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  1. F

    NVIDIA Adaptive VSync Technology Review @ [H]

    Nice article, but I still either play with either Vsync On or Vsync Off. Adaptive is pretty much useless for me, even though I have 120hz displays. Why? Well, like some have said and even article mentions: "Note that tearing can technically occur if the framerate doesn't exceed the refresh...
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    AMD Catalyst 12.2 Pre-Certified Driver 2/16/2012

    Yeah, much better. No hoop and dance necessary. Run the setup -> express uninstall -> reboot -> express install -> reboot -> great success. Easy as pie.
  3. F

    Really loud Coil whine - hd 7970 with video

    Yeah, I have the same noise with BOTH of my cards. Annoying, but only if I dont have my headphones on, which I do all the time, so I guess it's not a problem for me. However, does it really mean that there is something wrong with the card? Or is it completely normal? I'm just thinking long term.
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    Is one 7970 enough for 5760x1080 gaming?

    Too many problems with Eyefinity + Crossfire. Getting a single card is probably a better option even if you sacrifice some graphical quality. I spent a month rebuilding every single part of my computer just to get 2x7970 work right in Eyefinity. Still doesnt work right. Save yourself some...
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    Whats your GPU-Z ASIC score ?

    My XFX is a horrible 61.8% but my Sapphire is 81.3%.
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    Eyefinity/Multi-7970 users bad news

    I've tried HT off before, didn't help. I'm using latest RC11 for 7970. Hm....I wonder if the drivers on the CD are non-beta? I'm pretty sure that they are even more beta than RC11, but I guess it's worth a try, although my experience with 6990+6970 tells me that I guess you have to get lucky to...
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    Eyefinity/Multi-7970 users bad news

    Yeah, I've been banging my head against the wall with this cross(crap)finity issues and it looks like the problem could be solved by better AMD drivers, but they just wont do anything about it. I know the hardware part of it, but for me to get rid of the stuttering is to use some sort of a...