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  1. S

    mini cars..

    I have to say that I don't like these at all. I find it pointless, and quite disturbing to do that to perfectly good pictures of really nice cars. Just my opinion though...
  2. S

    Review my website please....

    It certainly is an improvement from your last post. Still needs some work in my opinion. Keep at it! -Shake
  3. S

    Crappy steam framerates.

    Nothing is wrong with his card people. A freakin piece of cardboard with "Graphics card" written with a purple marker could run steam at 100 FPS. The problem is your in-games settings: cl_updaterate 101 (highest setting) I play with 60 cl_cmdrate 101 (highest setting) me = 60 rate 25000...
  4. S

    Form Draw 1 !!

    dude....dude you're a dick. Make it so you can un-check them.
  5. S

    Need a site logo. Will pay!

    Buddy, I'll make you a logo, but I must suggest that you leave out the "everyone else go F themselves," since we are not just viewed as "ugly American," but more so, as stupid Americans. You telling everyone else to F themselves just inforces that opinion of us. -shake P.S. This is just my...
  6. S

    Logo Request $50 enough?

    Bobby, that is quite tasteful. One suggestion, the I's seem to be a bit thick, maybe you could just take some width off of them. -shake
  7. S

    Logo Request $50 enough?

    I found it quite hard to pick out the S's.
  8. S

    Flash In My Website

    To answer your .gif question, if you still wanted to know. Converting a flash video to .gif format isn't the best idea, but if you insist on doing so, File > Export Movie... > Save as type: .gif
  9. S

    Help With Logo and Frontpage

    Post a pic, buddy.
  10. S

    My first WebSite

    There are so many...things I could say about this site, but I won't. *deep breaths* 1. Try to stay away from textured buttons. 2. Button rollovers? Just try again... 3. Choose one or two similar fonts for a webpage. Don't use 3 or 4 drastically different fonts for one page. 4...
  11. S

    Some random wallpaper stuff I was messing with

    yes I did read what you said, but I have to say it, filter whore. I've seen, and passed up, those effects 5,000 times while testing with photoshop and the previous backgrounds show you exactly why I did so. -shake
  12. S

    Please critique my website.

    Check these out: And maybe for the future: EDIT: Stay FAR FAR FAR FAR away from they are a horrible influence.
  13. S

    Please critique my website.

    1. As everyone else said, it is way too big. If you're going to have a large site, do something impressive 2. You will not get clients using default buttons and graphics that have been made from tutorials. For example, your flash, html, and 3d buttons are just basic gradients and you use...
  14. S

    my First Flash movie.

    You're such an awesome person yroc. So tell me, what is better, telling someone to "GO KILL YOURSELF AND DO THE WORLD A FAVOR" or giving them non-contructive criticism and correcting yourself later. And on the second part, my goal in life, MY ONLY GOAL is to improve the digital art section...
  15. S

    my First Flash movie.

    I have put artwork up on these forums before, and I have put them up here asking for "CONSTRUCTIVE criticism." If you are not willing to have people tell you what's wrong with your work, how are you even going to improve? If the guy didn't want criticism he should have posted it in the "I want...
  16. S

    The Extreme Forum Colors

    Um, you have put the links so close together that they look like one word "homehelpsearchloginregister." Personally, I would space them out, but whatever... Colors: I've always loved light gray / alien green
  17. S

    my First Flash movie.

    constructive thoughts: 1. Always align movies in the middle, because on a high res you will have a small movie all the way over to the right or left, and it just doens't look good. 2. Format your movie better, keep a set format for the positioning of the pictures, the size of the pictures...
  18. S

    Not realy art but its a funny screen grab

    No! Somewhere, Bill Gates is jackin off onto a giant pile of your money.
  19. S

    my First Flash movie.

    Way too big -- anything that big isn't worth downloading, in my opinion. Poorly ripping off monty python is not the way to go, ever. Ever! The only funny part of the video was the childish chop of Martin Lawrence. In conclusion, I agree with Defiance 100%.
  20. S

    Need words put in

    Sure! why not... I'll give it a go after my test tomorrow night.
  21. S

    Post your pc screen shots!

    The black taskbar theme. Mac themes can eat me! :p
  22. S

    LOGO for Rock Band

    lol @ that background... sorry!
  23. S

    arstechnica's new site

    Very nice layout. UnderLoK, you are insane man, the new layout is alot more professional compared to the old, cluttered, and seemingly random site that was Version 1. "...the news takes up 1/4 the page. That is NOT how you do it." I hate to break it to you, but how you DON"T do it, is...
  24. S

    Post your pc screen shots!

    Navicaph, that theme is incredibly nice. link me?
  25. S

    Need a banner for my forums

    ...What size do you want it to be?
  26. S

    Need a banner for my forums

    Roger that. Post a link? Give me some colors, themes, size, etc... Or just size. -shake
  27. S

    happy birthday to... me

    Translation: I don't know anyone that is 21, so I'll pretend to be a good boy. ;)
  28. S

    A Frame From a Logo Animation (Lightwave) Not 56k friendly

    Looks like it needs a bit more Contrast, but other then that it looks good. Edit: In reference to your sig, Futurama Rocks! :eek:
  29. S

    happy birthday to... me

    You are 16 and have not been drunk? :rolleyes: ;)
  30. S

    What do you think of my website???

    I'm sorry if I'm repeating something that someone else has already posted (I didn't feel like reading the other posts) The file size on your navigation is too big, especially since your pictures seem to be low quality as it is. I would suggest exporting them as a 4-8 in photoshop. The white...
  31. S

    Simple Illustrator CS question

    get on your knees and thank him, noob! :mad: :o ...
  32. S

    Banner needed for website

    1. The tentacles are done in 3ds max: cone > smooth > bend > bend (Photoshop) > new layer / color dodge. 2. Sean wanted some sex, and I needed some web space while at the college. One thing led to another. Oh... well, you get the idea! ;) No, but really, I was up at the college with...
  33. S

    Company Logo Design

    Very nice Bobby!
  34. S

    What would this kind of art be called?

    Horrible band art? ;)
  35. S

    Banner needed for website

    Diablo, layer styles are filters, and I was just messing with you :). Very nice work bobby, I really like it. I had some extra time this afternoon, so I made an update. -shake
  36. S

    Banner needed for website

    Do you like filters? ^^
  37. S

    Banner needed for website

    Well, I am at school waiting for my next class, so I did a simple logo before knowing what kind of company it is, or what theme you want. So, live with it! :) -shake clean and artsy...I guess