Got the MSI 6800 Gaming X Trio two weeks ago (in Canada Newegg usually have stock online at around 2:30 PM on weekdays and they are usually fairly easy to get). Yesterday I was able to score a Sapphire 6800 XT Nitro + SE (again, at around 2:30 but this one went out of stock way faster than the...
The new system will probably fix nothing (except making Amazon more money). Interesting article on the subject (it's old but still relevant):
Bad sellers will keep finding ways to screw...
This game is very much niche just like previous installments. I don't get the brouhaha about this one (except for the Steam/Epic 'controversy'). I've played and enjoyed 1 and 2, and I'm enjoying this one (on Steam ;) ), even with the scenery change. The play mechanics feel like a typical Metro...
If your Steam installation is not on C: you will probably need to copy the HL2MMod folder to the Half-Life 2 Update install folder and set Launch Options to " -game HL2MMod". This is from a comment on the mod page.
Where I live 'influencers' have almost become minor celebrities. Some of them have been paraded on the most popular 'talk-show' on national TV, and given their own show on a private network owned by the largest mass media subsidiary of the largest communications network. This trend can't die...
The Elder Scrolls is a game? Feels more like a mod testing sandbox!
I’m happy to have started playing after some good mods arrived for the SE version. If the new one arrives in 2020/2021 it should be improved and worth playing by 2025!
I guess it depends if you like toying with PC hardware and getting the maximum out of it. Or if you enjoy a silent computer where water cooling would be beneficial (you could probably go with less expensive parts if it was your only goal).
But it is HardOCP here, not FlacidOCP... :D But I agree...
Great review (and in my case, hooray choice-supportive bias)! Seriously, it's an incredible block. My only regret is having to get a new one for the GTX 1180 once it's is available... :D
I enjoyed Rage once the most troublesome issues were addressed. Still, the ‘idea’ of what the game should have been was always more interesting than the game itself...
Nonetheless I’m looking forward play the rumoured sequel, but no preorder this time around...
You can also find some Watercool products at AquaTuning (they apparently have a somewhat 'peculiar' reputation but I have not had any issues last time I ordered parts from them). But they do not appear to be stocking the TR block.
Great video! I did check the others you made before installing my Threadripper and it made things a lot easier! Like you explained 'Do not be afraid to put a lot of force behind it where you need to'.
Looks like the HEATKILLER IV for GTX 1080Ti (ACRYL Ni-Bl version). The Titan/1080Ti block has a angled cutout for the DVI port.
Killer looks (in a German Industrial design kind of way), and quite heavy with the backplate (around 1050g total).
Nice review! Could be a nice choice if it was available...
And can't beleibe it took that long for AMD to sort the BIOS/Drivers issues...
Also, not sure if it's 'proper phrasing' in the conclusion: 'We experienced exceptionally well performance in DX12 API...'.
I installed one screw without the spring just to keep this from happening. This made it easyer to push down and screw down the other 3 (then I reinstalled that first one correctly).
Like you said, it probably would not have been an issue if the motherboard had been outside the case. With 2...
The light effect is nice but it's not perfectly uniform as you can see from the picture. The installation is really simple (basically place the cooler, insert screws/springs, screw everything down, and voilà!). They have included a nice hex wrench if you do not already have one.
Finally installed my Threadripper and Heatkiller yesterday (basically redid the whole loop). I did the 5-points method using ARCTIC MX-4. I'm running Prime95 blend test with everything at stock to make sure everything is stable. It's been about an hour and it's sitting around 46°C.
Look what just arrived (thanks to Watercool prioritizing paying customer over reviewer samples and FedEx delivering on a Saturday):
Not trying to rub it in... At all... :D
Seriously, looking forward to the review since I probably won't have the time to install it before then.
I would finish what you have before ordering something better/new.
You will probably use some during calibration. And on that subject, try this for calibration:
It’s a lot...
I'm mostly using PLA, from Materio3D (made in Canada). A sample (1Kg spool) is provided by Voxel Factory when purchasing the Original RepRap Prusa i3 from them. It has been working great so far!
I just received this from the Egg (1950X). I'm now waiting for the Heatkiller block and a x399 motherboard. Still undecided but the Zenith Extreme and the Designare EX are looking good. The Crosshair VI Extreme currently in my system has been a joy to work with (definitely better than the...
I guess it depends on what's the law in place where he lives. Still, it's kind of nuts for Nintendo to threaten legal action first instead of politely asking for the device back and making arrangements to pick it up.
A mess that will require a lot of Arctic Cleaner + Q-Tips to clean (did mine a few times). Just have to be careful with the SMT components. But the star pattern works great when you apply a little less. :)
Finally completed the build. Cabling could still use some attention/sleeving but using 3d printed cable combs did help.
I should receive a Watercool HTSF2 3x120 LTX radiator to replace the paint flaking EK-CoolStream XE 360 (Triple) XE currently installed.
They are usually somewhat slow to answer but they always do after a few days, mostly on It looks like they do not regularly visit their own forums... :) Jakob is great to deal with and quite helpful!
Installing this board I was reminded that it’s sometime a good idea to RTFM.
Having previously used the HERO variant of this board I made some incorrect assumptions. The ROG_EXT (the portion on the right) on the HERO can also be used as an USB2.0 header (header USB1516).
I had assumed that...
Actually... Installing this board I was reminded that it’s sometime a good idea to RTFM. :confused:
Having previously used the HERO variant of this board I made some incorrect assumptions. The ROG_EXT (the portion on the right) on the HERO can also be used as an USB2.0 header (header USB1516 in...
Quick update that has nothing to do with the memory compatibility. I'm back with the Fatal1ty X370 Professional Gaming. After rebuilding everything (including my water cooling loop), I found out that the USB15 header (the only internal USB 2.0 header) on the CH6 Extreme is not working...
I could never get 3000+ stable on my ASUS CH6, but it was working perfectly on my Fatal1ty X370 Professional Gaming, and now on my Crosshair VI Extreme. I'm using 2 sets of G.SKILL Flare X Series (4 x 8GB) F4-3200C14D-16GFX.