$100 shipped from 78213 using USPS and PayPal.
It ran great until late 2019 when I upgraded to an AM4 system. I had a local shop pop the lid and replace the old TIM with liquid metal and epoxied it back on. It was run on a push/pull 120mm radiator Corsair AIO the year I ran it (bought it second...
I have an old Intel DH61CR (socket 1155) with 8GB of RAM in it and a celeron G530 in it that's basically worthless. Bonus points if you're in or near south Texas.
You still looking for a 3770k? I have one that was delidded/relidded by a local shop in SA using the proper tool and put whatever the cool kids use to replace the tim (I forget which one, I think Kryonaut). It was kept cool and happy with a small AIO loop until I upgraded to AM4 a year and some...
3770k here (that I upgraded to from a 2500k about a year and a half ago to give it some extra life while I waited...) ready to upgrade.
Looking forward to reviews, and I'll basically buy whichever has the best single threaded performance paired with the most cores. Hopefully reviews drop before...
I'm not sure how this relationship was formed, but I have to admit, I'm a fan. :) Of the VPN services I've trialed, Mullvad thus far has been my favorite!
I saw that price on launch day, but even by the end of the day, the prices had gone up. As of today, they're still selling for $580 basically everywhere:
Amazon: $580 https://www.amazon.com/Intel-i9-9900K-Desktop-Processor-Unlocked/dp/B005404P9I/
NewEgg: $580...
I have a GTX 970 and I grabbed a Gigabyte $499 model as it had a backplate and 8+6 pin power over eVGA's naked card and 8-pin only. I would consider a 1080 or a 1080ti at a good price, but I want either a new card, or a card with plenty of warranty that's easily transferrable (follows card; I...
The 9900k found it’s way on Amazon a bit early and sold out; street price looks to be $499 - also posted up on B&H for all 3 versions
I saw a brand new Model 3 off the line at my detailer, and the paint was honestly pretty bad; lots of drips/debris/bubbles in the paint. I really hope they sort it out, as Tesla cars are a thing I would like to eventually own, but I would be pretty upset with the paint I saw at the prices they cost.
The Voodoo 5500 AGP was the first piece of "kit" that I ever got and started me down the path of computers and PC gaming (along with the rest the my first system, who's specs I still remember). This thread makes me so very happy. :)
I'm curious if the Scanner Technology produces different results based on card temps; how well would the same card OC in a well ventilated case vs one that's struggling to keep cool.
Thanks for the great write-up! I enjoyed the last two sections the most, for sure. Keeps us in the loop when you get the motherboard situation sorted out. :)
Great review! Glad to see AMD back in the game, so to speak.
I'm curious about the dead CPU; was it a test bench CPU that only ran benchmarks @ 5GHz @ some voltage, or was it living in a desktop which it was borrowed from as needed? I haven't seen a confirmed kill on a newer intel CPU in...
Also curious; I have a Corsair AIO en route and was debating using the stock paste vs swapping AS5 on there. To be fair, I'll probably use the stock stuff and try AS-5 if I don't like what i see, but seeing some numbers side by side would be nice.
You really can't overhype the benefits of delidding. I had a local shop delid and relid my 3770k with one of these, and I'm still working through AS5 burn-in, and temps dropped by ~20C.
As someone who's been overclocking for like 15 years and manually delidded his Opteron 165 with a razor...
I saw that one sell! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I considered it too, but I'm an old man now and didn't want to deal with the mounting issues that come with it; my last delidded processor was an opteron 165 lol.
This was mostly for dudes like me who want a drop-in replacement to their 1155 boxes as opposed to building new (building new would be something entirely different) and still want to overclock. That said, that HP all-in-one is a pretty dope deal as well!
I'm not sure about the rules on this, but I figured this was a good community to share it with. It appears to be a shop that parts out PCs and sells the parts. I've been looking for...
Thanks for the recommendation; I grabbed the True-Fi product trial from Sonarworks and I have to say, it's done wonders! :) At least to my ears. I can see the cans drop off at <100Hz, which I assume is because they're open back. I need to compare the two products and see which makes sense, as I...
I'm pretty new to this; I finally decided to dabble with a decent set of cans and I managed to grab a set of HD650s in the recent Massdrop order for December, and I grabbed the Magni 3 / Modi 2 Schiit Stack to go with it.
Mostly I'm looking for anything obvious to do/look out for. So far, it...
I got 4 of the NESNs @ the $160 price and I got four Reds with 256MB of cache: WD80EFAX
I picked up two sets of two at different stores so different serial number prefixes and I got reds all the same. $150 is a solid deal IMO if you don’t want to bother with the 3.3v issue, but remember...
Drop just sold out! I ordered a set since I've been on the hunt for a set of 650s for a few months. Looking forward to giving them a try; I'll pick up an amp once they arrive.
My wife and I both use fancy chairs at home (Haworth Zody). I chose them because I sit in them 8 hours a day at work (and have for the last 7 years) and they're the best chair I've used to date (you don't think about it; you just use it and you're comfortable for long periods). I also got a...
So I've been out of the loop for quite a while. I've been looking around at my current options for LGA 1155, and it appears I could go 2600K or 3770K for an upgrade, though the latter costs $150-200 or so. Best I can tell, the 2500K is worth like $75 now if I can find a buyer for it. Any...