I hope they keep improving, the latest Zen chips are having a hard time hitting the advertised boost clocks but are close to to intel. The thing is if you only game at 1080p with a 2080Ti and want over 200FPS for your Pro FPS aspirations then you need the performance a 9900KS brings. If you are...
The cost at this point to create physical media is minimal and these companies are creating streaming services to supplement and hedge the market. Of course they would all like us to do a subscription and stream their movies but a fair number of people won't do that. It's already getting too...
It's because you likely have not experienced better or simply don't care to have better. Watching a 55" TV from 12' away you may not notice the artifacting or black crush that many streams have or just don't care. Sit closer or with a larger screen and it's painfully obvious. I find Netflix...
While I think most of us would like to see AMD compete like for like with NVIDIA they don't have to to make a profit. They can own the low-mid tier and still be successful.
Big Navi is not remotely DOA without RT. The only way a 2080ti competitor (if they can even make one) is DOA is if it...
AMD if they release a 2080Ti equivalent will need to price it under Nvidia for a number of reasons. One the 2080Ti has been out a while already so they are late to the game. Two it will not have Ray Tracing; even if that isn't a big draw now you don't pay similar money from the smaller company...
AMD can't charge $1,200 for a comparable 2080Ti card for two reasons;
1. RTX, at the same price and performance you will get the card with added features (just in case)
2. Brand, NVidia is the bigger player and at the same price you don't go with the smaller company.
To beat a larger and more...
5500, 5600, 5800 and 5900 is what I'd expect over the course of the next 12 months. I think they need to do the 5800/5900 first as they have a shorter window to be near or on par with a 2080Ti than a 1660.
No one really expects AMD to compete head to head with Nvidia's best when Nvidia releases...
During the Q/A session, the question was raised about the high-end 7nm Navi graphics cards and 7nm mobility processors to which AMD’s CEO, Dr.Lisa Su, replied that they are indeed coming.
Original Source...
I see it as a good thing; overclockers and still fiddle with the bios and cooling and squeeze out a bit more performance. The rest of us can just build a system with good cooling knowing we are getting the most out of our purchase with no extra effort.
Speculative but highly logical that we will see 5600, 5800 and perhaps 5900 & 5500 SKU's over the next 6 months. You don't just launch 2 SKU's on a whole new architecture.
Some decent deals on smart home stuff, I picked up a couple of Hue BR30 lights for my theater.
Upcoming light deal on a Crucial 500 2tb SSD some may want to watch to see what price it goes for.
AMD has finally put out a competitive card at the same price point as Nvidia. The reason the Super's even exist at this time is likely due to that competition, even if you are a fan boy of Nvdia (which I can't understand being a brand fan boy) you should support AMD (as long as this is the price...
These are mid-tier cards as they were intended to be. The vast majority of people do not buy at the top of the stack. If you are [H]ard Supreme then by all means grab dual 20180Ti's and go nuts.
I have a 1070, I was never going to spend the money for a 1080 or 1080Ti. Same with 2080/2080Ti...
Rumor is the chipset fan is because of PCIE 4.0 NVME SSD in RAID heat. Your average builder will probably not need it but as a board maker you don't know what they will do so you add the fan.
Wouldn't this prove beneficial if you were playing a game, streaming to Twitch and Youtube at the same time? If so this would save you the cost of having to setup a dedicated streaming PC. You'd likely have Discord, OBS and browsers open as well among other things.
TR3 will likely just be delayed a few months. I'd expect 20, 24 and 32 core models. Top end Ryzen gets 16 so not much of a need to offer that on TR3.
I want to upgrade to Zen 2 but using a 1070 at 3440x1440/60hz I wouldn't see any real improvement over my 4c/4t.
I'm just hoping with more AMD success that we will get more motherboards. When you look at Intel vs. AMD most of the really high end boards are not made for for AM4. Not to mention a very limited supply of ITX, M-ATX etc.
I'm sure I'll have it at some point in my household as my son likes consoles event though he is a LoL addict. Once Last of Us 2 comes out I'll grab his PS4 console and play that and Uncharted 4 and then give it back.
For the PS5 I could see me getting it not just for the games but for a good 4k...
1TB QLC drives are around $100 now so buying something like that in bulk wouldn't be too bad I'm sure. Don't expect a 970 Evo in there. For just loading up games (not initial install) QLC wold be fine.
My machine, connected by ethernet had no access last night. After buying new cables and troubleshooting it the fix ended up being unplug the router..No idea why this worked since wifi for most every device was working.
I failed at tech support 101 on this one....
I still think it's rose tinted glasses. I have some fond memories of Raiding MC with 40 people or opening AQ but also of 1000 line queues and running my new toon by foot from Org to TB and getting timed out if you were idle for 15 mins. Not getting a mount until 2/3rds of the way through...
This is the first time it's happened so perhaps a recent Win 10 update. These sort of things are very frustrating. You'd think it would have to be IP related since going through the phone hotspot (connected to the same wifi) works fine.
My son's PC can connect to our wifi but has no internet. I did all the normal things, tried to release the ip and renew and no go. I reset the TCP/IP
The odd part is he can set up a personal hotspot on his phone, turn off cellular data and connect to his phone which is connected to the same...
Or just get a job doing cybersecurity. Work smarter not harder.
I agree that there are many trades you can make good money. My brother does well owning his own remodeling business but he works a lot of hours and it's hard on his body. He just turned 50 and I'm not sure how much longer he'll be...
DVD to blu-ray isn't a huge difference if you are watching on a 55" screen from 12' away. It looks like shit on a 120" 2.40 ratio screen when zoomed to fit, worse than SD TV.
4K for me would be a significant upgrade in visual quality for 21:9 movies it just costs too damn much.
I don't have a problem with Nvidia bringing out Ray Tracing as many have said it has to start somewhere. The problem I have is the huge increase in cost and that "It just Works". You can fake a lot of stuff using different techniques and be pretty close visually with no performance hit. Everyone...
Either a physical disc or flash drive will be required for future 8k.
I'm not in the majority, I have a dedicated theater so I'll always use a disc or whatever least/uncompressed media is around. I don't see me making the jump to 4k due to the extreme cost. You can get pseudo 4k for a...
I have a Zotac 1070 Amp Extreme and a EVGA 1060 on my two PCs. The only thing I don't care for is the Fire Storm utility. It won't just start up automatically like EVGA Precision and I have to manually hit Yes to run it every time I turn my PC on. Otherwise the card has been working fine with my...
If AMD can replace their existing 570, 80, 90 cards with faster cards for the same money but more profit then that is obviously what they will do. We all would love to see a direct competitor to NVIDIA at the high end but it doesn't look like that will happen in the next couple of years so AMD...
This fits well with [H] but the majority of users spend less than $300 on a GPU. I'd love to have some great competition at the high end but the fact is I will never buy there, especially now that they cost as much as a an entire PC. AMD has a real opportunity with Navi if they can get 2060...
My son needs a new monitor and I'd like to keep it around $200. I hope you all can give me some suggestions based on the details below:
GPU: GTX 770
Size: 24" or there about
Resolution: Either 1080p or 1440p Open to suggestions
Games he plays the most: League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm...
I bought my son a MX500 500gb drive earlier this year for around $125 I think and just got my daughter a 500gb 860evo for $60. I remember paying over $200 for a 960gb a while ago, I am hoping when I build in 6-8 months the prices on NVME are good. I just need fast RAM to drop as well.