No joke. I thought this was [H], not [X]tremeBudgetGamers. Games are ruined for me with stuttering, especially in FPS. Anyone play BF3? Good luck maxing that out on a 64 player map with a single 6970.
I'm considering a similar upgrade once this generation is fully fleshed out and prices...
Welp, I ordered this PSU when it was $130 2 days ago. Then I saw the newer 660x version for the same price so I cancelled the order before it shipped and picked that one up. Now this is on sale again... would it be worth trying to cancel this other to catch this deal or is the newer version...
Okay, I'm surprised I was able to google this so easily but this looks horrifying:
And with the aforementioned issues, my intense cheapness no longer seems even slightly reasonable. Assuming the power requirements are...
So I may be making that upgrade soon and I started wondering about how well my old PSU would hold up. It's the Antec Earthwatts 500w found here:
I have doubts about the PSU already, due to some RMA issues initially and the...
Look at it the other way; the 9450 is being replaced by the 9550 (.5 multi bump) and the 9300 is being replaced by the 9400 (.5 multi bump). Makes a lot more sense that way, especially considering the pricing structure. I still have no clue why they worded the article the way they did.
What do you need the upgrade for, what do you need to accomplish? If you need more storage space, go with the WD640AAKS. It'll speed up your system and should suit your storage needs for a long while in future builds. RAM I wouldn't bother with unless you're switching to Vista, but it's clearly...
I would even drop down from the 8800GT to the 9600gt for mild gaming. This card should do all you need, for significantly less power draw and a nice price reduction. Other than that though it looks great.
Just get WoW. Incredibly easy to get into, incredibly addicting, and the endgame is fun (doesn't take too long to get there, either..).
Just don't roll Alliance. Horde ftw..
Comments like this make me laugh. It's not like nobody knew new cards were going to be released soon, yet a ton of people still jumped on the GT bandwagon at ridiculously inflated prices from the MSRP.
Regardless, I'm excited for the release...I just hope this time there's actually some...
There was a website that had a good background to test it on, but this should do okay.
Scroll down to the big gray square, I'll try to find a better image if possible.
Honestly I've enjoyed working with a widescreen monitor much more for general internet and office/excel work. For photoshop I suppose you might enjoy a nonWS, I guess, but the extra side space really lets you spread stuff out. It'd be a little small on a 20" WS but you can do side by side word...
I disagree. I just recently bought a used card for $50 since I'm planning on upgrading to a 20" widescreen from 15". $50 now, for a decent used agp card, that will last me til the summer when newer DX10 cards are out and going down in price so I can do a full upgrade, as opposed to suffering...
Basically I'm looking to pick up a good, used monitor for a good price. Price is sadly a fairly important factor, and I am considering cheaper 20-22" LCD's so almost any offer is allowed... the main focus however is going to be low/no backlight bleeding, no banding, and a glossy screen would be...
As the title states I'm looking to pick up an reasonably priced agp card to help tide me over for a major upgrade in the summer. I'm picking up a 20" widescreen from a 15" lcd, so there's a pretty serious resolution bump and I'm afraid my old 9800 pro just isn't going to cut it this time around...
Pretty much every 2007wfp flickers on the left 1/3rd of the screen, or so the reports have been leading to. The A04 is out now and hopefully that's the problem they fixed, but nobody's really said much about it yet...