I Have a V5 case and due to circumstances outside my control have to replace the motherboard with something more modern. I would therefore like to get the new front plate which is currently out of stock on the Ncase site. Are there other sources for this part?
Fun fact - the Airflow from the card now impacts my M2 SSD which means it flies way over its limits and causes the system overheat. I have an M2 slot on the back of the motherboard which I can use instead but that was an unexpected development and direct result of the airflow from these beastly...
In terms of the fan spec I’m quite confused about what is needed. There’s lots of options. I assume 4 pin & 12v for the Motherboard connector and variable control I think but I suspect I don’t want ultra low noise as much as efficiency. So assume a 92x25 (not 14) for the back and an A or S...
Hi rfarmer thank you! I recall you were helpful ‘back in the day’ when I put the original setup together. I’m not looking to do anything whizzy, just want to be able to put the side on the case and not have it turn into a storage heater.
I used to run (and still occasionally use) a...
Quick question in respect of the RTX cards which have pass-through cooling. How does the sandwich format affect expulsion of hot air through the back of the card and out into the world? Won’t it just heat up the separator and radiate the heat back at the card? More of a general sandwich-design...
Hi all I have a V5 Ncase and just added a 3080 FE model to replace a deshrouded 1080Ti. Fits nicely but the way it directs air through the back end of the card means it’s not working well with the current cooling solution. It probably doesn’t help that my cabling is an unholy mess.
It looks like the user KaiSc is clearly backing you up in your view of the mic which is positive but sad that Audezee have misrepresented the discussion you had. Very poor form.
It would be interesting to bash together a specification for an 'ideal' headset and see what you end up with. The problem is that people want different things, or are being told they want different things by the marketing, so there can be no one-size-fits-all solution.
"...We were truly expecting a wireless USB solution when we purchased these. We feel that we were mislead with the marketing on the wireless feature...."
Yes, me too. In fact so were a lot of others - we were talking about this in the wireless headset thread, after all.
In terms of head...
I use the over ear momentum's and they're amazing. Proper solid bass and great isolation. Can't speak for the on-ear versions but my experience bodes well.
So a week in and I'm really enjoying the Pro Wireless. It's hooked up to my PC by USB and Xbox by Optical, and my phone by Bluetooth. It really can do everything. The comfort is way better than my old corsairs and are a whole lot better at isolation too - once the headphones are on, no sound...
Firstly, I hope that your skin cancer is properly sorted by the operation and you get to use your new headphones for many years to come.
I have been using a pair of Bose travel headphones with my Xbox for a little while (now replaced by some Steelseries over ear ones which I can use on the...
Definitely provide an option for 2x120mm. There are so many hybrid GPU's out there with a 120mm that it would cut off all of those potential users. Flexibility with the number and range of AIO's is key for this to work, IMO.
I have no preference over the front ports because I tend not to have...
Although I'm interested in seeing the Hardforum take on matters some of the reviews I have seen make me think that these are not going to be the cans for me. Comments around the quality of the headband, the rubberised coating, and difficulty connecting to consoles etc mean that I think I'm...
It is. Plug one component directly into your router or a wired network point and it creates it's own network which is more reliable than having all of them using just your home wifi. Like most people I just use them to access Spotify or similar music services but actually it's quite useful to...
I agree, but if you already have some components which you're using for wireless streaming (which most people will do) it may not be immediately obvious that they can also be utilised in these circumstances,
You can also use Sonos. Some of the products have a line-in which you can share with any set of speakers you like in the rest of the system. Slightly pricey but the audio quality is pretty damn good.
I like the FTZ01 because of the material - it's why I went with the Ncase eventually.
Can't confirm the clearance I'm afraid but it wasn't much - you can see on one of the images I was able to fit the rubber foot between the GPU and fans to hold the former steady. The foot will be smaller than...
Here's the build log for my ML07.
Not a blower GPU - two good fans underneath do the job well and the AIO means the CPU doesn't tend to suffer...
Razer have their own version too. There are some good youtube video's which show the difference between the different systems. I confess that I have difficulty discerning he difference between them for the most part. I like that the voices move when the 'viewer' turns their head and it gives...
The RVZ03 I think has the same internal clearance as the ML07 which I used for my last build (still have this).
I managed to get a Coolermaster Seidon 120M in there. Took a bit of effort and you really need to get your cabling right, but it successfully cooled the i7-4790 for three years - and...
You're like an anti-Jiminy Cricket, whispering bad thoughts about spending $400 on a headset instead of good conscience advice like 'you should think about paying for food and rent'.
Can you not just plug in a cord for a couple of game-hours like I do with my XBox controller? I wonder what the substantive difference is between my Sennheisers which will go 22 hrs against one of the main headset brands which seem to do half that at best?
So my already short short-list of five has become four :(
Steelseries Arctis 7
Astro Gaming A50
Logitech G933
Steelseries Wireless Pro
Audeze Mobius
[holy thread-bump Batman!]
Just a couple of tracks will get me over the line with a set of headphones.
Really good complexity of sound - modern beat with classical overtures really easily muddled by poor headphones.
Bubbles by Yosi Horikawa
If you don't spend the entire track looking...
Me too, but I'm at a crossroads. If I shell out for the Steelseries Arctis 7 I'll wish I had gone for the Wireless Pro. But if I go for that and for £50 more could have had something truly amazing but for the want of some patience then I'd kick myself.
That's a £295 headphone in the UK and not wireless, but can see the keener US pricing (and they're good looking headphones too) so certainly take your point when comparing US prices.
I was previously looking at the OPPO PM-2 though I note they're no longer making products so perhaps a lucky...
Hi all, I currently have a Corsair Vengeance 1500 headset. It's 7.1 surround with sort of felt earcup and leatherette headband. The felt picks up dust and the headband gets uncomfortable but otherwise it's not a bad headset. However the cord is driving me nuts now and I want to go wireless...
Noctua must get a lot of satisfaction from the fact that so many people are concerned about how their rigs look and yet they will still put up with an awful fan colour scheme because of the relative performance of their product. but they must also wonder how many more they could sell to those...
That was the worst time for me. I have all my parts except for the case, and every day that goes by there's a press release about new shiny objects being made available which are better and/or cheaper than the ones I have sitting in a box in the spare room.