I just purchased a Samsung Q60 43" 4K TV to use as my primary display. Previously I was using another 43" 4K display (LG 43MU79-B) and had virtually no issues with using it as a monitor out of the box. I am replacing it with this Samsung since it recently got damaged in transit and I happen to...
Recently there have been vertical dashed lines that appear to be "moving" upward on my ZR2740W, connected via DP. My other monitor, a U2711 connected via DVI, doesn't seem to have this problem. They are virtually invisible when I am a few feet away from the monitor, but become visible if I am...
Comments should be removed if they are clearly flaming, trolling, or blatantly off topic political banter, and that is something that does happen a lot. Several posts above mine are evidence of the latter offense, but sometimes the conversation can be surprisingly civil and insightful. There is...
I just attempted this on my 5 year old laptop with Linux Mint. I think in the future this could be quite amazing, especially if they manage to get this to work over the internet, but it seems a little limited right now in my usage case. Every game I attempted to stream had some noticeable amount...
If this thread is any indication, most of the hate is coming from people who have never played the games or owned the console. Furthermore this is [H] after all so a lot of people here believe specs are important, even though there is really nothing wrong with how games like Super Mario 3D World...
You are joking, right? Disregarding the plethora of such comments on this forum alone for the Wii U, it was a very common disparaging remark against Nintendo when the N64 and Gamecube performed relatively poorly sales wise. I am calling it out because no matter how many times it is said...
This is just a guess but maybe it is because many users are starting to switch to SSDs as their primary storage for games, and the drive steam is installed on may be the only drive that counts in the survey, and of course very few users own 1TB+ SSDs. I myself store all my games on an SSD now...
Anyone else bothered by the fact that the firm had to pay a mere $40,000 for losing? I remember copyright holders being awarded up to $500,000+ in damages from just one person, while in this case the law firm allegedly attempted to extort thousands of people.
Having just beaten the final boss, I felt the game was good overall but a downgrade compared to Dark Souls 1. On a technical level it is far better as far as the PC version goes of course and the interface and online play feel more streamlined this time around, but the gameplay felt like a step...
Another update, for some reason both automatic blocking and sprinting are enabled by default. These tend to be more of a hinderance than a benefit, so press X and M to disable them both when you start the came and check your key bindings. Otherwise I have no problems with the default controls.
I just loaded up the game and started the opening area. Here are my impressions so far:
-Graphics and performance seem to be far better than in Dark Souls 1 even with DSFix. Basically, Durante's article on PC Gamer was accurate but it needs to be seen to be believed. I am running max settings...
I am with you on this, though mostly from a role playing perspective. For me, I feel more badass lugging around a giant club than poking people with a rapier.
Also, has anyone else here pre-ordered the game on steam? I am assuming the pre-order extras will be distributed at launch, but does...
What kind of high school did you attend? That's a rather unfair way to characterize teachers as a whole. My teachers spanned the entire spectrum of quality, I have had some who were indeed "lazy babysitters" (like this one), but the rest of them were actually passionate about their job and...
The graphics look pretty good to my eyes. Not as good as Super Mario 3D land, but still noticeably better than any other Mario Kart game I have played. That's good enough for me as long as the game is at least as fun as others in the series. To those that feel "disappointed", what did you...
I must admit your points are actually very convincing, and I apologize for my misguided view earlier. I think many people who saw the headline and that one quote, including myself, had a negative gut reaction but upon reading the actual memo I am starting to think that it makes more sense. It's...
I don't regularly use such internet slang, so I am aware that they aren't talking about me. However I have no reason to denigrate those that do. I am sure most of them are regular people just like you and I. The motivation of this editor's memo is to make the writing on Gawker appear more...
Please don't try to start another climate change argument here, the recent creationism thread is bad enough. Though many of the statements in that article are correct, I will at least agree that the headline is over sensationalized.
Also for those that have never heard of Gawker: Kotaku...
Wow, didn't take long for people in this thread to attack wind energy. And pretty all of these attacks are wrong. Oh sure, wind turbines do kill birds, but more birds are killed by energy production from fossil fuels.
Source: Sovacool 2012
Then again, I am more surprised that you...
I previously used the original Microsoft Sidewinder which was an enormous palm gripping mouse. When I switched to the much smaller G9x, it felt very uncomfortable and I was on the verge of returning it. Now I absolutely love it and am glad that I chose to stick with it for the past two years...
Why are politics being debated in this thread? Both parties have been guilty of anti-gaming legislation. I used to frequent Gamepolitics a long time ago, and the name Leland Yee definitely rings a bell. Say what you will, but this is one of the best things to happen for gamers since Jack...
I feel the same way about Comcast, almost. I still think it is overpriced and of course I hate their customer service with a passion. But at least it is stable and decently fast at 30 Mbps. Like you I have had the unfortunate pleasure of being stuck with AT&T DSL when I was renting a room during...
With character builds I generally like to pump points into one physical attacking stat (either Str or Dex), then add at least enough points to Faith to use the weapon buffing miracles (Darkmoon Blade or Sunlght Blade). You can't obtain either of these until you reach Anor Londo though.
To: People saying it's "just a theory"
Please take some effort to read further into the thread as it seems that someone has to explain the definition of "theory" in a scientific context once every two pages.
In any case this is probably the best single explanation yet. Props to you.
Whenever I talk to someone that isn't familiar with net neutrality, I usually send this link:
As effective of a graphic I think it is, I once got an instant "government regulation = bad" response from a family member and so they don't support net neutrality. Kind of...
We do not have a spare Earth, but various aspects of the theory are directly observable (for example, how the greenhouse effect increases tempurature). Human CO2 emissions are also measurable. Given that we have observed an unprecedented long-term (30+ year) trend in mean-surface temperature...
When I meant clear, I didn't mean just draining the floodwaters, but also beating the Four Kings. Since getting the Very Large Ember is relatively easy to do, draining the water for that is worth it if you are going the +15 upgrade route, and also because the enemies there drop Titanite Chunks...
Funny, another misuse of the term "theory". Let us recap:
Global warming is an observable and testable phenomenon. So is evolution. Creationism is not.
There is an established consensus among scientists about Evolution and AGW, but not creationism.
Denialists dismiss AGW as as "just...
In order to advance to the bottom half you need to kill the old man on the roof of the last building (Ingward) or talk to him after clearing Anor Londo to obtain the key. Unless you intend to join the Darkwraith Covenant, there is not much of a point in clearing New Londo Ruins early. Killing...
You (and many others) seem to misunderstand how "theory" and "fact" are used in scientific context. Unlike in the context of public speaking, where theory often implies a significant amount of uncertainty, the scientific use of theory refers to an explanation for facts that is well supported by...
How far in the game have you gotten? The stray demon can be relatively tough the first time you fight him since it can be difficult to figure out how to dodge his AoE attack. In any case, there are many more difficult bosses in the game than the stray demon to come, especially once you get to...
Right now it is very tempting for me to read the wikis and watch video playthroughs as I wait for April 25 to come. On the bright side, the hype for Dark Souls II seems to have lead to an increase in activity in Dark Souls 1, meaning I can get lots of invasions in the starting areas. If you were...