Search results

  1. Z

    FS: E8600 / GA-G31M-ES2L Mobo / 2x2GB DDR2 1066 Hyper-X

    PM sent regarding the RAM.
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    FS: 2009 Intel Mac Mini

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    FS: Netgear WNDR3300 dd-wrt

    I bought this for a project and decided to go another way. I bought it refurbished from newegg and only used it for a few hours. It is in perfect condition. It has everything included that it came with, and it is in the original box. It is running the third-party firmware dd-wrt. Will consider...
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    Can Jesus Christ save my loop?

    How Christian of you. You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your...
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    Monitor + Weather

    Condensation is what I'd be worried about
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    BenQ T241W vs. LG L245WP

    Edit: Ignore this. I'm an idiot.
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    Help me pick a 24" LCD

    At half the price what is the quality difference like between the gateway and the soyo? Has anyone owned both and able to comment. The Soyo looks kinda junky in comparison.
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    Help me pick a 24" LCD

    I know this gets asked just about every other day, but I couldn't find a thread similar enough to my own wants to make a decision. My budget is about $600. My needs are basically desktop computing (coding, internet browsing, writing). I just want a massive display for getting work done,etc. I...
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    mac maintenance tips

    What danman said isn't all that ridiculous. The HFS+ file system is very resistant to fragmentation, and if there were some unforeseen event which occurred in the middle of a defrag (e.g. a power failure) it could do more damage than it did good. Ask anyone using a unix-like operating system...
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    mac maintenance tips

    Computer maintenance in general seems like a waste of time to me. I've never seen it make a difference whatsoever, and applications that do maintenance on computers seem to cause more problems than they solve. I do believe in regular updates, but honestly what else could you possibly need to do?
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    Setting up 2 hard drives

    I don't think you want RAID. In order to create a RAID with those disks they would both have to be blank. Also, your motherboard probably doesn't support making a RAID with dissimilar disks. Is there any reason you want to do RAID specifically? If you just want to increase the amount a storage...
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    MIT Team Claims Wireless Power Demo

    Even If I ignored the poor spelling in your post, it would still be monumentally ignorant. Congratulations.
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    Does this sound like a PSU problem?

    That definitely sounds like the power supply to me. The only thing I would do if you havent done it yet would be to remove everything possible from the power supply and then try the tester. You probably already did that though. You could always try the power supply in another machine.
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    Powering a hub with a power supply

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    Music player?

    mpg321 and cplay are good. I also use bmpx, although it is kinda buggy.
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    Multiple Internet Connections

    Is there any way to have two computers use different internet connections and at the same time exist on the same network so that they could share files between one another etc. at 100 mbps? I could use a vpn but that would have to go over the internet. If not can I use two internet connections...
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    free extended desktop / dual screen wallpaper websites?
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    help student with subroutine

    FYI subroutines are called methods in java
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    Teh "up" button in Vista

    Hes making a joke in "leet speak". In this case it says ENGLISH because. 3 = E |\| = N 6 = G |_ = L 1 = I 5 = S [H] = H
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    airport has vanished from my powerbook?

    At least your powerbook didn't vanish from the airport because thats what I thought when I read the title of the thread too quickly.
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    Replacement Apple Parts

    Is it possible to buy a replacement iPod case for my third generation 40 gb ipod? It is perfectly functional, but the case is scratched and worn. Can I buy the parts to do this myself? Will Apple do this for me for a fee? Thanks for the info.
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    Motherboard risers

    Does anyone know where I can get a good price on some motherboard risers and possibly some case screws. I'm working on a project and don't have any computers I can cannabalize. I can't find any on any of the big hardware sites. Would it be better to search locally? Anyone had any luck at a...
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    Does the download version of 64 bit xp erase everything or just install ontop of xp?

    You cannot upgrade from 32-bit Windows XP to Windows XP x64. It must be a fresh install.
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    how to resize image properly

    I dont care what program you use stretching an image that much can't look very good.
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    WTB Notebook HDD

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    WTB Notebook HDD

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    WTB Notebook HDD

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    WTB: Frozen Throne Expansion

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    WTB Notebook HDD

    My friend is looking for a notebook hard drive preferaably something small and cheap. pm me with offers.
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    how to make computer as loud as possible...

    QFT. Anything ThermalTake has ever made is loud as shit.
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    computer engineer asks for advise

    All im saying is that if you have a computer engineering degree (at least at the university I attend) you go pretty far in computer science classes and you know what a thread is and something about computer theory and how a processor works. Do you really have a computer engineering degree? from...
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    computer engineer asks for advise

    I assume you have some sort of degree in computer engineering which would mean that you took a significant number of programming/computer science courses and you haven't ever heard of threads and youre not quite sure how a processor works?
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    Does any one know what piece of software this is (PIC)

    Yahoo! Widget Engine aka Konfabulator
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    I usually don't ask for help like this but....

    If I were in your shoes I would start with just the motherboard and power supply connected and see if it will post and work my up from there. Something is failing and you have to isolate what it is. Try to eliminate all possibilities. I know this is a lot of work, but its the only way to catch a...
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    I need some good wallpapers
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    WTB: Frozen Throne Expansion

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    WTB: Frozen Throne Expansion
