It's your call really. Alot of chips do just fine without de-lidding. Mine hit 4.7 before de-lidding, it hits 5.0 now at the same temperature in IBT as 4.7 used to since de-lidding. If you have no use for 5.0 which most people don't then you won't need to de-lid. But if you are in pursuit of the...
You should be fine. Mine was a 3570k but I was able to hit 4.8 without delidding. After I de-lidded I went from being temperature limited to vcore limited. A true should do just fine as the heat is actually trapped between the die and the heatsink and the bad intel TIM makes the thermal transfer...
I am going to assume that 30 degrees is his idle temp and by giving that to us it says to me that he should not be overclocking without some major help.
He is running at 4.8GHz sonda5.
While having the vcore at 1.45v is a bit high for that multi on average (4.8 needs about 1.36v on mine), it is believable if he doesn't have an awesome chip. I bet he could get 4.5 stable with 1.2v or just a touch more with that chip. Most people can't tell...
I would run 1.45 24/7 if my temps were in check. Ivy is a new chip design and intel says 1.52. Whether it is true or not only time will tell. Keep running at 1.45 and you can become a data point for us to see if it is indeed alright.
Yeah he did well. It was the right choice going with a 750w instead of getting one that did not allow for expansion. I only looked at corsair because that is what I usually buy, but seasonic is usually seen as equivalent or a bit better so it is a good choice. I am at work so I read the first...
If you are going to spend $75 why don't you just get this for $10 more after rebate and be future proofed incase you decide to buy another 670 one day when prices become cheap.
It is all lottery. My 3570k does 4.8GHz happily and benches a little better than a 2500k at 5.0GHz. I think 2 GPU generations down the road you will find that PCIE 2.0 is not enough anymore. That could be as early as spring 2014 with an 800 series nvidia GPU if you look at the monster the 700...
Anyone tried the maldo 4.0 texture pack? I tried to install it today and it kept erroring during the unzip. I downloaded is from maldo site beta version 4.0 and downloaded unrar. Then I unzipped using unrar into the crisis 2 folder it gives me an error saying the file refused to be unpacked...
I have two 680's getting 98% usage. Framerate seems to be 60-90 FPS on the best playable GTX680 settings found in the review.
I am about an hour and a half in and have been completely sucked into the game. Definitely glad I picked it up on steam today! I got the guide too, it was only $5...
Nice voltage for 4.8 CC. I think you should have no problem with 4.9, hopefully the chip is willing, but it won't fail from temps.
Just a question, how come you stopped worker 1 & 4 early, is there a story behind that?
I saw that one earlier. Sorry coreStoffer :(
I believe he said it was done trying to get the corner of the razor blade in first instead of using the middle of the razor blade.
forgot about the hard buyers link :( But I was able to snag a GTX680 FTW off of amazon for $469 today $449 after rebate. So I will be SLI'd sometime next week and can begin saving for a backup chip for de-lidding. The plan is in motion.
Is there any type of discount from using the buyers...
I have read that 3770's get lower Gflops in IBT because of hyperthreading. It is normal for this type of application.
check post #8
grats! Now go play some games finally :) I am getting my second card hopefully next week. If I can get about 99% usage on them both at whatever game I am playing at the time then I will probably scale back to 4.5 as well. I like that nice low voltage and temp. Gaming under 50 degrees C is...
I just burned at maximum with xtreme stress checked at 4.5GHz in diagnostic mode at 1.154v on load. LLC was @ 2 and 1.165v bios using 7317MB of ram.
Temps were 60-64-64-62 during the 3rd pass where I shut it down because I don't run that setting anyway. The reason I compared this was not to...
Hi Sonda5. Are you gonna run your chip at 4.5 24/7? I saw you were getting more out of it last week. 4.7 or 4.8 at good volts (low 1.3's)? I like 4.7 at 1.296v the best for my system right now. I can do 4.8 or 4.9 but they are 1.35v and 1.4v respectively. I have been basically running the 4.7 as...
I haven't delidded at all and using an air cooler. I don't think my temps are much higher than either of yours. But I am not sure if I can run 4.5 at 1.128v either. I think I am more around 1.18v but I will give it a try tonight if I get a chance. I will also see if I can get away with the lower...
damn! you probably could have mounted that chunk and given it to your girl :) i would have been worried to use it again. nice of them to replace the block if it was the tims fault.
Define easily? Just curious about what design limits you are referring to? I find the post to be very vague, perhaps I am just not understanding as easily as you do.
i love those xlf fans. i use them in my case .. 2 orange xlf on the d14 with a rear orange xlf on the case. it looks nice against the three blue coolermaster 200mm fans top side n front in my haf932. i love the white and orange theme and your wiring is far superior :)