" or "no" 30 times turning off the spyware and tracking crap. Then I notice one drive running and uploading crap through the Comodo firewall screen. Had to...
This is the kind of article you get when the author has ZERO understanding of subject he/she is writing about. Complete click bait, zero substance. It pretty much came down to companies A B and C suck 'cause ..things. Companies X,Y, and Z are awesome 'cuase ....stuff.
QFT, Generally the bigger the space the more air you have to move to get the sound across it effectively. But, some speakers are better at it than others, and some sound terrible doing it lol. Also another trick to "enhancing" the sound of a room is to put as much sound absorbing material on the...
It's an interesting if divisive topic. Seeing some of the people defend their "line in the sand" position kinda gives some insight to the mindset of real zealots out there. Throw in the same attitude with a healthy dose of religious fervor and BAM we have ISIS running around doing what they do...
You're making things WAY too black and white. But, whatever. I'm sure most people on that site were creepers. That said, a lot of people get mixed up in affairs for a different reasons, some not so black and white. My hope is for those people not to know people like you I'm afraid. Not that...
I'm already to the point that if I move from my s4 it will be something else. Hell after the "lollipop" forced update even the Iphone seems like a better option. I used to love my s4, now... :(
There's some good routers out there. They are hit or miss. DD-wrt and Tomato can be lifesavers too for stability, but DD-wrt has had major performance issues with some newer routers. I had to revert back to stock firmware as DD-wrt couldn't handle anything over 100Mbits and god forbid you try to...
So it forced them to address the issue, and because they had to rush to fix it, they were forced to shut down one of their data mining tactics. I can see why they're pissed. This also highlights another reason that people should distance themselves from Facebook as far as possible.
I know...
Being conservative minded, I support the right to be forgotten initiative. I hope it takes off. People shouldn't be so stupid to post that kind of crap on the net, but at the same time they should have the right to have it removed.
Hey, I prefer women with at least a little meat on their bones, but this is retarded. I didn't see one example in those images where the original was unrealistic in any way. mls1995 is correct, you see the same thing in movies. Fortunately there's all types of body types, skinny no boobs, skinny...
If you're trying to push analog signals across an Ethernet cable I can see wanting to use a higher quality cable. Having used Monster, Viper, and various other cables over the years for that purpose, there's a point where it makes little to no difference between a $20 cable and a $200 cable...
Sounds like the victim was doing his share of "trolling" online. Not that it justifies the response, but it kind of fits into the "if you don't want to get your ass beat by the cops, stfu" area.
It's also funny that the guy behind most of it is playing all innocent now. Like anyone expects...
I'm sure we have the technology or the understanding of what a truly advanced civilization would use to communicate on an interstellar level. Let's face it, our current knowledge only allows us to communicate at light speed. Who would want to wait potentially decades to get a reply back on a...
There's actually projects you can do with addressable LED's that tie into the video being input to the TV. Would probably look better and have a faster response time than this.