While those are good recommendations, I would imagine he might be talking about games made for the PS3. There's a fair chance that if he's asking about RPGs for the PS3 he might already be well versed on PS and PS2 RPGs.
No, actually, he was telling you that the Wii U is off to selling the SAME QUANTITY OR MORE than consoles that sold close to 100 million. In the same stretch of time, the Wii U is on target to beat the PS3 sales for the same period in their lifespan.
Do you really need people to give you...
It depends on how the manufacturing process is used. A smaller manufacturing process, coupled with a well designed layout, can reduce inefficiencies and delays in processing. Both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 had several revisions to reduce the manufacturing process, yes, but they never took...
MK7 had customizable vehicles, so I would imagine they'd continue with that they've established in the most recent game.
I love the levels they showed off in the last trailer, and I'm holding out hope that the anti-gravity mechanic allows for F-zero like pipe tracks. I loved the last 2...
Hard to say. It might be a lack of shipments to replenish for a spike in demand.
So far, the implication is that the Wii U's demand is steadily increasing in December in most markets.
Yep. Ninja Gaiden 3 had shitty storytelling too, and the gameplay was monotonous. Also, for some reason it felt derogatory against women. And men. Well, whoever was playing it at the time.
I don't know about that.
Seriously though, games represent a time commitment and the amount of time I'd have to spend on Aliens: CM represents to me far greater of value than the fun I'd get out of it.
It sounds like Team Ninja was butthurt by people complaining about the game, and tried to blame Sakamoto. And I played Ninja Gaiden 3 on the Wii U myself, and that felt like proof enough for me that they were mostly responsible.
Europe is also harder to predict. The PS3 was supposed to demolish the Xbox 360 because they have always favored Sony consoles in Europe and in Japan, but it didn't QUITE work out that way. Nintendo has weird blind spots in Europe, ignoring countries for localization reasons, so they have...
"Firmly in third" indicates there has never been a month, a week, a day, or a second where the PS3 had more total sales than the Xbox 360. It's been playing catch up for 7 years. That is why I said "Firmly in third".
Sakamoto didn't write the final script. Team Ninja rewrote a lot of it and screwed with the designs. Team Ninja was handed character designs for Samus in her zero suit and put in a lot of notes not to change it, but they did anyways. For example, Sakamoto wrote, in bold letters, "Samus does NOT...
No, I was actually indicating the sales totals from Sony and Microsoft. Microsoft had reached the 80 million consoles sold mark back in October, and Sony reached the same milestone in November. And considering these numbers are official from the manufacturers, I'm more inclined to believe that...
The clock speed of a processor doesn't matter nearly as much as you're claiming. Keep in mind, the Xbox One and Ps4 are clocked with a processor speed of 1.8 ghtz per core. The Wii U was made with a 45nm process and has much more cache than the PS3 or Xbox 360 have. It's also several generations...
I will just stick to my PC. I'll be happy scrounging around for sales on hardware I want, and load it onto my PC. I don't like the look of the controller, since I have a laptop table in my living room to put my wireless mouse and keyboard onto it. I also don't want to be locked into a single...
I agree with the graphics quality. Either they better have a large number of enemies to justify the scaling back of the graphics, or this better be an alpha.
Can we please please PLEASE combine Dragon's Dogma and Demons Souls? I'd wade through any difficult game that takes that combat system and puts it into a better game. Fuck that felt good.
As for RPGs... this was not a great generation for JRPGs. The western RPGs were more numerous and on...
Fact is, when Nintendo announces any new hardware at this point, Microsoft and Sony immediately stop what they're doing and try and copy it. Smat Glass and Vita support, anyone? Move and Kinect?
Hell, right now Sony fans are probably begging for some "Old, played out games" on their PS4...
Nintendo is releasing this Retro NES game download thing today, where they modified 16 NES games into minigames and made changes, (ie Excitebike in the dark with your headlight on, etc), and stuff. Golf was made available for Wii Sports Club, they showed off more Mario Kart 8 tracks and...
Just in: Wii U has been doubling sales week per week in Japan, and in North America. Last week the Wii U sold 74,000 consoles, and the 3DS sold nearly 200,000 in a single week, just in Japan. No, the handheld market isn't shrinking, I think you're pulling numbers out of your ass again.
The Ps3 never actually saw widespread shortages despite what Sony claimed (Penny Arcade and anyone with a camera took pictures to prove it), and Sony also produced far fewer consoles than Nintendo did.
Sony can't produce a profit to save their life. For a company that's "Dying", Nintendo still makes a profit in the millions. And Sony doesn't own third parties, hence the term "third parties". Right now, you're seeing the "shiny new" factor when it comes to people buying the PS4, and with such a...
Exactly. That's the situation you would sue the developer. Chargebacks are for literal services/goods not rendered. When a developer fulfills even a portion of their promise, it makes it much more difficult to justify a chargeback, legally.
Most things are being destroyed by the 3DS. If the Vita gets a huge influx of games, or at least a steady influx of good games, then it'll probably improve significantly in sales.
Eh, it depends. If you can give yourself a goal and feel like you want to explore the game and the game mechanics, then the game might be for you, imagination or not. I suck at imagining things, but I still built a castle in Minecraft that was pretty functional. I even had buckets of lava stored...
You mostly just want to make sure that it's a USB drive that has it's own power supply. Don't go for portable drives if they get their power from the USB. That's the biggest thing I'd want to make sure.
OH, almost forgot, Nintendo is broadcasting a Nintendo Direct tomorrow to show off Wii U and 3DS games coming out this spring. It'll probably be Donkey Kong Country, Mario Kart 8, Bravely Default and a few other 3DS games, but there's some that people are hoping to hear about, like Bayonetta 2...