Search results

  1. R

    Woot Off!

    dada needs a new tv!
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    FS: PC3200, P4 3.0c, sckt 478 microATX, 6600GT AGP

    bump. MUST SELL!!
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    FS: PC3200, P4 3.0c, sckt 478 microATX, 6600GT AGP

    bump for price drop.
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    FS: PC3200, P4 3.0c, sckt 478 microATX, 6600GT AGP

    bump. price drop on ram
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    FS: PC3200, P4 3.0c, sckt 478 microATX, 6600GT AGP

    Prices include shipping and are negotiable. Must sell, reasonable offers will not be turned down. Will ship to continental US only. Paypal only. Ram: Patriot 2x256mb=512 PC3200 DDR CL 2-3-2-5 [PDC5123200LLK] - $10 Pentium 4 3.0ghz Northwood - $30 Abit IS-10 MicroATX m/b - $30...
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    FT: Lian Li PC-V1100B Plus II for ATX HTPC Case

    yes. it is a fantastic case. very well built and high quality.
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    WTB PC3200 RAM

    Check PM
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    FT: Lian Li PC-V1100B Plus II for ATX HTPC Case

    bump. Still taking offers.
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    FT: Lian Li PC-V1100B Plus II for ATX HTPC Case

    Title is pretty self explanatory. I want to trade my Lian Li PC-V1100B Plus II case ( for your HTPC case. The case must be ATX form factor and have room for at least 4 internal 3.5in drives. Heat: rek981 Ebay: megarek981 PM me...
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    FS: P4 3.2e, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, BFG 6800GT AGP, Audigy2ZS

    Bump for price drop on the 6800gt agp
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    FS: P4 3.2e, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, BFG 6800GT AGP, Audigy2ZS

    bump. Still need to sell the 6800gt agp. PM me with your offers.
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    What to do with an Old Computer???

    I am going to play the devil's advocate for a second. I had an old P4 system that I wanted to use for windows home server. I decided not to as the power consumption of that old equipment was just way to high. What I am saying is that sometimes it is better (and greener) to just to retire old...
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    FS: P4 3.2e, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, BFG 6800GT AGP, Audigy2ZS

    Need to sell. PM me with you offers.
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    FS: P4 3.2e, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, BFG 6800GT AGP, Audigy2ZS

    Selling some components that are in great working order. Prices ARE negotiable, I must sell. PM me if interested: - BFG 6800GT AGP vid card sold with Zalman VF900-Cu cooler attached + stock cooler - SOLD - Asus P4C800 Deluxe 875P motherboard - SOLD - Intel Pentium 4 3.2 ghz Prescott socket...
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    Windows 7 waking from sleep problem

    I do not have windows 7 installed yet, but I will very soon, and as an owner of a ICH9R chipset, this problem would be very annoying. So, my question is, do you have the latest version of matrix storage manager installed? It is ver available here...
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    Windows 7 - main os or addition?

    About the put a new q6600 build together. It is a big jump for me from a P4 3.2gig prescott. I am trying to decide whether I should install Win7 only or use vista as my primary OS, so this is a great thread. Keep those opinions coming!