In the market for a new laptop
17 inch..Intel I7? which one? Would like an ass kicker, I don't know the numbers
Maybe a toshiba
1200 to 1500 bucks
Need all the bells and whistles
Any suggestion would be great
I hope i am at the right place...
When I open a web page it starts to float around, but only on my comp. No other comps.
This is only one certain website where this happens. No others
Any thoughts?
MSI N780 LIGHTNING GeForce GTX 780 3GB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card
Too much card for me. Used 1 day...
EagleOne..You should give the 8350 to your cousin and buy a new MoBo for him..and of course a new case..Like this one
Let him test it out and get back to you about it. Probably save you some bucks in the long run.
Of course you...
Ear+ HD High Definition Stereo Headphone Amplifier Just checked their prices...whoa! gone up since I bought mine. You can check with a WTB on the audio forum, see what pops up.
In my worthless opinion it's going to be hard to beat the synergy between the 2 without going up in price. Try used
The HD 600, 650's can handle Class A type amps with ease, So its garbage in and out, The newer Senns are even better. Imo..But I digress The op was looking for closed phones. That makes his requirements tougher to meet. You stated that you have spent more than you should have. Get out now...
Got a question..
I have a Toshiba notebook with a T5550 proc. and want to upgrade to a little better performing proc. What would be a good upgrade?
I am a little confused about FSB mine is 667 and the one I have looked at are 800 those still work on my mobo. ex. T8100