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  1. P

    Iptorrent Invites

    Does anyone have an invite? I would greatly appreciate the kindness, and promise to not be a low ratio user. Thanks!
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    Galaxy 6 Weeks of Christmas GPU Giveaway! Week 5

    My birthday is on Christmas (12/25) so quite often I get shafted on the whole gift giving thing, which I know is not what this is all about, but I could honestly say it would be a birthday I surely wouldn't forget. My mom passed away in 2007, and I used some of the life insurance I received to...
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    Galaxy 6 Weeks of Christmas GPU Giveaway! Week 5

    Galaxy is a great company! I recently had to sell my gaming rig that had a galaxy 9800GTX+ in it to pay bills (hey that's life right) and I would love to have a 670 to start a fresh build with
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    IS this a good deal? URGEN!

    Wow, well thanks for your honest, straight foward answer Danny. I knew it wasn't going to be as fast as the other rig, but I just wanted something cheap to mess around on, but I think i will pass !
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    IS this a good deal? URGENT!

    General computing, light-moderate FPS gaming @ 1680x1050. I will be getting a discreet GPU, which brings up an entirely new questions Something around ~$100. I have been out of the scene for a while but my last setup was a Core i5, 8GB Ram, GeForce GTX 460 1GB.
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    IS this a good deal? URGEN!

    General computing, light-moderate FPS gaming @ 1680x1050. I will be getting a discreet GPU, which brings up an entirely new questions :) Something around ~$100. I have been out of the scene for a while but my last setup was a Core i5, 8GB Ram, GeForce GTX 460 1GB.
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    IS this a good deal? URGEN!

    ***double post, not sure how to remove
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    IS this a good deal? URGENT! Corrected link
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    IS this a good deal? URGENT!

    IS this a good deal? URGEN! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, Newegg currently has what seems to me like a great shell shocker deal: 1x AMD Gift - Dirt SHOWDOWN Gift Coupon...
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    IS this a good deal? URGEN!

    Hi, Newegg currently has what seems to me like a great shell shocker deal: 1x AMD Gift - Dirt SHOWDOWN Gift Coupon (Model:Dirt SHOWDOWN Gift) $19.99 1x Xigmatek ASGARD 381 CCC-AD38BT-U03 Black Steel...
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    Corsair CX 430 GPU Question

    good point, although it does have a 8 pin pcie connector and I planned on using a miles to 8 pin. I have 1 Sata drive and 2 case fans. probably a bad idea. I just maxed out Max Payne 3 for the most part with great fps. I suppose I don't need to upgrade yet. maybe I should get a ssd and another...
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    Corsair CX 430 GPU Question

    Hi all, I currently have a Corsair CX 430 powering a Core i5 760, and a GTX 460. Would this particular power supply be able to handle a GTX 570 or a Radeon 6970? I am looking to upgrade but I really do not feel like upgrading the PSU. Thanks in advance!
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    Wanna get back to Gaming on a pc Budget ~500

    Doh! I guess that would help lol sorry 1) What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming? Photoshop? Web browsing? etc Moderate to Hardcore Gaming 2) What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included? $500-$600 (excluding monitor) 3) Which country do you live in? If the U.S, please tell us...
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    Hey buddy, I bought a rig from you a few years back. remember that?

    Hey buddy, I bought a rig from you a few years back. remember that?
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    Wanna get back to Gaming on a pc Budget ~500

    And if this is in the wrong sub forum, please move it mods!
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    Wanna get back to Gaming on a pc Budget ~500

    Hi all! Its been quite some time since ive had a proper rig. The last system I owned was a Core 2 Duo, 4 GB DDR 2, and a Geforce 8800gts 512 and Crysis was king. Alot has changed over the years since then and I am sooooo out of the loop. Ive missed probably 5-6 generations of video cards. Anyway...
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    Actually Im not sure if I can do that, im trying to get a build together for my friend for...

    Actually Im not sure if I can do that, im trying to get a build together for my friend for around $200, would still need an HDD, optical, and case
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    e7200 OC Question

    I bought a computer recently and I want to lower the overclock down from its original 3.8ghz overclock. Im trying a FSB of 333 for a total of 3.16ghz which I have read is a very conservative clock. My questions are, what is the stock voltage for an e7200 and how is the best way to determine the...
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    Confused on Which ATI Card to get.

    Wow a 4870x2 at my res would defiantly be overkill wouldn't it?. I also want something ~150 or less
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    Confused on Which ATI Card to get.

    So a 4830 is almost identical to my 3870? Did not know that. Thought it was much faster. As for the 4870 1Gb, that would be nice. Will prices drop on these when the 4890s come out (or whatever there called) or will the not be affected
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    Confused on Which ATI Card to get.

    Hi, I currently have a 3870 GDDR4 that's becoming a little long in the tooth. I was contemplating getting a 4830 because I heard those are pretty sweet and OC'ed they are not to far off of 4850 performance. But now I've heard about the 4750 and 4770. It seems the 4750 will be faster than the...
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    Quake Live Open Beta Now Available

    Oh i guess that explains my problem with joining a server, didn't see that. I guess id, while expecting a big turnover, did not expect this crazy demand
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    Quake Live Open Beta Now Available

    I beat crash on expert like 3 times and no luck. Then went the easy route and it worked. You guys might want to try that if it happens to you
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    Quake Live Open Beta Now Available

    I had to do the crash placement 4 times before it would let me go past that. Now my new problem is it says awaiting challenge 2.3.4.... indefinitely! Just when I thought I was ready. I am missing the closed beta now....
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    MSI Neo3-Fr Audio Problem

    Ok figured out what the problem was. My on board audio was disabled in BIOS. Simple fix haha. Just figured I would say what was wrong
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    MSI Neo3-Fr Audio Problem

    Thank you but unfortunately after uninstalling my old driver and installing the afore mentioned realtek driver, I am still experiencing the same problem with it just listing hdmi as the only output option. This is driving me crazy!
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    MSI Neo3-Fr Audio Problem

    I recently purchased a computer and it has a MIS Neo3-FR motherboard. Everything is working great on it except the audio. The only playback device that it list in the sound section of the control panel is a "Digital Playback Device (HDMI)". It says it is working. Only problem is, I need normal...
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    E8600@4.5GHz Vs Q9650@4GHz in gaming only (in 2009)

    Well if your just planning on using it for the rest of the year and maybe some in '10, I suggest getting the e8600. If you want something that will be more future proof go with the quad. But with the 8600 clocked that high it will defiantly perform better than the 9650 in today's games.
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    ASUS PQ5-PRO Questions

    Thats cool, I have some ddr ram that it will post on. SO if the new ram dosnt post, all I need to do is go into bios with the old ram and set the ram voltage to 2.1?
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    HD 4850 X2 Review MSRP- $350

    exactly what I would like to know. I already have a 4850. Would it be worth getting another 4850 or selling it and just getting this?
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    ASUS PQ5-PRO Questions

    So my gigabyte ga-p35-ds3p decided to stop working one day, so I decided to go with a p45 chipset and got the ASUS PQ5-PRO. My memory also went bad on the gigabyte board so I ordered this ram since I was able to snag...
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    Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3P startup issues.

    Ok, so the other night my friend turned my computer off from the powersupply and ever since then, my computer will not post. It makes 2 beeps then shuts off, powers up, makes 2 beeps, shuts down, powers up. never ending cycle. You get the picture. I had experienced a problem just like this...
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    My new 24" LCD is about to arrive and i'd like to test it out =]

    Hey congrats on the new display. I think you meant 1920x1200 though, right? As far as 1080p content apple has some quicktime trailers that are in 1080p but I hate apple so I am going to direct you here They...
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    Need Help! Mind Boggling Hardware Issue - at a complete loss.

    I am curious as to whats in your Wuh woh folder ;)
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    Timeline for Graphics Cards?

    Is there any information about the release of the 4850x2 or is it still in the air?
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    Far Cry 2 benchmarks

    I know this is off topic, but I have been experiencing total freezing of my computer when I attempt to join some multiplayer servers. It does not happen every time I try to connect. Just about 50-60% of the time. It will show the loading screen and the loop will continue to spin but it will stay...
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    Far Cry 2 benchmarks

    I don't know if anyone has reported this yet, but I am defintalely getting playable framerates from my single 4850 @ 1920x1200 2xAA Max settings. I thought some people might like to know this. I am very happy about it!
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    4870 Installation Headaches

    Thank you for your reply mobusta, that kinda makes me feel relieved a little. Nothing worse than dropping upwards of $300 on something and it not working. As far as getting a new power supply, that would be nice, but if my current one can power the card I would like it to do so
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    4870 Installation Headaches

    Thank you all for your helpful replies. My friend is going to let me use a card with 2 6pins to make sure its not my psu. I hope that updating my BIOS will do the trick but I am somewhat skeptical that will work. I will try that other card out today and let you all know. Thank you
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    4870 Installation Headaches

    I got it through Amazon. Strangely if I put the card in the slot without the pci -e supplementary power cables the computer starts and the fan on the 4870 start up. I didn't leave it on like that for long though because I don't think thats too good for the card.