Loved Lemmings, played it every morning at school when I was 9 and 10.
The fun of it wore off a bit when I came back to it a couple of years back and beat the whole thing within a few hours, but it was fun while it lasted.
I got a 256GB Samsung 840 Pro, because I kept running out of free space on my 60GB Vertex 2. I figured I'd get the extra free space for provisioning and future-proofing, but I don't think I'll ever use more than 100GB of this drive before I move this to a laptop or replace it entirely.
I thought it had more to do with the hardware rather than the actual software. As in, number of extra chips that need to be validated, speed of data transfer to CPU, etc.
The only way I can imagine demos hurting sales is if the demo is actually enough for people to get sick of the game. Then, either (1) the game sucks balls, or (2) someone screwed up and made the demo way too big. Either way, it's the company's fault.
As it so happens, the Kanji characters are also the Chinese characters for serenity as well...and I am pretty sure they're on the wrong way.
Otherwise good work :)
It's getting better. The ultimate pack, the $90 plan? That used to be only 10GB a couple years ago. Speeds are still bad though. At the moment I'm at 14/1.
This. It doesn't really make much sense to pirate (games, anyway), when you have Steam. As long as you have two dollars to rub together, you can usually grab something good during the Summer and Christmas sales.
Yeah, going off my very rough back-of-envelope calculations I'd say it had a resistivity of somewhere between 10^3 and 10^4 ohm-meters. A bit more conductive than distilled water, apparently.
Because we didn't compete this year, if we do compete next year we will either suck (because we won't have a 'growth' category), or we will completely rock (because the only way that a growth category would work for us would be compared to the last time we were in the Chimp Challenge, and ppd...
31 days in May.
For this month, ppd on average has been around 29.7 million. The extra day gives us around 20 million points' breathing space.
Though, if you could give us a hand... :D
SSwiftkey on an SGS1. I used text from, but showed it on my browser, typed it into my phone, and timed myself. Over 5x1-minute samples I got an average of 45wpm.
Typing on a proper keyboard is around 80-120wpm, depending on text and how hard I try...