Search results

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    FS: EVGA 780 TI SC, Powercolor 7970 3gb, 1150 z87 mobo's, 4770k cpu

    bump, updated pending sale items
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    FS: EVGA 780 TI SC, Powercolor 7970 3gb, 1150 z87 mobo's, 4770k cpu

    bump, added another motherboard, dropped prices on 7970's
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    Alpha multi-coin multipool (autoswitching) with Pay Per Share

    There's a new automatic switching pool coming, it's currently in closed Alpha testing. 3% fees and straight PPS (Pay Per Share, so every submitted share gets paid for), and it's not PPLNS (round based) if you submit a share, you will get your shares worth when the next block of that coin is...
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    FS: EVGA 780 TI SC, Powercolor 7970 3gb, 1150 z87 mobo's, 4770k cpu

    Selling off some of my gear. Sorry, not interested in trades at this time. Still available: -nothing at this time- Pending Sale: Powercolor 7970 3gb - 300 - Yes, this was used for mining for 2 months - Sale Pending locally Sold Items...
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    This mining war between companies is going to cost us

    Maybe, but all we have to do is hard fork to scrypt-n 4096 and asics won't do a thing, that's why the alts coins are here, to stop ASIC and keep it distributed. IMHO of course.
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    FS: Battlefield 4 (BF4) - Origin Key - $20

    seaneboy and TheSandman2236, pm's sent
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    You Can Now 3D-Print Your Unborn Fetus

    that's just odd as heck
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    FS: Battlefield 4 (BF4) - Origin Key - $20

    4 left, 1 sold (although the guy hasn't responded or paid yet) Added BTC / LTC as options for payment
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    FS: Battlefield 4 (BF4) - Origin Key - $20

    I have a few copy's of battlefield 4 i don't need, $20 via paypal (or BTC / LTC ) I have 0 remaining (out of 5) with 1 pending Heat: spudsdude Sold or pending 1 pending 3 (sold) 1 other maybe gone (pending payment) These are amd codes that are redeemed on To redeem...
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    Can a Corsair Ax1200i power quadfire 290s?

    Within the thread topic, what parts are you using to cool the 4 290s, I might mirror your setup :) and abit offtopic, but info that's gold for mining Here's some that seem to work well, all under windows 8.1, amd driver is 13.11_betav9.5, cgminer settings depend on your video card, read the...
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    Can a Corsair Ax1200i power quadfire 290s?

    measure it and don't guess if your going to mine with it i'd say no way that's going to be in spec at all, two 290s on a haswell pentium pull 700-800 watts at the wall mining mining is about speed, most bump the ram up and gpu down, and set power max to +20 to +40, fan maxed, so it doesn't...
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    1000 watts enough for Crossfire 290x?

    2 290x at 100% with ssd and z87 mobo and Haswell pentium 3.2ghz run 640watts with corsair tx 850 psu at the wall. 1000 watts is plenty
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    3770 + 780 ti sufficient?

    Be sure to get an SSD too, you can fit windows + bf4 onto the 64gb ones. It makes a HUGE difference. If your not going to be adding more cards later, or a bunch of regular old style drives, anything 550watt+ (a quality one) is plenty of power. If you might go sli, get an 850watt. You can...
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    BF4 $20 or deluxe edition $25

    win 7, 6850, ~60fps 1080p no issues (high with aa off), 1050t@3.8 (sons rig) win 7, 6970, ~59fps 1080p ultra settings , 2500k@4.4 (brothers rig) win 7, 7850, ~65fps 1080p no issues (ultra preset), i3-2100 (sons rig) win 8.1, 7970 1080p 120fps no issues (ultra preset), 4770k@4.2 (mine) you...
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    Seasonic Topre Type Heaven Keyboard and S12G PSU Lucky Draw

    Seasonic makes top quality components that I am always recommending to friends.
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    BF4 $20 or deluxe edition $25

    If you having issues: use chrome use incognito mode to generate the code on
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    BF4 $20 or deluxe edition $25

    I have 5 codes that can be redeemed on dpgamer (they come from McDonald's receipts) first 5 to pm get them - all gone, it's a bf4 christmas :)
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    Intel NUC Kit D54250WYK Review

    Think of this as a case, powersupply, motherboard and i5 cpu and it's price is not bad at all. USB wireless $7 120gb SSD $90 power cord $3 8gb Ram $40 Nuc $360 (estimated) $500 - pick whatever os ya want, linux is free Want to spend less, usb3 500gb hard drive ($50), 4gb ram ($20)...
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    SG05 mini-itx powerhouse

    I'll have to upload more images, but i can say it was a very tight fit and it's packed in there now.
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    SG05 mini-itx powerhouse

    Panasonic UJ260 bluray burner Crucial m4 128gb Might just be a 320 mini laptop drive with the SSD until I make a tray for under it to fit a few more. Might just use usb3 drives, unsure.
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    SG05 mini-itx powerhouse

    Still a work in progress, but it is amazing what you can fit into an SG05 Corsiar H80i ASUS Z87I-Deluxe w/4770k Powercolor 7970 3gb SFX Psu I'm still getting the basic fit together, have an ODD, SSD, and Slim Laptop drive to stick in there yet (and the CPU which hasn't arrived yet). The...
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    Need urgent help...

    I suspect psu as well.
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    Will an i3-2120 be a bottle neck for a 7950?

    I'd say try it, at that resolution the video card makes the biggest difference.
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    H80i Corsair all in one water cooler, 75 bucks on amazon

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    4770K vs 4960X and Memory Bandwidth etc.

    If CPU!= 100 and GPU != 100 then look at I\O In other words check the rest of your system, hdd pegged? Drives being scanned? Background apps? Dri e encryption? Bad sectors? Your 2600 overclocked is a beast, something else is happening. Anything throttling? Back to the original question, for...
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    ITX Build - SG05 / i5 4670k / GTX 770 / H20 620 v4 and more. Will it fit?

    Looks like the same as the corsair h40's (which is smaller then my h70) so it should fit no problems, just watch the back of the video card so that it doesn't touch the metal on the rad when you install it.
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    ITX Build - SG05 / i5 4670k / GTX 770 / H20 620 v4 and more. Will it fit?

    If it's really 26cm you'll have extra space, i was just using newegg's size information, you should be fine
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    ITX Build - SG05 / i5 4670k / GTX 770 / H20 620 v4 and more. Will it fit?

    I'm doing a similar build in an sg05 with a AMD 7970 and 4770k and asus z87i-deluxe for a friend I think that video card is going to require a slight modification to the case in order to fit. The 7970 is 10.43" x 4.38" x 1.5", and the back fan plastic touches the case with no space (pic...
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    Z87 Pro: Windows won't boot with NVidia drivers installed

    Try updating your Realtek drivers (nic and sound) in safe mode before installing the nvidia drivers
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    Will the [H] review the Maximus VI Impact?

    A review the Maximus VI Impact and a review of the Z87I-Deluxe would be awesome. I'm going for the deluxe since I need all 6 sata ports, I'm hoping it overclocks well.
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    Haswell 4670k and Guild Wars 2

    I don't know this guy, I just goggled it, but check out this video (cpu only swap and double the fps)
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    Intel Core i7-4770K loaded with BIOSTAR Z87X 3D overclocking share

    Thanks for the review and details! Nice job!
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    Powerful AMD Cards in SG-05

    Yup, fits with plenty of room, now getting an h70 is still a wip
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    Powerful AMD Cards in SG-05

    You can also fit other brands of 7970, without any case mods, in addition to the ones that are shorter.(I missed reading that above) Power color 7970
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    How to get HDMI audio working on AMD card? (sapphire 7990)

    You might need to disable deep sleep (via a registry key), I know I have to on my cards (7970's) also had to do it for the 6970's i had before that Here's the snipped that explains how to do it ---------------Regedit Fix--------- Originally Posted by JeonjuHot Hello. Im a korean user and...
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    Humble Weekly Sale keys

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    FS Powercolor 7970 3gb brand new 250 shipped

    FS Powercolor 7970 3gb, dual fan, brand new 250 shipped (US only, hawaii and PR have additional shipping fees) I need to sell this asap payment via paypal my feedback on ebay, always 100% I got two of them, 1 is overkill for my htpc, it's still brand new and sealed PowerColor Video...
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    Sapphire Vapor-X 7950 $259 AR

    Save a buck on amazon $258.99 after $20 rebate
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    Intel 3570 quad core, Google Nexus 7 32gb Tablet

    Intel 3570 Quad Core cpu, barely used, less then a month old. Nexus 7 tablet, a few months old, Used, but in mint condition.