Well that and ATI might want 4850 reviews to hit the net before Nvidia can release their so-called "performance drivers' for the 9800GTX. Lifting the NDA this Thursday or Friday gives Nvidia virtually no time to get these drivers in shape and into the hands of reviewers so they can incorporate...
Talk about eye opening! That French review has made me a believer! The 4850 routinely beats the 9800 GTX and even manages to match and in some cases beats the GTX 260... simply amazing! :eek:
Here are the benchmark results.
All tests 1920x1200 & 1920x1200 w/4xAA
Enemy Territory...
I think I'm going to sweat it out until Thanksgiving or XMas but I still cannot bring myself to pay more than $250-275 for a 3D card. I may lust for the 4870 but I feel non-reference 4850 overclocked by the manufacturer is in the cards for me.
Watch for Nvidia to aggressively slashes prices...
Doesn't it? I don't know if we'll have to wait too long but the fact that two 4850's in Crossfire configuration can whup a GTX 280 in some gaming benchmarks means ATI can take its time and ensure that the R700's launch and drivers are done properly.
You just know Nvidia is sweating bullets...
Don't you mean the 4870? Many retailers already have the 4850 in stock and its original release date was supposed to be today or tomorrow. It is the availability of GDDR5 RAM that has prevented the 4870 from being available in substantial numbers for the launch next Monday. I believe ATI...
Tweaktown posted a post-launch article on the GTX 280 called "How NVIDIA Stuffed the GTX 280" earlier today. It contains some incredibly exciting news regarding the 4850's performance in Crossfire configuration...
"Super high resolutions" are only part of the equation. When you have incredibly resource hungry games like Crysis or Age of Conan then running them smoothly at resolutions of 1280x1024, 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1600x1200 or 1920x1200 with all the bells and whistles and anti-aliasing and...
Very exciting news! I hope this seemingly impressive performance holds out when the official reviews hit the net.
However I can think of one reason why it's a crying shame this rumor is being transformed from whispers and nebulous conjecture to an semi-solid fact. Why? Because ATI was...
Here is your Kudos. Now go get fat, you earned it!
Good point but when it comes to the high end segment a little performance difference between the fastest and the 'almost fastest' usually translates into a $50+ difference. Nvidia might wind up with another 8800 GTS/ 8800...
Well time and time again we've been plastered with rumors and pre-release snippets of incredible synthetic benchmarks scores prior to the release of new cards and yet the gargantuan performance boosts on games we can actually play is rarely realized. Yes, I think it's safe to say the GTX 280...
Heh, good point. Keep in mind those are Valve's numbers, not mine. Valve is either cooking the books or the missing 3.7% belongs to those poor souls who don't even classify as 'Other'.
Given the phenomenal success of HL1, HL2, the HL1 & 2 mods (i.e. Counterstrike) and TF2 then Steam users...
For those of you who are stupefied as to why AMD remains adamant on supporting 'obsolete' AGP motherboards take a look at the results of Valve's handy little system survey...
I find it funny that only Nvidia user info is available for the Bus...
The one thing ATI has going for it lately is the solid success of its budget cards. This is the one area where ATI is seemingly doing better than Nvidia. ATI's 2400 & 2600 cards compare unfavorably in benchmarks to Nvidia's 8500 & 8600 cards but they're cheaper to buy and are probably cheaper...
Sounds like a bad card, just send it back. Defective electronics are like those sickly puppies on display in pet store windows; you'll always have problems with it and the problems usually get worse with age.
Don't bother talking to the manufacturer's tech support, just bring it back to the...
I agree but I have a sneaking suspicion that if ATI's upcoming cards don't match or surpass Nvidia's latest and greatest then your price projections will be a touch off the mark. I can recall the great deals on 8800GTS 320meg and 640meg cards (320meg GTS for ~$220, 640meg GTS for ~310) prior to...
My W2207 has some backlight bleed but it's so faint and relatively unnoticeable compared to most TN panel monitors I've seen. My previous LCD, a Viewsonic VX2235, had horrendous backlight bleed compared to the W2207.
I really wouldn't worry about that. The same thing happened when I checked out the W2207 in Circuit City. The store's overhead fluorescent lights made it extremely difficult to view the screen without reflections. Attempting to eliminate some of the reflections by placing my hand over the...
The fact that the monitor is shaking even with normal typing or mouse movement tells me your desk is the problem, not the W2207's stand. My desk at home is pretty hefty and it takes a considerable bump or nudge to make the monitor or anything else on its surface vibrate or move. Even when I'm...
I finally got rid of my VX2235 and returned it at Costco. Even at $300 I cannot recommend this monitor.
To replace my VX2235 I picked up the HP W2207 when it was on sale for $329 last week and have had zero regrets. The W2207 has superior color, image quality, fully adjustable & rotateable...
Ah understood, my apologies for the misread. Well point number two really stinks and puts you in a bit of a bind. If you're still adamant about getting a price match at BB the only thing I can suggest is to go back and bump up your request to a supervisor or manager (if you haven't already...
Go to Circuit City's website and print out their page for the 226BW.
Then click on the link that says 'see sale price in cart'. The revealed sale price in the pop...
The ghosting must be the by product of the 'C' panel. I have not seen a single post by people who purchased a 226BW made with a 'S' panel that cited ghosting or streaking in games.
Rather than a 22" Acer I recommend you give the HP W2207 a try instead. Many people who were considering the...
I nearly overlooked the W2207 because it wasn't sitting with the other monitors on display (all of which were running those low rez CC promo animations that make any monitor look awful). I spotted the 226BW but it was daisy chained to a single source like most of the LCDs there and running that...
Geez louise what a great monitor!
So I've had my Viewsonic VX2235 since I bought it at Costco late last December. With the exception of its less than desirable default settings and some very odd and tiny 'tears' or holes in the anti-glare coating I was fairly satisfied with it. Ok, to be...
I wouldn't get too excited over this monitor just yet...
All you need to do is check out that pdf file for the VX2255 linked in an earlier post.
The official PR buzz line says stuff like... 1000:1 Contrast Ratio! 300 cd/m2 Brightness levels! Gosh golly wowzers!
That's all very nice but...
Well the impression I got from TestRossa's posts in the other thread is that there is a qualitative difference between the Samsung panel and the AOC one.
I'm in the same boat as you. I am really hoping one can tell which panel is present by the label on the box.
Yes, I would really like to know this as well. It would save alot of time & trouble as well as a 15% restocking fee if you can tell just by looking at the label on the box.
I'm really kicking myself for not picking one up at my local CC a week or so ago. They're out of stock now.
No, the point is that many people surmise the initial batches of 226BWs, the ones that received stellar reviews overseas and in enthusiast forums, were made with the new Samsung panel, not the AOC one. Now that the word is out and demand has been created Samsung probably cannot keep up with the...
The switch to AOC panels is terrible news! Of course, now that I am panicking and worried the 226BW is sold out at my local Circuit City! I should have gotten one weeks ago. This is what I get for holding out for price drops...
Looks like we might have another panel lottery in the works...
Please keep in mind virtually all 20" & 22" LCDs that use TN panels have terrible default color settings. You should not rely on the monitor's factory presets or any color setting modes it may offer via it's menu (i.e., photo, movies, games, etc.). Basically in order to get the most out of...
Finally, Lesnumeriques.com has reviewed the 226BW...
In terms of image quality, response time and other...
First of all thanks for your comments and input on this monitor!
Well if your desktop is set to 32bit color and you're noticing color banding on the same exact images displayed on both your LCD and your CRT then the 226BW clearly isn't the culprit.
Update and a horror story...
So I've been fairly happy with my VX2235 until a few weeks ago. I was performing some monitor tests and I noticed some tiny areas of the screen that looked like blurred areas or smudges (they're really not that obvious). Usually when you see something like that...
Pathetically brief review of the 226BW...
Well brief or not at least it makes a point of mentioning whether the 226BW has decent viewing angles. This seems to jibe with the (seemingly) improved viewing angles of...
Difficult to say. I haven't seen a single official or unofficial review (in English) about these new monitors. I'm new to the LCD scene (just got a Viewsonic VX2235 last December) and am not really familiar with LG's tech but based on Samsung's recent track record in LCDs and the positive...
If you're intent on dropping $300-380 for a 22" LCD then I'd seriously consider waiting until the new batch of 22" LCDs to hit the market. Samsung's new 226BW is just about to hit the shelves and I think it's a safe bet to say it will be qualitatively superior to the 225BW which I believe it...
I think it's safe to assume that the 206BW and 226BW models will signal the immediate discontinuation of the 205BW and 225BW.
Based on the claimed performance and MSRP of these new models I cannot find a single reason for anyone to purchase a 205BW or 225BW right now, especially since the new...
I thought it was the other way around with the VG2230 being a tad brighter than the VX2235 but according to Viewsonic's website both monitors sport the exact same brightness & contrast specs (they're obviously based on the same TN panel).
The only real differences between the two models is...
Keep in mind these Chi Mei built 22" TN panel monitors that are flooding the market are 'budget oriented' and not of the greatest quality and are notorious for their mediocre if not awful default color and image settings.
Like you I initially found my VX2235's color and brightness/contrast...